Chapter [-] Master Ye kills the list again

The next day!

The headlines of major news portals refreshed again.

After many netizens started g, they found that there was a shocking news in the entertainment industry.

A star surnamed Huang was involved in a stock case with a price of [-] million yuan.

This star is known as a star without acting skills and the king of bad movies.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was shocked.

This is [-] million, how can an actor have such a large amount of energy?

Moreover, it has long been rumored that the water in the entertainment circle is dirty and deep, and there is always a pot of dirty water and shady being dug up.

In recent days, the sky-high performance fees of one or two stars without acting skills in the entertainment industry have always made many people dissatisfied.

The most important thing for mere actors is that they have no acting skills, and their works are all rotten. How can they have such a high value?

As soon as the news came out, many netizens commented below.

"The entertainment industry should really be rectified, it's too messy."

"The actor has mistaken the country!"

"An actress surnamed Zhao, an actress surnamed Huang, taught by a teacher."

"I hope that the country will vigorously rectify the entertainment industry. It's all something."

"Hey, this year, it's not about strength, it's about face."

"As long as they look good, anyone can join the entertainment industry."


Although the male star surnamed Huang made a timely statement to clear this matter from himself.

But a lot of news has been reported and analyzed in detail.

Even if you don't know it, you can't get rid of it.

It can be said that the news that the entertainment circle wore out made many people angry.

However, although this news is amazing, it only ranks second in the hot search list.

Such amazing news is only ranked second, what news will be the first.

I saw the top search list of major news portals, and the familiar title appeared again.

"The youth of the mountain village has amazing craftsmanship."

It's still the familiar back, the familiar place, and the familiar teenager.

Ye Heng's three-shot video posted last night directly made the hot search headlines again.

It stands to reason that a popular male star in the entertainment industry is exposed to such black material, and it is right to occupy the first place in the hot search list.

But Ye Heng's three craft videos had a stronger impact than him.

For no other reason, traditional crafts have been forgotten for too long.

It's not easy to see a master craftsman like Ye Heng, and the amazing craftsmanship of the first two videos has conquered many people.

Looking back at the video works released by Ye Heng, there are no duplicates at all, and each one is better than the other.

If it is simply the same craft, if you watch it too much, you will feel tired.

But Ye Heng's videos are getting more and more new, which some people can't think of.

And it also gives people infinite reverie, Master Ye will not make anything more awesome with his craftsmanship in the future.

The most important thing is that most of Ye Heng's fans on Douyin are true fans with high viscosity.

"Fuck, Master Ye's latest three works are so awesome."

"To be honest, I really like Master Ye's hand-made repeating crossbow."

"Semi-automatic repeating crossbow, Master Ye, why are you so beautiful, can you even make cannons?"

"How can I know that Master Ye's craftsmanship is better than that of Master Bei."

"Master Bei is the outdoor god, and Master Ye is a master of craftsmanship. They are not the same type at all, okay?"

"Can you stop talking nonsense with your eyes open? Look at Master Ye's fishing technique, which is an accurate comparison."

"Master Ye's sister is so happy!"

"Ming people don't speak secretly, I like Master Ye's sister."

"This boy and girl are much prettier than the gods and goddesses in the entertainment industry. Everyone has no opinion!"

"Where can I watch such a video for the first time?"

"It's new upstairs, Douyin, Master Ye's works are all released on Douyin for the first time."


And the Internet celebrity qu of Douyin WeChat!

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