Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 27: : The game starts, three tips

By seven o'clock in the evening, Song Jinan got off work after finishing the work on hand. Just when he left the lobby door and was about to drive to the restaurant agreed upon with Xia You, he saw Xia You hurriedly walking from the front. Coming over, Song Jinan paused in his footsteps, a little surprised: "Grapefruit, why are you back?"

"Don't mention it, tonight's dinner is up and I'm going to start working overtime again...biqugev" Xia You walked to her side, sighed a long, her pretty face was full of regret and helplessness.

"What happened?"

"The three groups came to live over there, saying it was a case of a headless female corpse."

"That's all right! You go quickly, and I'll talk about dinner next time."

Xia You nodded: "Okay, then I'll go there first."

After the dinner with Xia You was cancelled, Song Jinan drove back to her home directly. The community she lived in was called Meteor Garden. Although it was not as high-end and luxurious as Zijingyuan community, the public security was quite good.

The unit type is also much smaller than the apartment where Fu Jinheng lives, but it is also three bedrooms and two living rooms. It faces south and the layout is also very good.

Song Jinan walked into the room and saw Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun sitting in the dining room eating takeaways. Seeing her back, Fu Qihan got up and said, "Sister Jinan, you are back, have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"Come on, then, we just ordered more, let's eat together."

Song Jinan put the spare key on the counter at the entrance, went to the kitchen to wash his hands, opened the chair and sat down, and took the rice and chopsticks that Fu Qihan handed over: "Han Han, I have three rooms here. , You can see where you want to live."

"I saw it when I came, and I want to live in that room." Fu Qihan smiled and looked at her, then raised his finger to the innermost room on the left.

"it is good."

On the other side, after nine o’clock, Fu Jinheng returned to his home and found that there was no one in the house. He also went to the house where Fu Qihan lived and found that there was no one. At first he thought it was Tao Qixun who took Fu with him. Qi Han went out to solve the case and has not returned.

But when he was about to bring out the door of the room, Fu Jinheng found that the pink suitcase in the corner was missing. He let go of his hand holding the doorknob. He walked in and found that Fu Qihan’s clothes and luggage were part of Fu Qihan’s clothes and luggage. Everything like that was gone, even Song Jinan's. Suddenly thinking of what Song Jinan said to him last night, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and he couldn't help laughing.

Song Jinan, this woman is really an activist!

If he said to move, move away just to avoid him.

He walked out of the room again, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and dialed Song Jinan’s phone number. When Song Jinan saw his caller ID, his heart was shaken, and the hand holding the towel to wipe his hair also had a meal. Squeezed into a straight line, after a little thought, he picked it up: "Hey."

"where are you?"

"At home."

"Where is Hanhan?"

"Han Han is safe with me, don't worry."

After hearing this, Fu Jinheng was a little bit dumbfounded: "Why don't you discuss with me, I am Hanhan's brother, and I have the right to know, and if you take away Hanhan without discussing with me, aren't you afraid that I will report you?"

"I already told you last night. Besides, Hanhan staying with me is indeed safer than yours. Now it has been confirmed that Jin Yishuo is the murderer, and living in the same community with him is indeed riskier. "Song Jinan replied confidently, not afraid of the threat in his words.

Fu Jinheng recalled the conversation between them last night, and laughed helplessly: "Send me your home address."

"What are you going to do?" Song Jin's frowned and asked vigilantly.

"Han Han is my sister, I naturally have to know where she is, what else do you think I can do?" Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows, his face was not red and heartbeat, and he used Fu Qihan as a shield. It was natural to ask.

Knowing that he was using Fu Qihan’s excuse, Song Jin’an couldn’t refute it. After all, he was right. Fu Qihan was his sister, and Fu Qihan was a witness protected by their police, so Fu Jinheng It was her brother, as her current family member, he wanted to know that these were indeed taken for granted.

Although I was very unwilling, reluctant, and impatient, after being silent for a while, Song Jinan still replied coldly: "I see, I will send you the WeChat location later."

"Okay, then I'll just wait." Fu Jinheng smiled happily, deliberately lengthening the tail, and responding with deep meaning.

"You... will come over later?" Song Jinan pursed his lips when Fu Jinheng was about to hang up, hesitated, and couldn't help asking.

"Do you want me to come over?"

Song Jin'an narrowed his eyes and didn't answer any more. After a long time, Fu Jinheng spoke again: "It may be hard to get through today. I still have work matters to deal with. I know that Hanhan is with you and I feel relieved. By the way, how is your cold? Did you take medicine today?"

"It's okay." Song Jin Anyan answered Fu Jin Heng's words concisely, in a very cool tone.


"Do I have to lie to you? And... this has nothing to do with you."

"Okay, you'll be fine." Fu Jinheng didn't bother with him on this matter, and compromisingly followed her words and nodded.

After Song Jinan heard this, he didn't say much, and just hung up the phone.

In the next few days, Song Jinan and Fu Jinheng were both busy with their own affairs. They did not meet. Fu Jinheng was also very busy because of the prosecution of Long Wu. Every day he came back from the procuratorate in the middle of the night. Yes, I went out very early the next morning.

