If it weren't for Ye Heng's strong physical fitness, Ye Heng would not dare to do this.

On the Douyin video, Wang Congcong's explanation also made many people understand.

At the same time, it has made everyone look forward to it even more! If a mechanical beast dragon that can fly is really produced, it will definitely be a miracle in the craftsmanship, and even the craftsmanship.

Master Ye's reputation will reverberate throughout China.

Time passed slowly, and the night was slowly getting deeper.

Ye Heng, who was making the parts, was so fast that Li Qingyu couldn't keep up with his eyes.

The time required to make each part is within Ye Heng's calculation.

Zhang Qing was tired from looking at the computer at first, so she put her eyes on Ye Heng, which was a special kind of relaxation.

Ye Heng, who is busy, has a really charming temperament! In the studio, there is Wang Congcong, so there will be no shortage of snacks prepared in it.

There are some imported snacks, which taste good, but there are also nutty foods that Zhang Qingchu and others like to eat.

On the other hand, Komatsu, the mechanical beast who was on the task of peeling the shell, was peeling the shell with his own teeth, watching Wang Cong with envy on his face.

Look at the lives of master craftsmen.

Even peeling the shells is done with mechanical beasts, which is so awesome that it can fly.

Staying up all night is very harmful to the body. Zhang Qingchu took advantage of Ye Heng's busyness to put some snacks into Ye Heng's mouth from time to time.

At the same time, I planned to prepare a pot of chicken soup for Ye Heng at five or six in the morning.

The body is the capital of revolution and must be treated with caution.

Time passed minute by minute, and the time for the live broadcast was getting closer and closer.

Chapter [-] Parts are ready, technicians arrive

It's already deep at night! It's already three o'clock in the morning! This time period is the most sleepy time for people, and it is also the time when people are asleep.

In the studio, the lights are very bright.

I don't know if it's because the quality of the coffee sent by Wang Congcong is too good, or because of the infection of Ye Heng's working state.

Everyone was surprised to find that they were not sleepy at all.

Staying up late is a very painful thing.

But it's not called staying up late when a group of people is together.

Humans are a group animal, and the most unbearable thing is... loneliness.

There are various parts, large and small, on the work surface.

These are the results of Ye Heng for a few hours.

In order to keep the workbench ample area, many of the finished parts have been placed in special boxes.

The large and small, densely packed parts give people a very shocking visual impact.

However, if you have intensive phobia, you will definitely not be able to stand this scene.

But in "seven two 2 zero"

In most eyes, this is a visual enjoyment and extremely beautiful.

And there is a pure scent of wood on the parts.

Always: Li Qingyu, who is beside Ye Heng, who is staring at Ye Heng's production process, is already sitting there and resting temporarily.

This is because the amount of information she has learned from Ye Heng is too great.

Her riotous movements could no longer keep up with Ye Heng's hand speed.

Wang Congcong looked at Ye Heng's fast hands, his scalp was a little numb.

How did this happen? This speed is even more terrifying than a machine.

After all, people are just people, how can they have such craft speed and skills.

"As expected of a man called God."

Wang Cong sighed in his heart.

Before he knew about Ye Heng, Wang Congcong scoffed at Ye Heng's name.

But when you see it with your own eyes, you have to admit it.

The strength shown by this man really seems like only God can do it.

Wang Congcong was already full of admiration for Ye Heng, and at the same time, he was delighted that he could make a friend like Ye Heng.

Standing on his level, there are too many people of all shapes and sizes.

But one thing I have to admit is that this is the first time he really sees Ye Heng.

The first time, and maybe the last time.

Wang Congcong has recorded a video of Ye Heng's production process.

Videos like this are so valuable.

Zhang Qingchu's gaze towards Ye Heng was always full of concern and warmth.

Ye Heng doesn't need to be so tired at all, and now Ye Heng is working hard for her.

Action is always the best persuasion.

However, Zhang Qingchu was also very caring, always stuffing some food into Ye Heng's mouth when Ye Heng was busy.

This can also lift Ye Heng's spirit a bit.

Zhao Liying looked at Ye Heng with only admiration in her eyes.

From the first day Ye Heng sculpted the puppet for her, her life with Ye Heng has changed dramatically.

She had never imagined a life like this now.

But Ye Heng created such a life for her single-handedly.

Even the so-called "other's brother"

Can't do that either.

[-]:[-] in the morning::! Zhang Qingchu started to prepare for Ye Heng chicken soup.

You may not be able to eat too greasy things in the morning, but a tonic such as old hen soup can bring you the energy you need.

Moreover, the old hens in the family are all native chickens in the countryside, which are extremely rich in nutritional value.

Ye Heng was loved by the villagers in the village, and there were always villagers who gave Ye Heng chickens, ducks and other poultry.

These...the actions of caring about Ye Heng are all from the heart.

It can be said that Jiling Village is a good village! The folks in the village are good folks! Ye Heng is a real master of craftsmanship! At half past six! Ye Hengcai finally slowly walked out of the studio.

The parts of the mechanical beast dragon he planned have all been made, and all the large and small parts have been made.

The time spent and the progress are all under his control.

Busy all night long, Ye Heng's spirit is still in high spirits.

That's right.

This is Ye Heng's indirect help to Douyin.

But, no doubt, it was a miracle.

Ye Heng's success can definitely be called the number one person in the art world!

"Breakfast is ready, let's go out to eat!"

Zhang Qingchu's voice came.

In order to prepare this breakfast, Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying spent a whole hour together.

It's a luxury just for breakfast.

But the results are mouthwatering.

Zhang Qingchu boiled a large pot of old hen soup for Ye Heng. These are all supplements, and the taste is extremely delicious.

At the same time, Zhao Liying also cooked porridge and steamed buns in the pot.

Steamed buns are hand-made buns, which are rare in big cities.

Accompanied with bamboo shoots and pickles that Ye Heng hand-pickled.

A meal: a very hearty and authentic farmhouse breakfast.

After staying up all night, although he ate something, Wang Cong was also a little hungry... Looking at the hearty breakfast, he couldn't help but start eating.

He is used to eating mountain delicacies and sea food, but he has no resistance to such food, this is the real taste.

While the crowd was eating.

The sound of a car came from outside.

The two mechanical beasts, Simba and Xiaohu, who acted as guards, had already run up to stop the car.

This is a black commercial vehicle, with technicians from Douyin, with professional live broadcast equipment.

But now, a carload of people are stuck in the car and dare not get out.

There is a tiger and a lion outside, who dares to come down "It should be someone sent by the company."

Zhang Qingchu said it and walked out.

"Simba, little tiger."

Zhang Qingchu shouted.

Simba and Xiaohu stepped aside.

The people in the car looked at Zhang Qingchu with disbelief.

Darling! Is this still the chairman's daughter? The lion and the tiger actually listen to her like this.

Sure enough, Master Ye is a magical character.

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