"Depth of war?" Qin Xi didn't hold back the surprise on his face, "how could it be you..."

There was a faint smile on Zhan Shen's face. It seemed that he was amused by Qin Xi's surprise. He asked, "why, can't it be me?"

Qin Xi didn't know how to answer, but shook his head: "no, I just didn't think of..."

After staying in the organization for so long, she certainly knew that Zhan Shen had almost taken over the whole organization and became the new leader.

She thought that the distance between herself and the depth of the war would get farther and farther, but she didn't expect To see him here.

"It's OK to be a little surprised." "War deep light a smile," after more to adapt to it

Qin Xi didn't respond for a moment: later? "

Zhan Shen raised his eyebrows:" yes, I will account for all your tasks in the future. "

Qin Xi was more confused: "but I'm from the intelligence department Shouldn't it be the intelligence department who assigned me the task... "

Zhan Shen also said with a smile: "that's the rule of others. Just listen to me."

Qin Xi can only nod.

In fact, Qin Xi was more surprised than surprised at the meeting with Zhan Shen.

On the one hand, her heart for Zhan Shen has become a little blurred as time goes by, and she even doubts herself. At that time, it was just because Zhan Shen was always with her and mistook intimacy as her heart. On the other hand, it was because She felt that the depth of the war had changed.

Although he walked into the office, his face with a faint smile, but Qin Xi always felt that the smile was not warm.

Zhan Shen is more like putting a mask on his face because he needs this expression to have a dialogue.

Qin Xi couldn't feel his real emotional change.

After all, the leader of the new organization is the leader.

He has to handle his own work. Even if Qin Xi doesn't want to, he has some ways.

So Qin Xi simply did not resist.

It was also from that time that Qin Xi met with Zhan Shen again in the organization.

Qin Xi later understood that it was probably because Zhan Shen had already obtained the control of the whole organization from his father and stabilized the people's mind.

At this time, who he would like to be close to, no one can tell at will.

So from this time on, he began to show his closeness to Qinxi.

Qin Xi's tasks span several levels and are handled by him himself. Usually, whenever he has the opportunity, he will block up Qinxi and eat with her, or chat with her after her training.

But Some things are too late to come back.

Qin Xi's mind is no longer the same as before, and Zhan Shen has changed a lot.

The cruel and merciless side of his character is more and more obvious, but the side of human nature is less and less.

In this case, the more he expressed his closeness to Qinxi, the more frightened he was.

She knows how to interact with a person normally, but she doesn't know how to get along with a robot.

Fortunately, Qinxi's life is not completely trapped in the organization.

Except when she has a job, she still lives in her original life track. She goes to college, meets new friends, and goes home to have dinner with Yao Min on weekends.

It was at this time that she met Xu Nan.

Xu Nan is totally different from the depth of the war.

He is thin and clean, and likes to wear white shirt. He is polite when talking to girls, and he is almost two kinds of people.

At that time, Qin Xi, who was eager to escape from the depth of the war, approached Xu Nan as if he were escaping.

Fortunately, during that time, the organization was not peaceful, the war was deep, and he was caught up in trouble. He did not carefully monitor the life of Qinxi, so Xu Nan escaped.

However, as soon as the matter at Zhan Shen's side has been handled, Yao Min has already had an accident.

And then It's that tragic memory.

Qin Xi is sure that his heart for Zhan Shen started with that embrace, and died in the night when Fang Fang jumped off the building.

Even the mother's body can not protect the man, there is no way to let her at ease.

So in fact, Zhan Shen chose the wrong direction.

Qin Xi gave up on him and fell in love with Lu Shen.

Now even without Lu Shen, it doesn't mean that Qin Xi will come back with him.

It's just that the depth of the war is still unknown.

And the memories in Qin Xi's sleep are still going on.

It's just that the protagonist is no longer the depth of the war, but Lu Shen.

She met Lu Shen, met again, got married and left.

Every shot went through her mind.

Qin Xi finally had to admit that she might have been deeply involved in the war and had some affection for Xu Nan. However, Lu Shen was the only one she really loved.Otherwise, when he knew Lu Shen had betrayed himself, he would not have remembered him in the middle of the night with tears in his eyes and a smile in his mouth.

After the long dream, it was light.

Qin Xi didn't pull up the curtain last night. When the sun rose slowly, she moved her body and opened her eyes slightly.

In the first second, she didn't know where she was.

It's just that since this period of time, she has been used to seeing her picture hanging at the head of her bed when she opens her eyes. Now she looks at the blank wall and can't help being stunned for a second.

But then she remembered.

…… I am no longer in the light garden.

She was trapped on an island thousands of miles away.

How's that picture?

Qin Xi suddenly missed him.

After Lu Shen went back, what would he think of his act of hanging a picture on the head of his bed?

Do you think it's funny?

And his new love, his fiancee, will not feel a little bit of an eyesore?

If so, the photo has been discarded, right?

She had so many questions, but none of them was answered.

Because all of her communication tools have been lost, and there is obviously nothing in the dormitory that can make her contact with the outside world.

Qinxi, like this island, has been completely isolated.


Lu Shen is lying in bed in country f thousands of miles away, looking at the picture that Qin Xi remembers.

His face was a little tired, and the corners of his mouth turned down slightly, which showed that he was in a bad mood.

Lin Yang investigated for a whole day and determined that there was no monitoring screen to capture the next whereabouts of Qinxi.

She was as if the world had evaporated.

How can a living man disappear like this?

The only reasonable explanation is She is no longer a living person.

No one dares to tell him the worst guess, but Lu Shen himself has to think about it.

Qinxi Are you all right?

I miss you so much.

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