And Song Jinan is also busy with this serial murder case, tracing all kinds of clues, and he is reluctant to let go of any clues. In addition, the two-layer password for the private message sent to Fu Qihan has been solved, and they are continuing. Under investigation.

However, the owner of this original blog has nothing to do with Jin Yishuo, but a junior from another province. He said that his blog has rarely been logged in. Two of them were stolen before and he didn’t bother to look for it. , I didn't care anymore.

Song Jinan again traced the email from the Internet police to the address from Jin Yishuo's home.

After Song Jinan and the others sent another message to leave, Jin Yishuo suddenly disappeared from the sight of all the secretly monitoring police officers, including the research institute. Later, Song Jinan and the others saw Jin Yishuo's mother again, Jin Yishuo's mother also said that there was nothing unusual, saying that Jin Yishuo had never returned home and did not answer the phone.

I also learned from Jin Yishuo’s mother that the relationship between her and Jin Yishuo was good or bad, but Jin Yishuo respected her, but was not close to her, and had nothing to say to her. .

The sudden disappearance of Jin Yishuo caused Song Jin'an and the others to attach great importance to it. Fu Qihan's risk index also rose sharply. Tao Qixun also tightened his nerves these days and did not dare to slack anymore.

When Fu Jinheng heard about Jin Yishuo’s sudden disappearance, he was also very worried about Fu Qihan, but he had a spare heart but lacked energy, because he was too busy on this side and couldn’t take any time to spare, and even went to see her. I didn't have time, so I called her to ask about the situation during the meal, or sometimes I didn't find time at noon and night, and when I went back late, I called Tao Qixun to ask.

On the eighth day after Jin Yishuo disappeared, Song Jinan and the others were at a loss. They searched for his traces, but found nothing. Everyone was guessing that Jin Yishuo was a person who had just returned to China. The terrain should not be too familiar, so where can I hide?

Song Jinan looked at the map of T City on the table, carefully thinking about where Jin Yishuo could go, and he didn't even know the mother of gold.

A crisp ringing sounded abruptly, Song Jinan monopolized his thoughts, looked at the caller ID and found that it was Tao Qixun, and quickly picked it up: "Hey, Qixun."

"Team Song, something is going on." Tao Qixun said anxiously, staring at the contents of the mobile phone in his hand: "Just now, Miss Fu's mobile blog received another private message, but this email is a bit special. That letter is a little different."

"Why is it different?"

"I will send you a screenshot now."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Song Jinan received a screenshot from Tao Qixun on WeChat. Song Jinan opened up to take a fresh look. His eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously, and the strength of his mobile phone became heavier and heavier, directly from the office. He got up from the chair and rushed out of the office and walked towards the conference room. Zhang Mingcheng and Cao Wei Tianyan were called on the way. After entering the conference room, he handed it to a technician and motioned to him to enlarge the screenshot on the phone.

"What's the matter? Team Song?" Zhang Mingcheng and the others were seated, they turned their heads to look at Song Jinan in confusion.

Song Jinan was not in a hurry to speak either, just winked at them and asked them to look directly at the picture on the big screen. Soon, the technicians zoomed in on the picture on the screen. After seeing the content clearly, Zhang Mingcheng and Cao Wei immediately jumped up, his eyes were red, and his face was full of anger: "This...what does this mean?"

"Jin Yishuo is provoking us! Team Song." Zhang Mingcheng patted the table heavily and pointed angrily at the picture on the screen.

"He disappeared for eight days. He suddenly used his blog to send a private message to Miss Fu to convey the news to us. This is too tricky! What do you mean by killing games, Team Song, and Jin Yishuo? He thought What are you doing?" After reading the contents of the screenshots, Tian Yan asked the questions he was puzzled by, and he was very puzzled.

"Isn't it obvious? It's provoking us! He feels that he has disappeared for eight days and we haven't found him, so he feels that he is amazing, and he dares to send us this kind of email." Zhang Mingcheng took the table again. , The anger in the eyes almost seeped out.

"He dared to send us a blatant message like this, which shows that he is very confident that we can't find him, and he even dared to reveal where he will kill next time, so that we can guess." Cao Wei also angrily agreed With.

"Let Zhang Mingcheng send over Hanhan's blog number and password to locate it." Song Jinan pursed his lips. After thinking about the meeting, he raised his hand to indicate to Zhang Mingcheng.


After Zhang Mingcheng heard this, he directly called Tao Qixun, and Fu Qihan's blog number and password were coming soon. Song Jinan asked the technical department to locate immediately, but the answer was that Jin Yishuo is not where they are. The reception area of ​​the police signal, and he used his own network, could not determine the position.

After Song Jinan learned about it, he knew why Jin Yishuo dared to send them this provocative email blatantly.

"Team Song, another mail is coming."

"Open it up and see."

The technician magnified the email to the screen and clicked on the email. It was still sent by Jin Yishuo. Unlike the previous email, this email was sent to them for his next crime location. Information, there is nothing else.

