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Chapter [-] Moved some people's cake

Today is destined to be an unusual day.

The Leaf Craft Company officially opened today.

Because no opening activities were held, many people from the outside world sent their blessings on the Internet.

The first batch of auxiliary products produced by the factory has already been pre-sold and delivered to most buyers in the form of logistics.

And now, the factory is making the second batch of products.

However, since the second batch of pre-sale, the number of people who ordered online has grown very slowly.

On the official website of the Leaf Craft Company, there is a channel specially reserved in advance.

The number of products for the second online pre-sale is still 300! Moreover, if someone makes an online reservation, the number of people who are pre-ordered will be displayed.

However, so far, only 500 buyer reservations have been made on the official website interface.

This number is not...a good sign for...a new company.

Even a sign of losing money and going bankrupt.

An auxiliary tool is only 200 yuan, and 50 people are only 100 yuan.

This is not a sole proprietorship, this is a company.

The operation of the factory and the work of the workers have costs.

Seeing this result, Zhao Liying couldn't help being very disappointed.

"Did our product fail like this?"

Zhao Liying's face is extremely unhappy 107.

She and Zhang Qingchu have been working hard for such a long time.

It took so much effort.

If it fails like this, no one is happy to change it.

"It's just the beginning, don't worry."

Zhang Qingchu was rather calm, and smiled comfortingly.

"Looks like you're ready."

Ye Heng laughed.

For Zhang Qingchu, Ye Heng still has confidence.

Even if she is very confident about the product, Zhang Qingchu will plan for the worst in advance.

Although this is a company opened in the name of Ye Heng.

And the production is medical auxiliary equipment, the price is cheap.

But once it comes to consumption, many people have their own considerations.

Besides, this medical aid is only useful for people with disabilities at home.

Most people don't buy this kind of thing, and it's not auspicious.

Considering this factor, even if Ye Heng has many fans, he will lose a large part of the consumer group.

And the families who really need this kind of thing, because of the trouble of disease, most of the living standards are in a lower stage.

For such a group, let alone 200 yuan, even 20 yuan, these ...... groups will spend very carefully.

Even if Ye Heng is famous, he will not let these groups blindly trust to buy.

What's more, there are too many fake advertisements on the market.

Even in hospitals, there are always many advertisements promoting fake health care products, all of which are deceptive.

Therefore, these ...... groups will not be widened because of their size.

If you want to really spread the reputation of the product and let those who need it, there is only one way, and that is feedback! Consumer feedback from the general public.

Those... Bought the first batch of this aid feedback.

These............The group feedback is good, and it will naturally be promoted for free.

Really useful and cheap good things, who wouldn't want to take this into consideration, Zhang Qingchu has already made preparations.

The products that are sold and delivered to each customer are marked with notes.

If it is easy to use, you are welcome to provide video or picture feedback on the official website, and there will be corresponding rewards.

This method sounds just like those of online shopping...the same method that merchants use to get good reviews.

But pay attention! Those...businesses sell ordinary products, and these............ are medical equipment aids, if they are not easy to use ,Those...... People who have been troubled by diseases will never give feedback in good conscience.

But if it is really useful, these people will never be stingy with the little time for feedback.

The official website interface of Leaf Craft Company is more like a forum open to the public.

However, this forum has the company's product analysis, purchase channels, and feedback.

It has not put its sales model on online shopping platforms like most companies.

It's more like making your own way of selling.

Ye Heng now has such a big reputation, and this kind of company under the name of Ye Heng has naturally attracted the attention of many people.

The number of visits to the official website is growing rapidly.

In the feedback forum, there are many users who have commented.

"Fortunately I didn't buy it. It took so long for so many people to buy it."

"Another businessman who sells dog meat with a sheep's head."

"I've said it before, who doesn't want to earn money?"

"Hey, the world is hot and cold, your true nature is finally exposed!"

"Junk products, what are they made of."

"It's all about... taking Lao Tzu's money."

......At this time, the feedback forum on the official website can be described as lively.

Many registered users yelled at the forum.

It even splashed a lot of dirty water on Ye Heng.

There are people who say all kinds of things.

"These people are really going too far."

Zhao Liying, who has been paying attention to the dynamics of the forum, has a great atmosphere.

"It's okay, it was done on purpose."

Zhang Qingchu said.

"Business is not going well."

Wang Congcong said: "You have moved a lot of people's cakes, and these people are definitely going to mess with you."

Medical aids produced in full accordance with Ye Heng's craftsmanship.

Ease of use naturally does not require many.

That little girl standing up and walking with the aid of a tool is... a prime example.

And price.

2 bucks is really cheap and can't get any cheaper.

This is a medical aid, not an ornamental item, nor a disposable consumable.

Completely deserve the four words of high quality and low price.

But such products are produced and sold, which is completely equal to those on the market...medical companies seize the market.

Especially the medical device companies that focus on this business.

Such products, such prices, are equivalent to not giving them money.

Therefore, the company has just opened, and it has attracted so many speech attacks.

It was no different from the previous several times when the fishing reels attacked Ye Heng.

If you move other people's cakes and touch other people's interests, then someone will mess with you.

And will use: all kinds of methods to mess with you.

Maybe, there are already companies imitating them and starting to sell them.

"Brother, what can we do now, we can't let them... smear us!"

Zhao Liying asked.

"It's okay, just wait and see."

Ye Heng was very calm.

Although Zhao Liying has learned a lot from behind Zhang Qingchu during this period of time.

But still lack of practical experience.

Zhang Qingchu took Zhao Liying back to the house.

This is the best time to teach by precept and example.

Chapter [-] Real Practicality

Li Qing.

An ordinary office worker in a big city.

The mother had long since passed away, leaving only the father as a relative.

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