But Qin Xi's surprise tonight is more than that.

After she quickly replied to the organizer's email that she would participate in the exhibition, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

The caller was unexpected.

It's the person in charge of the scenic spot she photographed before.

Qinxi took advantage of his spare time to repair the group of photos and sent them to Linshi. The person in charge of the other party quickly replied and expressed his great satisfaction.

Under normal circumstances, even if their cooperation is successfully completed, there should be no more contact.

Why did you call all of a sudden?

Qin Xi instinctively alert, but still answered the phone.

As soon as the other party listened to the phone, he immediately opened his mouth with great enthusiasm: "is it Miss Qin?"

"It's me. What can I do for you?" The tone of Qin Xi is polite, but it is not so hot.

However, the person in charge did not seem to be struck by her indifference, and his tone was full of enthusiasm: "well, our boss saw the publicity photos you took for our scenic spot, and he was very interested in your photographic works and wanted to sponsor you to open a photography exhibition."

Qin Xi was really surprised: "photography exhibition?"

"Yes, the photo exhibition. Although a little abrupt, but our boss really appreciate your work, so I was so anxious to contact you. "

Qin Xi didn't know how to answer.

It is a very exciting thing for every photographer to open a successful photography exhibition of his own.

Qinxi is no exception.

But she never seriously thought about it.

Unlike other photographers, she has no shortage of money. If she really wants to, she can open an exhibition at the best art gallery in F country at any time.

There was only one reason that prevented her from doing it - she didn't feel qualified.

Qin Xi always felt that his photography was not mature enough and there was still a lot of room for improvement.

Every time she looks back at her work, she can find out a lot of shortcomings.

She always felt that her works were not perfect enough, so she subconsciously shelved the idea of holding an exhibition.

She did not expect that someone would offer to sponsor her to complete the exhibition.

After listening to her pondering for a long time, the other party knew that she was in some dilemma, and did not press her, but politely said with a smile that she should think about it carefully, and then hung up the phone.

Qin Xi grabs the mobile phone and is a little distracted.

Oneself Is it really possible to hold an exhibition alone?

But she didn't get involved, and the phone rang again.

There was no accident in the caller this time - it was Lu Shen.

Qin Xi quickly picked up his video phone call.

Before she could speak, Lu Shen said, "what's the matter? What's bothering you today? "

Qin Xi was surprised: "how do you know?"

Lu Shen a smile: "when you have something to worry about, your eyebrows will be unconsciously wrinkled."

Qin Xi shrugged his shoulders and said frankly, "it's not really a bother..."

When she told her that someone was going to sponsor her exhibition, Lu Shen said with a smile: "isn't this a good thing? Why are you still entangled? "

Qin Xi curled his mouth: "I am not hesitant to accept his request, I just suddenly have a little uncertainty about myself. In the past, I always felt that I was still far away from seeing a photo exhibition alone, but when I was said that, I thought I was qualified enough

Lu Shen said with a smile: "you are still like this. You are too cautious in the face of photography."

Qin Xi gently frowned: "do you have it?"

Lu Shen nodded: "when we just met, you were standing in front of your photos for fear that no one would appreciate them. Now, you still don't believe in yourself."

Qin Xi lowered his eyes and didn't know what to say.

She used to I haven't been confident in myself all the time.

"Qin Xi, you really did a great job." Lu Shen said solemnly, "if you just think about how much recognition the propaganda film Lu made, you should understand that you have done better than you think."

Qin Xi listened to his serious tone, a little embarrassed for a moment, gagging to cover up his shyness in the past: "why do you say this seriously?"

Lu Shen may also see her embarrassed, did not pull to continue to tease her, took the initiative to change the topic: "don't say this, how about going to the hospital today?"

Qin Xi tried to understate the description, but Lu Shen still lowered his head. There were several apologies on his face: "I should have been with you."

Qin Xi waved his hand: "say something stupid. How about you, how are things over there? "

The two exchanged information for a day, until Lin Yang came to call Lu Shen for a meeting. They waved goodbye and hung up the video phone.But instead of Ma Shan continuing his work, Qin Xi opened his computer and opened the folder where he stored his photos.

She won't accept that person's sponsorship. After all, she has the money to support an exhibition. If there is a sponsor, it will take a lot of effort to communicate with him. Qin Xi doesn't want to be so troublesome.

The only thing she needs to be sure of is whether she is really enough for an exhibition.

This kind of thing, oneself hesitates to tangle is useless, the only way is to open all one's works, examine carefully.

Seeing every picture, Qin Xi asked himself a question: do you dare to hang this picture in the exhibition hall?

Put in front of the public, we should let them stop to have a look, and in the face of harsh critics, we should also make them say nothing difficult.

It took more than half an hour to look at these pictures. Qin Xi even picked out several photos.

She looked at her own folder, and in half an hour she had only seen one tenth of her work.

If she had time to pick and choose one by one, she would have been able to pick out enough works.

Qin Xi's heart seems to be carrying a balloon, become a little light floating up.

A long time ago, when my grandfather was still there, he would occasionally lead Qinxi to see some exhibitions. When he finished watching the exhibitions, he still had more than enough time to mutter with Qin Xi on his way home, saying that he just didn't have enough time to hold an exhibition for everyone to see.

Qin Xi was still young at that time. He looked up at his grandfather with a look of regret. Although he didn't understand why, he remembered his obsession clearly.

Therefore, even though there are many awards and many well-known exhibition organizers in the photography industry, holding a personal exhibition always has a different status in Qin Xi's mind.

She turned off the computer and said in her heart.

Grandfather, I don't know if you can see it. You have been regretting that you have not been able to complete something. I will finish it for you.

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