"Apple, Jiang, 14." Tian Yan looked at the enlarged prompt above, and said in a puzzled voice: "Is this a prompt for us? Is it the location where he will kill next time?"

"Speaking of apples, the first thing that comes to mind is the Minsong Apple Orchard. According to Jiang, the place is wide. The Yiyue River runs through our entire t city, and the number behind. Does 14 represent the 14th? But this month's The 14th is over, and today is the 19th! Could it be the 14th of next month? There is such a long blank period in the middle that it can’t be as simple as the 14th!" Zhang Mingcheng sat down again and analyzed it carefully. Three information prompts.

Song Jinan thought for a while and glanced at the technician: "Enlarge the map of city t."

The technician nodded and put the place of t city on the screen. Song Jinan looked at the map, his expression full of serious emotions, and gently moved his lips: Minsong Apple Orchard is 500 meters south of the river. , But there are sparsely populated people, only the fruit growers working in the orchard. If Jin Yishuo chooses to kill people there, it will not meet the conditions for his previous target of the crime. As for this 14, if it is not a date, then the next thing to think of is Time, 14 means two o'clock, two o'clock in the afternoon... "

"Jin Yishuo's five previous cases were all committed at night. If the next case is at two o'clock in the afternoon, he chooses to be in a place where people are sparsely populated and girls never go back to the orchard. Isn't this too illogical? ?" Cao Wei also touched his chin and thought about it seriously, and then Song Jinan continued to say, then he immediately expressed the doubts in his heart.

"The three tips that Jin Yishuo gave are definitely not that simple." Song Jinan squinted, and carefully scrutinized the content of the email on the mobile phone standing aside: "Apple, what if this tip is not Minsong Apple Orchard? Apple's scope. It’s very large. It is sold in general fruit shops, supermarkets, and fruit stalls, and the area along the river is also very large. We must now calculate these two pieces of information before we can think about whether 14 means time or date, or even more. Any other tips."

"Then we can't send people to monitor all the supermarkets and fruit shops along the river because of his three unreliable hints. If there are not hundreds of stores, it will be a hell, and we don't have that many people and energy. Go squatting, what if the three tips he sent us are just a smoke bomb, which confuses us in the direction of solving the case? Moreover, Jin Yishuo is a man of deep thought and cunning, and we have repeatedly arrested him. He didn't get any valuable clues." Zhang Mingcheng was suffocated in his heart. He wanted to catch the murderer and beat him up a long time ago, and he hadn't used Jin Yishuo's arrogant appearance for a long time. But if it weren't for the clothes on his body, he would really do it.

"Team Song, mail comes again."

The technician's words made the minds of several of them tense again. They suddenly looked up at the screen. It was still sent by Jin Yishuo, but there was only a brief sentence,'Officer Song, I am looking forward to your reasoning. Will it appear? The next victim is up to you. Oh, yes, I also want to remind you that I have already targeted the next target, 14, hahahahahaha! ’

"Damn, this bastard, I really want to smash him by myself." Zhang Mingcheng got up with his violent temper and threw the pen in his hand on the table, jumping with anger.

"Song team, what should I do? He said he has locked on the next target." Cao Wei looked at Song Jinan nervously.

He has locked the target, which means that he will start in the next few days, and he dares to provoke them by sending emails like this, so rampant.

"He focused on the number 14." Song Jinan narrowed his eyes dangerously. There are many meanings of the numbers, and there are many possibilities in Jin Yishuo. If they are to commit crimes in the past few days, they will not be able to go. Experiment with the hypotheses they thought in their hearts one by one.

"In this way, notify police officers in various places to strengthen patrols, especially along the river. There should be no slack. Cao Wei, Mingcheng, you and Tian Yan go to the traffic police brigade to check all the surveillance cameras along the river, including all the sections near the supermarkets and shopping malls. , To see if there is any trace of Jin Yishuo. What's more, it is to monitor all the lots at the same time. You can't let go of a place or detail, especially the suspicious place." Song Jinan thought for a full minute before raising his eyes sharply. , Make a decisive decision.

"Yes." All of them got up and left the conference room after responding, busying themselves.

"Xiao Sun, print out all these emails." After they left, Song Jinan said directly to the technician on the side.

"Okay." The technician nodded, printed out all the emails and handed them to Song Jinan.

After Song Jinan took it, he also left the meeting room, took all the documents and went to the office of the Yang Detachment, and made a brief report with the Yang Detachment.

After the Yang team learned about it, they drew two people from Team 1 Team 5 and Team 7 to help them. They also asked them to quickly interpret these three information prompts as soon as possible. There must be no sixth victim, especially that. What the number 14 represents must be solved as soon as possible.

In an instant, Song Jinan and his team were very busy. Song Jinan tried his best to decipher the meaning of these three numbers. It was not until 10:30 that Song Jinan checked the time and then cleared up the clues and left the team. Drove back to the apartment where he lived.

As soon as I walked to the door, there was a burst of laughter. The voice was obviously Fu Qihan. When I opened the door and walked in, I saw a familiar figure sitting in the living room chatting with Fu Qihan, with an uncontrollable expression. The heartbeat also slammed twice.

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