Tang Ya arrived at the light garden at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Xi once again doubted whether she was a robot or not.

When shaking hands with her, the cold temperature from the palm of the other party's palm and her smile, which seemed to have been measured, made Qin Xi's resistance to her incomprehensible one more point.

However, Lu's cooperation with her is more. Since Lu Shen has said that she has no big problem, Qin Xi has to suppress her doubts temporarily.

They sat down in the living room. Tang Ya opened his head and said, "what's your plan?"

Qin Xi turned back and handed her the planning book he had drawn up: "I plan to Open a personal photo exhibition. "

Tang Ya's face did not show a bit of surprise, took the planning book, not in a hurry to open, but staring at Qinxi: "what do you want?"

Most of the contents of the book are emphasized in the book

Tang Ya nodded, which opened the planning book.

She looked at the document very fast, it was like a scanner. Qin Xi thought it was less than a minute, so she closed the plan.

"How about it?" Qin Xi asked, looking at her cool eyes.

Tang Ya nodded: "your plan Basically, it is very mature. Only a few details need to be polished carefully. But I have a problem. It seems that you don't need our public relations participation in your planning this time. "

Qin Xi faintly smile: "at that time did not consider this problem, but now there are new ideas."

Qin Xi still remembers why he decided to hold a photography exhibition.

It was a former client who called and said that she was willing to sponsor Qinxi's photography exhibition, which made her confident and ready to start selecting photos.

But at that time, her purpose of holding the exhibition was very simple. She wanted to fulfill her grandfather's wish and prove that she could open an exhibition.

Now, her mood has changed a little.

She really wants to take this exhibition as a starting point for her career.

Although he loves photography, Qin Xi knows that he doesn't really regard photography as a career. No matter what, he has to make way for Yao Min's business. If the client can't make an appointment to go, he can only make time to repair the film. Even if it's not perfect, it doesn't matter.

Even if I decide to hold a photo exhibition, it's more like a personal Memorial. I plan to plan and find venues by myself. I don't plan to do any publicity. I don't know when I can completely solve Yao Min's problems, so I can't put my mind on my own things.

But now that the dust is settled, she can't go on like this.

Since she intends to do this business conscientiously, she can no longer continue to follow her previous ideas. She needs professional people to do the early planning, inviting guests, and later publicity.

And Tang Ya is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Qin Xi gave a brief explanation, and Tang ya did not ask much. He nodded and accepted her explanation, and once again bowed his head and opened the document.

"I've probably seen a few key points that I need to confirm with you." Tang Ya pointed to the planner and said, "are you sure you want to open this exhibition in the art museum in Nancheng?"

Qin Xi nodded: "this is the best place."

Tang Ya squinted: "I will try my best to help you fight for it, but you also know that the schedule of this art gallery is always full, I can't guarantee 100 percent."

Qinxi hands crossed: "I understand, you try to fight for it."

Tang Ya suddenly asked, "although it's a little presumptuous, can you tell me a little bit about why you have to do it here?"

Qin Xi's lips have a light smile: "because This place is a memorial to me

After listening to her vague expression and knowing that she would not like to say more, Tang ya did not ask again. Instead, she asked the second question: "why is love the theme of your exhibition?"

Qin Xi a smile: "it's just a tentative theme."

"Would you like to take advantage of the exhibition Tang Ya's voice suddenly raised a little, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through Qinxi.

Qin Xi's heart was uncovered, but there was no shyness. He just felt uncomfortable with Tang Ya's eyes.

"Yes," Qin Xi nodded, "but confession is not the main purpose. I just express my feelings by the way, can't I?"

The ending of her last rhetorical question rose, vaguely expressing her dissatisfaction with Tang Ya's questioning. Tang Ya seemed to realize her gaffe immediately and lowered her eyes: "sorry, I'm just a little surprised. After all, you don't look like you're the one who'll take the initiative. "

Qin Xi did not continue to investigate, followed by a low voice, a faint smile: "but Sometimes, you have to take the initiative to express it. People all want to be loved. If they hide forever, how can others see their love? "

Tang Ya also followed with a smile, but there was something strange about the smile. She put away the planning book and nodded to Qinxi: "I probably know. About the overall planning, I will send the plan to your email before tonight."Qin Xi smile: "hard you."

