Every craftsman who has inherited the craftsmanship of our ancestors is a treasure for the country.

Even if technology is advanced now, some crafts handed down by our ancestors cannot be lost. Once lost, they will really be gone.

Of course, the country also attaches great importance to this kind of historical wealth.

We strongly encourage young people to learn and inherit the craftsmanship of their ancestors.

But now, the craftsmanship shown by Ye Heng is no longer just a kind of commemorative value wealth.

But the real technical strength.

This technology is extremely helpful for the development of the country.

Indeed, it is not difficult to make objects that can fly.

But the difficulty lies in the power plant.

Whether it is an aircraft or an aircraft carrier, whether it is flying or running, it needs a power plant.

Compared with the Omega countries, Huaxia is at a relatively inferior level in terms of power plant technology.

Those... who can help in the power plant are the talents most needed by the country.

Therefore, Huaxia's scientific and technological research and development center is highly valued by high-level officials.

The human and material resources invested every year are also extremely huge.

But progress has been slow.

But now, he saw hope in Ye Heng.

If you can fully grasp the power principle of the mechanical beast made by this artisan Master Ye, you can apply it to planes, tanks and even aircraft carriers.

No matter the strength of science and technology or the strength of national defense, there will definitely be a qualitative improvement.

Such talent should never be let go.

Soon, the will of the high-level government has been conveyed.

And this is the will of the real high-level government.

As national leaders, they are eager for talents and will never miss any talent.

Ye Heng's status in their hearts is no longer just an identity like a craftsman.

Tongcheng Municipal Government! Ye Heng, a master of craftsmanship with such a huge reputation and magical craftsmanship, is the focus of the top management of Tongcheng Municipal Government.

The content of this live broadcast, which can be described as Questyle live broadcast, was naturally seen by the high-level officials of the Tongcheng Municipal Government.

Therefore, the mayor of Tongcheng asked his secretary to arrange the itinerary for the first time.

He is going to visit this... Master Ye's home in person! Because this... Master sees the hope of the rapid development of Tongcheng from Ye Heng.

Why are all provincial capitals now issuing various policies to attract talents?

That is... I hope that these... generous policies can attract talents to the provincial capital city.

Talent is the hope for the rise and development of any place.

Tongling County Government! "Okay, a real master of craftsmanship, a talent, definitely a talent."

The county magistrate Hong Hao watched Ye Heng's live video and craftsmanship, and couldn't help but express his inner praise.

As the magistrate of Tongling County, Hong Hao felt more and more wise for his early visit.

When Ye Heng made the organ beast panda, Hong Hao asked his secretary to ask if he could buy this organ beast panda from Master Ye and put it in the county zoo to watch.

As a result, Master Ye's response was support, and he didn't want anything in return.

Look what an airy, friendly master craftsman.

After the last visit, Hong Hao valued Ye Heng very much, this young man with magical skills.

He is neither arrogant nor impetuous, calm and polite, and is definitely a typical example of modern young outstanding talents.

Sure enough, this... Master Ye has proven himself time and time again with his own strength.

It is because of Ye Heng that both Master Ye himself and Douyin are all ready to invest and develop in Jiling Village.

You must know that once the investment is developed, it will lead to a huge development of the local economy.

As the county magistrate, Hong Hao, these are all proper achievements, how can he not be happy.

Now that the city's will has been decided, a suitable schedule will be arranged, the city government will come, and then the county government will visit Master Ye's house again.

It can be said that the city government and county government in Tongcheng place great importance on Ye Heng.

That's because what Ye Heng made can definitely bring a huge trend of development to Tongcheng.

Ye Heng is also very much valued by the top officials of the national government.

That's because the craftsmanship mastered by Ye Heng may be of great help to the country's science, technology and national defense strength.

And for Ye Heng.

...........The county government and even the city government value, these...business matters, Zhang Qingchu can completely take care of it.

And the high level of the country's emphasis on technology had to be handled by Ye Heng himself.

Lonely Collar Village! Ye Heng slept until more than five o'clock in the afternoon::before getting up.

