Because there are many empty rooms in the bamboo building, and although some rooms are not as big as Ye Heng's, it is not a problem to transform them into a small family-style singing room.

Although Wang Congcong doesn't have the craftsmanship like Ye Heng, Wang Congcong is rich! He spent a lot of money and specially invited professional personnel to come to the house and remodel the house.

Both the audio and music equipment are professional grade.

It's totally generous! And Wang Cong has bought a batch of good wine and put it in the karaoke room to enjoy it when he sings.

Ye Heng saw Wang Congcong's actions, but he didn't say anything.

If he has money, just let him go! "How come I found someone to design this song room? It's not bad!"

Wang Congcong said proudly.

Although it is a bamboo building, special sound insulation materials are used in this singing room.

"I said, why are you always watching you bring some people to order some things these days, so it's just for this!"

Zhao Liying said suddenly.

"I'm not here to improve everyone's quality of life."

Wang Congcong said solemnly: "You work so hard every day, I can't think of a way to let you relax."

"Yes, the idea is remarkable."

Zhao Liying laughed.

"rest assured."

Wang Congcong said: "When I have time, I'm going to build a home cinema, and then I will build a cinema chain to come here. The latest movies can be watched here."

Wang Congcong said.


At this time, Wang Congcong said: "My dad is going to buy a piece of land in Tongling County, and then build a Wanda Plaza. Do you have any ideas, then I can leave you a few shops for free."


Hearing this, Zhang Qingchu said in surprise: "It wouldn't be your idea!"

"That's right."

Wang Congcong said proudly: "Look at my buddy's popularity, when the Organ Beast Watching Hall opens, let alone here, even if the city is open, the flow of people will skyrocket. I seize this business opportunity and buy a piece of land in advance, isn't it very good? business acumen"


.......have to say.

This business opportunity is really good.

After the opening of the Organ Beast Watching Hall, let's not talk about how the city is going.

The flow of people in Tongling County and Jiling Village will definitely increase terribly.

And Wanda Plaza itself is a famous consumption and entertainment square.

At that time, whether it is Tongling County or Jiling Village to play, there will be more places to see.

Whether it is people from other parts of the city, or people from the capital city outside.

When you come here, you can go from Tongling County and then to Jiling Village to have a fun one-stop.

At that time, the economic development of Tongling County and Jiling Village would definitely be terrifyingly fast.

Ye Heng smiled and said, "You might as well move your home here too."

"is it okay"

Who knows, when Wang Congcong heard it, he seriously asked: "If possible, I really want to move my family here. I feel so comfortable here. If you want, I can definitely open a bar around me. Shopping service.”

If Ye Heng is willing.

Wang Cong Cong really intends to invest heavily in development around.

All kinds of entertainment venues in the city can be found here.

"Pull it down!"

Ye Heng laughed and scolded: "If you dare to do this, get out of my way as soon as possible."

Ye Heng had no doubt that Wang Cong would do such a thing.

It is estimated that at that time, this place will no longer be a village, but will become a city within a village.

It's just... bullshit!

Chapter [-] Double Dragon Club

This night can be said to be very! Singing songs and drinking wine.

This feels really good.

No wonder, most rich people even prepare special wine cabinets at home.

After everyone finished singing, they went back to their rooms and went to sleep.

However, Zhang Qingchu slipped into Ye Heng's room again at night.

Another wonderful night.

The next day! Ye Heng got up early.

Move your lower body, breathe in the fresh country air, and after breakfast.

It is to continue to start the body carving of the ancient dragon of the mechanism beast.

These days, the parts of the ancient dragon have been completed.

The body part is also half completed, but Ye Heng intends to complete the entire ancient dragon of this mechanical beast today.

Although there is still some time before the start of the National Asian Games, "[-]"

But because of this dragging, it was not Ye Heng's habit.

To finish it early, Ye Heng still has his own plans.

The previous bet with Zhang Ming doubled the number of users of the international version of Douyin in overseas markets.

Ye Heng is not... just to talk about it.

The ancient dragons in the china are different from the oriental dragons with Chinese characteristics.

This kind of dragon with western dragon style is more anthropomorphic and more three-dimensional.

Mechanical beasts and dragons are measured by length, while ancient dragons are measured by height.

Of course, Ye Heng didn't plan to make this ancient dragon very tall.

The height of the design is six or seven meters, and the height is almost the same.

It is impossible to let the splendor of the western dragon surpass the oriental dragon of China.

That doesn't make sense.

It was finally noon.

A... lifelike mechanism beast ancient dragon was successfully made in the hands of Ye Heng.

This one is even more ancient, with a height of six or seven meters, and a width of about two meters.

It is extremely spectacular, giving people a great impact on the field of vision.

It can be said that it is enough to make a lot of people in the outside world... The existence of amazement and screaming.

Roar! A roar roared from the mouth of the ancient dragon.

Although it is the same dragon roar, there is still some gap between it and the roar of the mechanical beast Xiaolong.

The organ beast, Simba, heard the sound and ran out, roaring continuously towards the ancient dragon.

Xiaohu and Xiaolong were also made by Ye Heng himself.

But this ancient giant dragon, an organ beast, did not make Xiaohu timid.

On the contrary, it stimulated Xiaohu's aggressive mentality.

After all, in Xiaohu's heart, the tactical beast Xiaolong is already its boss, and it will never allow another boss to appear.

Moreover, the appearance of the ancient giant dragon is very uncomfortable.

The strange sound also made Wang Cong and others in the room come out to check.

After seeing the ancient giant dragon, Wang Congxian was surprised, and then he couldn't help but praise: "My dear, you made it so quickly, it's too awesome, too handsome."

The ancient dragon has two wings behind it, and its skeleton design gives people a very three-dimensional feeling.

And it looks even more brutal.

But it's really handsome.

Zhang Qingchu said, "This is the mechanical beast you promised to make for Penguin."


Ye Heng nodded with a smile.

"Brother, can it fly?"

Zhao Liying asked.


After Ye Heng finished speaking, the ancient giant dragon slowly crawled in front of Ye Heng.

Ye Heng got on the back of the ancient dragon.

The ancient dragon's wings spread out, stirring up a relatively strong airflow, and then slowly lifted into the air.

In this way, carrying Ye Heng, he flew up.


Ye Heng gave an order.

The ancient dragon flew out.

And the little dragon who is far away in the Organ Beast Watching Hall seems to have sensed something.

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