Lin Yi wants to use this marriage to implicate Wenjing, so that she has no spare time to think back and think about the man before.

But where can Lu Shen be used casually as a tool?

Therefore, even if Lin Yi's proposal is not completely without benefits for him, he can not respond to Lin Yi's request at will.

After he said that, Lin Yi understood what he meant, so he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just said that, and I didn't mean to force you. If you want it, you can do it yourself. "

Lu Shen simply nodded, and the servant suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

It was the housekeeper who brought him the supper.

The kitchen has done a lot of work, so Lu Shen waves his hand and asks Wu Qing to come in to eat. When there is one more person in the room, it is difficult for Lu Shen and Lin Yi to continue to discuss the issue. After the three people finish the night quietly, Lu Shen gets up and leaves Lin Yi's room.

The housekeeper was still waiting in the hall. Looking at Lu Shen's appearance of leaving, he quickly said, "young master, it's too late. All the rooms here are ready for you."

why don't you stay here and have a rest?

If usually, at this time point, Lu Shen would not have to insist on returning to the light garden, nodding more than half and resting here in Lu's house.

But now it's different.

Qin Xi is not around. Thinking of this fact, he has an impulse to go back to Qingyuan.

Maybe Will Qinxi appear suddenly?

She certainly won't come to Luzhai. If she goes back to Qingyuan and finds herself out, she will think a lot.

Lu Shen will not let this happen.

So Lu Shen just waved his hand and refused the housekeeper's proposal. He got on the bus and asked the driver to drive to the light garden.

Lu's house is not close to the light garden. After driving for a long time, he finally returned to the light garden.

The housekeeper of Qingyuan was surprised to see him come back so late, but he didn't say much. He just took his coat and followed him into the hall of the main building.

After receiving too much information today, Lu Shen was a little sleepy, so he wanted to go to bed early.

Unexpectedly, there is a big box in the living room.

Lu Shen looked at the housekeeper in a strange way. The latter quickly explained, "this is the package sent to you. We dare not open it at will. The security guard has checked it with a metal detector. If there is no problem, we will put it here and dismantle it by yourself when you come back."

Lu Shen frowned with some doubts.

He seldom handles any express delivery by himself. Most of the express delivery related to him are received by Lin Yang. If it is not very important, Lin Yang will deal with the things by himself. If he has to handle the things himself, Lin Yang will clean up the things, make sure that they are safe and detoxified, and then give them to him.

So this is the first express he has received in person for so long.

Lu Shen himself was a little confused. He really couldn't think of anyone who would send things to him and sent them to the light garden instead of the company. What's more, such a large package doesn't look like an ordinary thing.

Lu thought about the label, but he could not think of what he was standing on the outside.

The package of express delivery is very exquisite, unlike the ordinary express delivery which is usually dirty and thrown around. The pure white box is spotless, with white ribbon, it looks very delicate.

The label, or a small card, was tied directly to the ribbon with a silver envelope on it. Without hesitation, Lu Shen reached out and opened it.

But he just looked down and his face changed.

"I wish you a happy marriage."

Lu Shen finally knew what was inside.

That's the wedding dress he asked Lin Yang to fix for Qin Xi.

In fact, the time is just a few days ago, he tossed and turned in Nancheng, thinking about how to give Qinxi an unforgettable wedding as soon as he came back. He also called Lin Yang in the middle of the night to let him prepare his own wedding. When he came out of prison, he didn't want to think about anything. He just urged Lin Yang to inquire about Qinxi's height and weight and book his wedding dress.

He wanted to use the wedding as a surprise for Qin Xi, but he didn't think of it. Qin Xi gave him a "surprise" - missing.

From the moment he knew that she was missing, Lu Shen could hardly think about anything else, and the wedding he had been thinking about was completely forgotten by him.

But seeing the wedding dress sent by mail, everything comes back to Lu Shen's mind.

When I was in Nancheng, I was thinking of planning a beautiful wedding for Qinxi. What was Qinxi doing?

Did you have a good time to talk with Zhan Shen?

Lu Shen calmed down for a night. When he saw the wedding dress, his inexplicable anger suddenly ignited.

No, jealousy is more appropriate than anger.

He knew that Qin Xi had lost his memory and couldn't remember anything. So he didn't deliberately hide him or tell him his own identity. He also knew that Qin Xi remembered everything now. Most of the time, he had no way to contact him.But these are the thoughts that Lu Shen's brain can control.

The emotion in his heart was turbulent, but could not be controlled by his brain.

He knows all the truth, knows all things, but still feel some grievances, even anger.

After Bai Tangya revealed the truth, it seemed a little funny because of his concern for Qinxi. In addition, because of the wedding he planned, he seemed particularly ridiculous in front of Qin Xi's disappearance.

The housekeeper stands behind Lu Shen. Even if he can't see Lu Shen's expression, he can feel his dramatic change.

So after waiting for a few minutes, when Lu Shen was still motionless, he finally couldn't help but say, "Mr. Lu? Is there anything wrong with this package? "

Lu Shen slowly came back to God because of the housekeeper's words.

He gave a self mocking smile and shook his head: "there is nothing wrong with the package."

The problem, it's me.

"Well..." The housekeeper looked worried and asked again, but Lu Shen suddenly said something.

"Take this package to my room."

A trace of surprise appeared on the housekeeper's face, but he was the most dedicated housekeeper in the end. He didn't ask much, but nodded and said, "OK, I'll send it to you."

Lu Shen finally glanced at the pure white gift box, then withdrew his eyes and went straight upstairs.

He is so tired that he needs a hot bath to relax himself.

Then I will have the energy and mood to deal with the successive things after this.

The housekeeper looked at his back, his eyes slightly complicated.

But he was still dedicated to the body, calling two servants: "be careful to send it up."

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