Tang Ya soon left, and Qin Xi went straight up the stairs and turned on the computer.

Since we have decided to hold a good exhibition, we should be more careful in choosing photos.

She was about to sit down when she was struck by something in her pocket.

Qin Xi reached out and took out the photo of Lu Shen that he found in the darkroom.

She gazed at the picture, hesitated for a few seconds, then put it on the table.

Ask Lu Shenba.

If you can, this picture is also very good.


On the other hand, Lu Shen had a busy day.

I went to Lu's in the morning to finish processing the documents, held a meeting, had a lunch with the client, and met another client, and the sky gradually darkened.

Out of the company, Lin Yang didn't have to tell him to drive directly to Lu's home.

Lu youyou was already waiting at the door. Before Lu Shen came in, he began to chirp: "the doctor went to check several times today and said that he should wake up today or tomorrow. Otherwise, there might be some problems. Brother, you say, is there any way to stimulate him? "

Lu Shen saw through Lu youyou's calculation at a glance, and said coldly and sarcastically, "do you really think you are the heroine of a fairy tale? You can try. If you kiss Lin Yi, he will wake up. I will force him to marry you

Lu youyou's girl's worry is seen through. She makes a big red face for a moment. She hammers Lu Shen and goes inside herself.

Lu Shen walked to the bedroom door where Lin Yi lived.

Wu Qing is already waiting at the door.

"Lu Shao, Miss Lu." He nodded to both men.

Lu Shen nodded lightly, and then walked into the room.

According to the doctor, Lin Yi doesn't need too many medical facilities any more. Lu youyou simply asks people to clean up a room and let Lin Yi live in it. His reputation is to let him have a better rest.

But the bedroom is almost opposite to Lu youyou's own bedroom. Lu Shen sees through Lu youyou's careful thinking. In front of outsiders, he still doesn't say much.

Lu Shen was impatient to see Lin Yi, who was unconscious in bed. He turned to Wu Qing and said, "tell me what happened that day. How can Lin Yi be counted in? "

Wu Qing lowered his eyes, and his tone was much lighter: "that day, you contacted me to say that the old man of the Mu family went to the eldest brother. I dare not delay, so I went to him directly. It turns out that Mu Chengzhen is in the living room. They had been around for a long time. I didn't go in, so I couldn't really listen to him. I just knew that the eldest brother answered a phone call. It was Mu Yuxing who asked him out. He left the old man at home and took me with him

Lu Shen slightly narrowed his eyes: "is mu Yuxing about him to the edge of the cliff?"

Wu Qing nodded: "the boss said that Mu Yuxing asked him to exchange hostages there. I reminded the boss that it might not be so simple and asked him to take more people, but the boss didn't pay attention to me, so we drove to the edge of the cliff. By the time we arrive, Mu Yuxing has arrived. "

"Did Mu Yuxing bring the peace?" Lu Shen asked.

Wu Qing shook his head: "no, Mu Yuxing with his hand down, no quiet."

Lu Shen sneered: "useless man. And then you two got into a fight? "

Wu Qing clenched his fist: "Mu Yuxing, that coward called a helper! Mo tingshen is here

Lu Shen's face sank with him: "Mo tingshen?"

Wu Qing nodded angrily: "who doesn't know that our Nanling of Yinfeng and Mo tingshen is a deep blood feud. We specially brought Mo tingshen to kill our boss!"

Lu Shen did not answer, but was silent and took a look at Lin Yi, who was ignorant on the hospital bed.

