Qin Xi's heart was happy, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily hooked.

Although this result has been expected, but it is really exciting to realize it.

The noisy audience behind it didn't sound like a big response. Most of them had expected the result.

Zhao Jing's expression is still calm, but quietly turned around and exchanged a look with Qin Xi.

But he Xiang seemed to be chopped by thunder, and the wood was fixed in place.

After the judge pronounced the sentence, the trial was over. The audience walked out of the court in twos and threes. However, he Xiang was still standing in the same place, until the bailiff called him: "go, all of you are released. Why are you still in a daze? Go and do some procedures to clean up!"

He Xiang suddenly raised his head as if he had recovered his soul.

His eyes subconsciously looked to Qinxi, his lips mumbled, trying to say something, but the bailiff was impatient and pushed the man away with a wave of his hand.

With a smile, Qin Xi walked out of the audience seat and went out to walk around the meeting. Then he found Zhao Jing waiting outside.

Qin Xi Dynasty Zhao Jing erect thumb: "great!"

Zhao Jing changed the professional calm expression of a lawyer on her face and grabbed Qin Xi's hand: "in fact, this is the first time that I have been involved in a lawsuit independently. I used to follow Lu's old lawyer together! It's good. It's good. It's won! "

Qin Xi slapped her on the shoulder with a smile: "then you are more powerful. We'll go out later, and I'll treat you to dinner. "

Zhao Jing was not polite to her and nodded: "OK! But now wait for he Xiang. "

Qin Xi agreed.

Zhao Jing suddenly asked, "when the recording was just broadcast, the bottom Is there any reaction? "

Qin Xi nodded: "it's the expected reaction that I told you before."

Zhao Jing took a breath: "that's good! After that What are your plans? "

Qin Xi said with a smile: "when the result of He Xiang's case comes out, I'll find someone to report it, and focus on reporting the money laundering case. The real initiator is Qin Shengtian. When you are interested in this case, you will naturally explore why Qin Shengtian chose He Xiang to plant the booty. By the time the public mood has arrived, Qin Shengtian's reputation has been completely damaged, and there is no public Xinli, no one will believe any excuse he says. At this time, he will make the matter of Yao Min public. "

Zhao Jing suddenly realized and nodded: "this..."

As they were talking, the sound of footsteps came from the other side of the corridor.

Looking back, he Xiang came.

The bailiff recognized Zhao Jing as he Xiang's defense lawyer. Seeing them standing here, they knew they had something to say, so they nodded and left.

"You..." He Xiang's voice was a little tight, "you're going to defend me from the beginning?"

Zhao Jing is about to speak, and is held down by Qin Xi.

"Your evidence is more suitable for a plea of innocence." Qin Xi's voice was very cold, "if you think you miss the prison life, I just intend to let you go back to stay for a few days with the reputation infringement."

He Xiang's eyes widened: "don't! No, I don't mean that... "

Qin Xi sneered: "do you really think that you are completely innocent?"

He Xiang shut his mouth.

"Don't think I don't know what you're hiding." Qin Xi turned his head coldly. "It's easier to fight innocence than commutation. I let the lawyer do it."

He Xiang held back for a long time and said in panic: "so, thank you really I just want to say thank you... "

Zhao Jing rolled her eyes in the sky.

He Xiang is a liar and doesn't make a draft.

When he just stopped his steps, his expression clearly meant to start a teacher and make a crime. He was bluffing by Qin Xi and changed his words immediately.

He murmured for a long time to finish his words. Qin Xi looked impatient: "OK, you are OK now, we will..."

"Wait!" Seeing her anxious to leave, he Xiang couldn't help saying, "you What else do you know? "

His eyes moved around uneasily.

At the beginning, he really didn't pay attention to this little girl. He didn't try to find someone to defend himself. But he was overcast once, and he didn't trust the lawyer. So he didn't dare to tell his evidence casually. He was afraid that Qin Shengtian would send him again. So he tried many times, but he didn't get any results.

At that time, he didn't believe it. Qin Xi and Zhao Jing, with their inexperienced faces, could really make things happen.

But now this scene proves that they are capable.

Therefore, he Xiang did not dare to despise them at will, especially he did not dare to doubt Qinxi.

She said she had evidence on her hand. What kind of evidence is it

He Xiang didn't have much confidence. He knew that his business was not clean. If he checked carefully, he could find out a lot of things.

So he was eager to know what Qin Xi was holding in his hand.But obviously, Qin Xi didn't mean to let him.

"What have you done yourself, don't you know?" Qin Xi gave a cold smile, "this time I got you out, it's your good luck. The next time you do this kind of thing, you can't be sure what will happen."

He Xiang quickly stood up straight: "I swear, I will not be obsessed to do this kind of thing again in the future."

Qin Xi, however, did not answer and took Zhao Jing to leave.

Zhao Jing followed up a few steps and asked in a low voice, "sister Qin Xi, you What do you know? "

She was the one who followed He Xiang's case. She didn't know!

Qin Xi's face that pair of cold expression has changed down, turn head toward Zhao Jing a smile: "I don't know anything."

"Ah?" Zhao Jing was surprised, "so you were just..."

"I'm scaring him." Qin Xi finished her words for her, "he Xiang is a man who has a lot of ingenuity and cunning. Business must not be clean. As soon as you see it, it's not an accident to meet Qin Shengtian. He often walks by the river, and there are no wet shoes. "

Zhao Jingruo nodded with thought.

Qin Xi continued: "although the recording he provided sounds like he knows nothing about Qin Shengtian's plan, who knows whether he pretends to be confused by Qin Shengtian's promised profits to do this kind of thing."

Zhao Jing was dumb: "then you still help him to fight innocence..."

Qin Xi said with a smile: "didn't I say it? It's easier to directly declare him innocent than to prove him guilty according to my idea just now."

Zhao Jing thought and nodded.

Qin Xi patted her on the shoulder: "it's better to be like this. Although he was acquitted, he always felt that there was a knife in my hand that might stab him at any time. To deal with people like him, it is necessary to make him feel insecure at all times, so that he can put away his bad thoughts and be a good man. "

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