I haven't been quiet for a few days, and there are people who are full and fine looking for trouble.

This time, I don't know what I want to do. Ye Heng is a little confused.

Whose cake did he move?

Soon, Wang Congcong commented directly on Weibo, and Aite wrote this... Weibo Big.

"What kind of thing are you? You dare to say that about me and my buddy. When I dig out the people behind you, I will settle the account with you."

Wang Congcong responded directly and publicly with an extremely tough attitude.

Immediately below, there is no support.

These people are all fans of Ye Heng and Wang Congcong.

"The principal is mighty, I don't believe Master Ye is such a person."

"This person is not looking for trouble when he is full. How Master Ye usually lives is none of their business."

"There is really a group of jealous and jealous monsters who always dislike others."

"I'm wondering, does Master Ye ask for your opinion in life?"

"Mad, I've been fortunate enough to go to Master Ye. Master Ye is definitely not that kind of person."

...........Wang has been mobilizing contacts since then and vowed to find out about this matter.

As for Ye Heng...it doesn't matter.

Continue to assemble the mechanical beasts and horses in the studio.

After spending an hour.

This mechanical beast horse based on the sweaty horse was successfully produced.

Outside, there was a very loud roar of a horse.

"You're called a pony."

Ye Heng said.

The pony rubbed his head on Ye Heng very obediently.

And motioned Ye Heng to ride on his body.

A horse, if you want to ride on it, must be able to tame it.

............ And the bloody horse, this kind of nobleman among horses, is very difficult to tame.

But the pony is a mechanical beast made by Ye Heng, so he naturally listens to the words of the master Ye Heng very much.

Ye Heng smiled, then turned over onto the pony's back.


Ye Heng gave an order.

The pony raised its front hooves slightly, its back hooves exerted force, and ran out directly.

The speed is very fast! As a sweaty BMW, a noble and king in the horse class, the pony's appearance is extremely handsome, and it runs very fast.

It was very stable on horseback.

The pony carried Ye Heng and ran wildly on the flat ground.

Not long after, a canal appeared in front of me, although it was not wide, it was not narrow either.

But the pony, with its hind hooves exerting force, jumped over the canal with ease.

The pony ran wild with Ye Heng on its back for more than ten minutes before it was satisfied.

After a while, Ye Heng came back on a pony.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Qingchu came out of the room, but her face was not very good.

"What's wrong"

Ye Heng said: "Is it because I don't care about my comments on the Internet..."


Zhang Qingchu shook his head.

Regarding Ye Heng's fishing reel, Zhang Qingchu will still be nervous for the first time and the second time.

But then I found out that it's not necessary at all...

Ye Heng's strength is enough to shut up those people.

And what makes Zhang Qingchu look bad is another thing.

"what happened"

Ye Heng asked.

"Douyin has encountered a strong enemy, and the market has been occupied recently."

Zhang Qingchu said divination.

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Chapter [-] things are clear (please order!)

: The commercial plots are all foreshadowing for the protagonist to show his craftsmanship! After Zhang Qingchu recounted what happened.

Ye Heng knew what happened.

Just when Ye Heng rode out on a pony.

Zhang Qingchu received a call from her father Zhang Ming.

Zhang Qingchu is now almost focusing on Ye Heng's company, and Zhang Qingchu doesn't deal much with the Douyin company.

But once something big happens, Zhang Ming will still contact Zhang Qingchu.

Because Zhang Qingchu, who has business acumen, can often come up with very good solutions.

This time the thing is.

The international version of Douyin has been countered in overseas markets.

Fighting back, it was the first company that occupied the overseas market earlier than Douyin.

This is also a short video software company, and it is earlier than Douyin's entry into overseas markets.

At first for.. Douyin's occupation of the market, [-]"

1 The company has adopted relevant policies.

But the effect is not good.

Compared with 1, the international version of Douyin has more features, more concise and aspect, and the video content above is also more attractive.

But 1, as an old short video platform, it is naturally not vegetarian.

Under the improvement, some users have been saved a little.

But it has not completely crushed Douyin.

On the one hand, Douyin has increased capital in overseas markets and is ready to step up its efforts to occupy all overseas markets.

After investing a lot of money, the effect is also very significant.

It's almost catching up with 1 company, but I suddenly discovered it recently.

1 The company even entered the domestic market.

Users of short video software who want to win a piece of the pie from Douyin and Kuaishou.

However, because of the relatively slow entry, 1's progress in the domestic market is very slow.

Because whether it is video or software, it is much worse than Douyin, even Kuaishou.

So even if there is a plan to occupy users in the domestic market, the progress is quite slow.

But just today! 1 suddenly changed, as if preparing to use the greatest strength to challenge Douyin.

It has even begun to dig some well-known Internet celebrities, and invite some stars to endorse.

The cost of doing so is huge.

However, according to a survey conducted by relevant personnel of Douyin, 1 company's funds are not as good as Douyin's.

In the battle to occupy overseas markets, 1 also spent a lot of money.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to have such an abundance of funds.

So, there must be someone behind the scenes.

On domestic Douyin, some people even forcibly upload and send vulgar and malicious videos.

In this way, the consequences for Douyin are... , the above is eyeing.

If the domestic Douyin is required to be rectified by the above: phase, then the national version of Douyin will be lost.

There are already many news websites that have begun to expose the negative news of Douyin.

So Zhang Ming called to inform Zhang Qing and asked Zhang Qingchu if there was any good way.

From the current information, it can be determined that 1 company.

Some people are supporting it, but it is definitely not possible to rely on individuals alone. It should also be a big company.

Ye Heng thought for a while.

It is not accidental that this Weibo who appeared on Weibo today carelessly smeared his own news.

It must have something to do with Douyin being targeted.

Because Ye Heng has almost become the spokesperson of Douyin now, although he has not received advertisements or promoted them.

But whoever mentioned Ye Heng, not everyone would say it.

There is a magical master of craftsmanship on Douyin.

If it can stink Ye Heng's name, it will undoubtedly make Douyin lose an extremely powerful strength indirectly.

Douyin is Zhang Qingchu's father, Zhang Ming's hard work.

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