This sleep, Ye Heng was refreshed and extremely comfortable.

Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying have already prepared their meals.

At the dinner table, Wang Cong never couldn't help but said to Ye Heng: "Ye Heng, I posted the photo with Xiaolong in the circle of friends, and all my friends are envious."

People in Wang Congcong's circle of friends are either rich or famous.

For these people, aircraft tanks may not be uncommon.

But the mechanical beasts, especially the mechanical beasts Shenlong, are really rare.

"Oh, it would be awesome if I could ride a little dragon to the sky like you."

Wang Congcong longed.

"You better wash up and sleep."

Ye Heng laughed.

Although it is only a mechanical beast, as a dragon of this species, Xiaolong will never allow anyone other than Ye Heng to ride.

At the dinner table, Zhang Qingchu also told Ye Heng some of his plans.

After listening, Ye Heng smiled and said, "You can make up your own mind about these things."

Zhang Qingchu smiled and nodded.

Ye Heng's character as a hands-off shopkeeper has not changed.

After dinner! Ye Heng stood in front of the bamboo building, and it was a rare time when he was not busy making any handicrafts.

Instead, he looked at everything in front of him, thinking about what spoon in his heart.

Chapter [-] is a push?Still not pushing? (for full order)

If you don't push it, it's up to you, give some support, and then push it! Look at your own bamboo house studio not far away.

The artificial pond! The unfinished swimming pool is already being excavated! And those...the mechanical beasts that are enough to amaze everyone and the bamboo building behind them.

Ye Heng sighed in his heart: "These are all his masterpieces!"

Many of Ye Heng's masterpieces will never be completed in their lifetime.

Of course, Ye Heng, who passed through, also relied on the system's credit.

This system, although the lottery function is a bit tricky, the technology for Ye Heng is still very good.

Ye Heng has always wanted to be a craftsman.

Ye Heng didn't intend to be so high-profile until he had the kind of technology that he had in mind... that could completely trigger the transformation of today's social science and technology.

"Five Ninety Seven", the hand that made the tactical beast

Although the art is magical, the production is only some ordinary species.

But now the process of making Xiaolong in this live broadcast has thoroughly demonstrated Ye Heng's popularity and strength.

Ye Heng's mind, it's clear! After Xiaolong's production is completed, I'm afraid... I won't be able to keep a low profile anymore.

Just for the business decision of the local development of this area, the government team of Tongcheng will definitely visit Ye Heng from time to time.

Of course, these...... are not a big problem for Ye Heng.

What makes Ye Heng a little troublesome is that those...the real high-level government officials.

Why can the organ beast run, jump, talk and fly... What is the power device and principle of the organ beast, this will definitely become the research object of many people.

Of course, even if it was broadcasted step by step, Ye Heng was absolutely confident that no one could study the principle, and he would definitely not be able to figure out the principle.

These... principles, only Ye Heng knows in his heart.

A large part of the power principles and operating principles involved in the mechanism beasts are related to the mysteries of the mechanism.

Organs, these things, can only be understood, not spoken.

Even if Ye Heng explained it, no one could understand it.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to research anything from the body of the tactical beast.

But the country's high-level government will definitely not give up like this, and will definitely hope that Ye Heng, a master who masters this kind of technology, can give some pointers..., ......

Although this will not bring any disaster to Ye Heng.

You must know that Ye Heng is a Chinese, an upright Chinese, the country will definitely want to vigorously protect and reuse talents like Ye Heng, and it will never do anything bad to Ye Heng.

But the key point is that Ye Heng is afraid of trouble! If the national government, those... Academy of Science and Technology, what position does the research institute offer to invite Ye Heng.

Whether Ye Heng will go or not, of course Ye Heng will definitely not go.

Ye Heng will never be named because of these............

own rhythm of life.

Therefore, Ye Heng has already thought about the countermeasures. When the time comes, he will teach You some useful technical knowledge, and let the people from these research institutes study it! This way, Ye Heng's life rhythm will not be disrupted.

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