"The dragon has come out."

"It's really a dragon."

"Wow, I'm so lucky to be able to see it with my own eyes."

The people who were queuing outside heard the words and looked envious.

No way, they are still: queueing up, it's not time for them to go in and watch.

And outside, they couldn't see the appearance of Shenlong either.

Because the viewing hall leads to the mountain next to it.

There are dense forests and luxuriant foliage on the mountain, and from a distance, you can only see a piece of green.

You can't see the scene inside at all.

No one wants to sneak past and climb the mountain without permission.

Not to mention whether it was possible to escape the security guards guarding the side, just the steep rock wall on the other side of the mountain, without tools, could not go up at all.

There are also various monitoring devices installed nearby.

Even if people outside are itchy, they can only wait patiently and pray at the same time.

When they entered, they were lucky enough to see the dragon with their own eyes.

Soon, the tourist who was fortunate enough to see Shenlong came out.

They both had excited expressions on their faces, undisguised.

"Shenlong is really mighty."

"It's worth the money, and I decided to come again next time."

"It's definitely a fun party to take with friends and family."

"If I didn't know in advance, I really thought that the dragon was"

"The mechanical beast made by Master Ye is no different from the real one."

The tourists watching excitedly chatted with each other.

And those... tourists who have seen the mechanic beasts are also not idle, but wandering around the village.

It was found that there were already very authentic farmhouses in the village.

For example, you can pay a certain fee to go fishing in the fish ponds of the villagers, and the fish you catch can be cooked in any way you want.

In addition, there are comfortable bamboo houses and bamboo houses for living.

There are even authentic farmhouse restaurants.

Although these ...... farmhouses, many people have experienced it, they are not new.

But after all, this is the village where Master Ye lives, and many people want to try it.

A look at the price, my dear, it's really cheap.

Many tourists who came from big cities couldn't help but say, "It's too cheap after learning the price."

There are also tourists who ask the villagers in the village when they are eating, whether it is profitable or not to make money at such a price. The villagers' answers are: "With the light of Hengziwa, the village can develop very well. In terms of price, Hengziwa has I told us, to be fair, the price is already very good."

Many people were moved by it when they heard it.

When I learned that the Heng Ziwa in the mouths of these... simple folks was... Master Ye.

Immediately, his admiration for Ye Heng deepened.

After all, Master Ye, being able to say such a thing is truly admirable.

Cheap price, comfortable environment, it is definitely a very good place to play and relax.

Soon, many tourists suddenly decided not to leave tonight...... just stay here, want to experience the natural scenery more closely.

So! At night, the village is also brightly lit, with constant voices.

Bamboo houses and wooden huts that are specially used for renting to others are all full.

Even some tourists who missed because of late booking, one or two slapped their chests and left with regret.

And in Ye Heng's Bamboo Building.


Zhang Qingchu was calculating with Ye Heng the turnover of the Organ Beast Viewing Hall today.

Because tourists are allowed to enter in batches, each batch is 40 minutes, a batch of about 200 people, and the income of that batch is about [-] yuan:.

Open from ten in the morning and end at ten in the evening.

A total of 720 hours, that is 18 minutes, can provide about 360 groups of tourists, and the total income is about [-] yuan:.

In this way, a month is about 40, and a year is more than 400 million.

This income is definitely much more terrifying than the income of those...... zoos.

Moreover, the investment in the Organ Beast Viewing Hall is really poor, and the construction did not spend much money, and these...... Organ Beasts are made of the most common wooden materials. .

They are all made by Ye Heng, but if Ye Heng's craftsmanship is used as the cost, the income is really not high.


However, this is not counting the tourists on the usual holidays, and whether the animal viewing hall will be expanded in the back, or whether it will carry out deeper marketing, these... are unknown for the time being.

Of course, Ye Heng obviously didn't like the money.

Ye Heng smiled and said: "You can understand these things. There is no need to report to me on purpose, how is the progress of the charity association?"

As early as before, Ye Heng had said that all the money from the Organ Beast Watching Hall was used for charity, of course it wasn't just pretending.

"Don't worry, it's already planned."

Zhang Qingchu laughed.

Ye Heng nodded: "I don't worry about your work."

Charity, Ye Heng has no plans. Like a Red Cross Society, it sounds nice, but what it does is really unattractive.

Under Zhang Qingchu's operation, someone will soon be able to see what real charity is.

Chapter [-] Wang Dashao's career

Night! Ye Heng just took a bath.

Suddenly, Wang Cong pulled Ye Heng with a mysterious look on his face.

"What's wrong"

Ye Heng asked suspiciously.

"Play a few games with me"

Wang Congcong said.

"I don't want to play, I'm going to sleep."

Ye Heng refused.

It's okay to play something like a game once in a while.

Playing all day is no fun.

"Play with me for a while."

Wang Congcong pleaded.

"what happened"

This is the first time Ye Heng has seen, Wang Congcong showed such a rude look because he wanted to play games with him.

As the saying goes, when things are impermanent, there must be demons.

There must be something wrong with this.


Wang Congcong faltered for a long time, with a twisted look.

"If you don't make it clear, I won't play with you."

Ye Heng said.

"All right!"

Wang Congcong made a decision in his heart and said, "That's right, the official sent me an invitation to play an entertainment game."

"invite you"

Ye Heng looked suspicious, remembering Wang Congcong's skills, and said, "1 That's really an entertainment competition."

"I know that my skills are not good, so I didn't think that I would ask you to lead me. I am familiar with it, and I will fight the day after tomorrow."

Wang Congcong said.

"You know so many professional players, and if you want to learn skills, it's better to let them take you."

Ye Heng said, "Why do you have to let me accompany you?"


Wang Congcong said solemnly: "I feel that with you, I can learn faster."

Seeing Wang Congcong's stubborn face and blistering appearance, Ye Heng had no choice but to play a few games with him.

In the gaming room! Ye Heng and Wang Congcong are sitting together.

Wang Congcong said, "Why don't you go with me the day after tomorrow?"

"What am I going to do"

Ye Heng said lightly, "You are what they invited."

"Actually, they want to invite you too, but I'm afraid you won't agree. Let me ask. If you want, we can go outside together the day after tomorrow."

Wang Congcong said.

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