Besides, being able to get the core of this organ this time is already the biggest gain.

It's inappropriate, really inappropriate.

As the dean of the Academy of Science and Technology, Zhang Zilai actually knew a secret.

That is, in fact, there is still a research institution that is not open to the outside world, and it is the magical discoveries that have been studied over the years.

And the people who work in that research institute, no one has lower qualifications than him.

And that... the young people in the research institute, everyone's IQ is terrifyingly high.

All of them are talents selected by the state's special treatment.

Therefore, Wang Ping and Li Qing have never seen the world. To be honest, I really can't blame them.

But a review or something needs to be done.

Ye Heng's house.

Ye Heng, who plunged into the studio, looked at what was being made in his hand and sighed in his heart.

Even if he has advanced mechanical skills now, it is really difficult to make this last mechanical beast.

Although making those parts of the mechanical beast is trivial to Ye Heng.

But it is really difficult to make what Ye Heng envisioned.

I have to say that sometimes, the craftsmanship arrives, but the technology cannot lack justice.

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Chapter [-] Bei Ye came

In fact, the complete expected structure was extremely clear in Ye Heng's mind.

But the current difficulty is...

How to make those...predictions come true.

Ye Heng has no shortage of craftsmanship. The last mechanical beast, Ye Heng has enough strength to complete the technology of mechanical art.

But those...techniques that are not included in the mechanism art.

Ye Heng really has no choice for the time being.

【Real-time Neural Sensing Device】【High-Frequency Energy Launching Device】【Reality Sensing Virtual Technology "[-]"

] [Full-intelligent chip implantation technology] Wait...! These technologies, it can be said that modern science and technology, none of them can achieve.

Of course, Ye Heng didn't count on it either.

Obviously, these technologies can only be obtained in the system's lottery mall.

However, Ye Heng had experienced the lottery virtues of the system many times.

Before there is a sufficient amount of money, the lottery is just a waste of money, which is equivalent to emptying the numbers in the bank card.

it means....

If you want to draw a lottery, prepare several billions, or tens of billions, and draw enough at one time.

This way, the probability of obtaining advanced technology will be higher.

If it is like squeezing toothpaste, pumping bit by bit, it is equivalent to adding oil and vinegar tactics.

Nothing of value will be gained.

So, Ye Heng's plan was to wait for enough money to be swiped, and then come to a big lottery.

And brushing money is naturally Douyin and Douyin International. There are currently two ways to brush money.

Although Douyin is extremely popular in both domestic and foreign markets due to the current situation.

There are many new users coming in every day.

And Ye Heng is on Douyin"

God-like man"

Naturally, it is also the concern of multiple users.

Through this method of brushing money, the amount of money that Ye Heng brought to Ye Heng was extremely objective, even a terrifying value.

But after all, money is something that is still accumulated day by day.

Even if Ye Heng has nearly [-] million in a day now, in terms of the system lottery, it is undoubtedly a small amount of money.

However, Ye Heng encountered a problem at this time.

It was the first time Ye Heng encountered a technical problem.

However, Ye Heng was not in a hurry.

step by step.

Completing all the productions in this aspect of the mechanism can be considered as a preparation.

The next day! Zhang Qingchu received a call, it was from Master Bei and other working groups.

It turned out that Lord Bei was about to arrive here, but to be polite, he still contacted him in advance.

For.. this time, Mr. Bei has been looking forward to it for a long time.

When it finally arrived, Master Bei's heart was also extremely excited.

It's almost noon time.

A commercial vehicle arrived at Ye Heng's house on time.

Because of the reason of greeting in advance, Lord Bei came this time, and it was smooth and unobstructed.... The door opened, and a lot of people got out of the car.

In addition to...... Beiye and his youngest daughter Yin Nasa, there are also members of the accompanying photography team.

After all, it's not ordinary people who can follow Bei Ye to film and shoot shows all day long.

All of them have undergone special training, and even retired from the same special forces as Pei Ye.

"Very nice to meet you, Master Ye."

Seeing Ye Heng, Bei Ye greeted with a smile.

"Brother, it's nice to see you."

Ye Heng's daughter, Yin Nasa, is not afraid of life, and she is very happy to see Ye Heng as an idol in her heart.

"This is my daughter, Yin Nasa."

Bei Ye introduced with a smile.

Naturally, there are translators around to translate, but in order to come to Huaxia, Master Bei also practiced Chinese for a lot of time.

This sentence of introducing my daughter is... I introduced it in Chinese, although it is a bit confusing. 5.

7 people are ashamed.

But at least it can be understood.

"Hello, I'm Ye Heng."

Ye Heng first smiled and said hello to Lord Bei.

Then he squatted down and touched Yin Nasa's face and said, "Hello, beautiful little princess."

Yin Nasa was very happy and happy to be praised by Ye Heng's words.

After all, it is praised by one's own idol, who can be unhappy.

When guests came, naturally they couldn't stand outside the house. Master Bei and his party were invited into the bamboo building.

Chapter [-] This is horrible

This time, the place where Bei Ye came to Huaxia to record the program is Huaxia Hainan.

The content of the program is that Pei Ye personally staged a wilderness escape in the jungle of Hainan.

Of course, this kind of shooting, there are accompanying shooting groups.

However, the equipment carried by the shooting team is still ordinary, not the extremely high-end equipment as imagined.

Obviously, everyone is not worried about the danger that Mr. Bei encountered during the recording of the program.

After all, they have already escaped from many places.

As long as you have enough knowledge storage and use reasonable methods, you still have the ability to survive in nature.

Greeted Master Bei and others into the bamboo building.

The comfortable and atmospheric bamboo building made the eyes of Bei Ye and his party show a different look.

Before coming, Master Bei knew that this bamboo building was also designed and made by Master Ye.

Such design and production.

Even a professional construction team may not be able to achieve such perfection.

But such a great handwriting was only done by the young man in front of him, which really amazed the 16 people.

“What a beautiful bamboo building.”

Yin Nasa exclaimed.

As a little girl, she always has an irresistible attraction for novel and beautiful things.

"Brother, can I visit?"

Yin Nasa asked Ye Heng expectantly.

"Yin Nasa, you can't......not polite."

Bey said.

"It's ok."

Ye Heng smiled and said to Yin Nasa, "Go play and be careful."

"Thank you brother."

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