Qin Xi can't understand what the so-called curriculum is.

Teach her to protect herself, to give up all the feelings a normal person can have, and how to become a good machine.

"I've had a few classes and I've got it all." Fang Fang opened her mouth with a smile, but her tone was bitter and astringent. "He wants me to take this kind of course to tell me not to hold on to feelings that should not exist any more. As for the story of him and me, it's just a trap that he tried his best to catch. If the prey is hooked, there is no need to work harder. "

Qin Xi looked at her smile and seemed to see Yao Min in a trance. Her heart began to ache with empathy.

"I see everything and have no illusions about him. My only worry is my son." Fang Fang lowered her eyes and looked at her abdomen, as if there was still a life in it. "Although I have completely given up on him, the life in my stomach is my child, and I can't give up my feelings for him. I'm afraid that, according to his character, if he finds out I'm pregnant, he may force me to leave the child. "

Fang Fang's eyes were in a trance: "I can bear to be cheated by him, but if I lose this child, I'm afraid I will collapse."

Qin Xi sighed slightly, which was very obvious in the quiet room.

Fang Fang naturally heard it, laughed and looked at her: "is it difficult to understand my idea?"

Qin Xi shook his head and did not speak.

"But I didn't hide it for a long time," Fang Fang narrowed her smile. "You know what the courses in the organization looked like, and there were high requirements for physical fitness. At that time, I had a very serious reaction to pregnancy. I was pregnant several times a day. Basically, I couldn't eat anything. I went back and forth and fainted in a certain physical training."

"When I wake up again, I will be in the hospital organized. He stood at the edge of the hospital bed and looked down at me Fang Fang's expression was obviously caught in the memory. "Funny to say, it was the first time that I had close contact with him after the experimental results came out. However, he just asked me in a cold voice why he and the organization concealed the news of pregnancy."

"At that time, I was afraid and angry, worried that he would attack my children, and angry with his attitude towards me. Finally, I couldn't keep calm any more. I screamed at him like a collapse and told him to get out. He lived to such an age, and most of the time he was treated like this for the first time Fang Fang's mouth flashed a smile, but soon disappeared, "he did not ask why I was pregnant in violation of the organization's regulations, because he knew that the child in my stomach would only be his."

"But he is still calm and cruel. Even though I am under the supervision of the organization almost all day long and can't contact others at all, he still asks the doctor to test the DNA before he believes that this is his son."

Qin Xi couldn't help closing his eyes.

According to the medical level at that time, the technology for DNA detection of embryos during pregnancy was not mature. If the embryos were to be as undamaged as possible, the mother would be very painful.

However, Fang Fang didn't tell us the pain. She just played it down: "it's a tough process to test DNA, but in the end, he made sure that it was his child or a boy. I think he is mostly out of the idea that this is his first son. He still let me keep this child and stop all my courses. He also won't let me enter the laboratory again. He wants me to concentrate on raising babies. "

Qin Xi finally understood why Fang Fang was the most special person in the organization. Even though she was influenced by those courses, she was more or less cold hearted. However, after staying in the organization for such a long time, why could she still maintain her emotional fluctuation as a person.

Because she didn't take those courses at all.

"At that time, I had completely given up on him, but I still listened to him. After all, this is my first child, and I also want him to be born safely. Funny to say, he often came to see me when I was raising a baby, almost every other day. Fortunately, I have thoroughly understood his essence. He came for his son, not for me. So I'll treat him coldly. " Fang Fang said such words, but not half of the tone unwilling, "even when I gave birth, he accompanied me into the delivery room. When I was in pain, he still took his hand to bite me."

A smile flashed in Fang Fang's eyes, but she soon returned to peace: "that was the last time we got along well. Fortunately, I have been completely disappointed with him, so I know that all his intimate actions are purposeful, not because I love me at all. Sure enough, after the baby was born, he didn't look at me any more, and went out with the nurse holding the baby

As an audience, Qin Xi was a little sad and out of breath at the moment, but Fang Fang seemed to be telling other people's stories, and her tone was calm: "I just had a baby, and my whole body was in a mess. It was the most vulnerable time, but he asked the nurse to take the child out. He couldn't wait to show off his first son, leaving me like a broken man Like a doll, I didn't even see my child at all, so I fell into a coma. ""After giving birth to a child, I had a massive postpartum hemorrhage, and it took me a long time to get out of danger. When I opened my eyes, there was no one around me. I didn't ask much, and I knew that he must have never been here. " Fang Fang looked at the distance, eyes a little empty, "I know at that moment, my original heart is pretended, and this moment's sorrow is more than heart death, it is true."

"But it's also good that I gave birth to his child. No one visited me, and no one dared to neglect me. I was taken good care of in the hospital until I was completely recovered and discharged." Fang Fang sipped the corners of her mouth.

"But why don't you leave?" Qin Xi couldn't help asking.

As she knows, there is no place for the organization to go in and out, especially for the experimenters like Fang Fang who can't stay any longer and can apply to leave.

But Fang Fang shook her head: "where can I go? I quit my job and fell out with my family. I thought I would have a happy ending, but I didn't expect such a tragic story. In addition to him in the organization, everything else is very good. I can support myself and Take a look at my son. This is the best place for me to go

Qin Xi was dumb.

What Fang Fang said was true, but she felt unwilling for Fang Fang.

She shouldn't have been trapped like this. She could have had a bright future.

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