Wu Qing was very angry, and regardless of Lu Shen's reaction, he said to himself: "the three of us stood in a deadlock. Mu Yuxing said a lot of things. In the end, Mo tingshen was impatient and wanted to take out a gun to hit people. In the end, it was Mu Yuxing who shot through the elder's arm. The boss fell off the cliff. I jumped with it

Lin Yang was a little surprised this time. He turned his head and asked Wu Qing, "did you follow me? Then how could we not find you? "

Wu Qing nodded: "the cliff is not high, and I was not hurt. In fact, I jumped near the boss. I wanted to take him out to find a doctor. I didn't expect you to come. I'm not familiar with the people you sent. I didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend for a while, so I had to hide it in a distance. When you found the boss, I was anxious to follow, and I recognized your car. "

So it is

Lin Yang nodded.

Wu Qing also talked about how he escaped from the cliff with his car, how he got to country f by drilling into the warehouse of the plane, and how he was met by Lu shenlinyang at the gate of the sanatorium.

But obviously, no one was listening in the ward.Only Lu youyou interrupted him impatiently: "I've heard you say it several times! Say something else

Wu Qing was tongue tied for a moment. He didn't know what to say. He could only turn to see Lu Shen.

Lu Shen just slightly frowns and looks at Lin Yi on the hospital bed.

The silence in the ward was finally broken by the doctor.

"Master Lu." The doctor bowed to him slightly. "It's very late. Please go back to rest as soon as possible. The patient also needs a rest."

The doctor had been in the Lu family since his grandfather was at home. They moved to country f and followed him. Lu Shen respected him, so he nodded and prepared to go out.

Wu Qing still stayed in the ward to take care of Lin Yi, so he didn't come out again when he sent them to the door. Lu Shenzheng was going to lift his feet and go out, but Lu youyou grabbed his sleeve.

"Brother Lu youyou shook his hand. "It's so late. Why do you have to go back to the light garden every day? There is no shortage of your room at home. Why do you have to leave at midnight every day! My parents are away every day. I'm the only one at home. I'm bored to death. "

Lu Shen said: "if you are bored, read more books. Don't think you hang out every day. I don't know

Lu youyou curled his mouth: "I've been admitted to the University, but I'm not allowed to play!"

Lu Shen smiles, pulls his hand and turns away.

Lu youyou stands in the same place and reacts for a few seconds before realizing that her topic is completely biased by Lu Shen.

Where is she complaining about boredom! She wants Lu Shen to live at home!

Lu Shen can't hear how Lu youyou stomps in the same place.

He has got on the bus with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang certainly doesn't ask questions as naive as Lu youyou. He knows very well that Lu Shen has to rush back to Qingyuan no matter how late he is every day. Even if he sleeps less for a few hours, it doesn't matter. It's not for anything else, but for Qinxi.

But Lu Shen just that obvious shift topic, he also saw in the eye.

"Mr. Lu." Lin Yang said cautiously, "if I remember correctly, Miss Lu seems to like Miss Qin very much. You Why don't you let her know? "

Lu Shen didn't answer his questions for a long time. When Lin Yang began to worry about whether he was interfering too much in Lu Shen's private life, Lu Shen suddenly opened his mouth.

"She really likes Qinxi." Lu Shen recalled the scene when he took Qinxi back to Lu's home. "Later, Qin Xi was hospitalized, and she came to see her specially."

"Well..." Lin Yang did not dare to talk about the problem again this time.

But Lu Shen chuckled and shook his head: "but Lu youyou is too shallow to hide things. If you tell her, my mother will find out."

Lin Yang finally understood.

Xu Ying has always been dissatisfied with Qin Xi. Even when Lu Shen and Qin Xi wanted to divorce, it was entirely her push.

Up to now, although Lu Shen and Qin Xi are interlinked, he also knows that Xu Ying has not passed the pass.

"Stop talking about it." Lu Shen lowered his eyes, opened his mouth and changed the topic, "do you think there is something wrong with what Wu Qing said?"

"Question?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and wondered, "do you think Is Wu Qing lying? "

Wu Qing is ashamed of Lin Yi's focus. Can such a person conceal the truth and lie to others?

Lu Shen shook his head: "it's not Wu Qing who lies, it's There are some contradictions in what he said

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