The wedding of Lu's headmaster is a sensational event in the whole country F.

If the investigation is really carried out, Lu Shen's early efforts in order to let Qin Xi know the news of his marriage and spare no effort to do propaganda, also can not be denied.

After all, Lu Shen has always kept a low profile, but before he got married, he suddenly accepted several interviews in public and announced the news of his marriage in person.

This abnormal behavior is a signal to the public that he attaches great importance to the wedding.

Under his instruction, the public relations department did not directly intervene in controlling public opinion, but gave proper guidance.

In this way, the grapevine also flies all over the sky.

After all, this kind of gossip of a powerful family has always been a favorite thing for people to talk about after dinner. Just how much money Lu Shen spent on getting married has been on the headlines of gossip magazines for several days, which has fed many magazines.

Under Lu Shen's deliberate control, everything about the wedding is not strictly confidential, except for one - the identity of the bride.

How many people spend their minds to inquire about the identity of the bride whom Lu Shen values so much, but no one has got the exact information. The only thing they know is that the bride lives in Lu's house.

This is very unfortunate news for many journalists.

Because the wedding is not open to the public, there are strict security procedures around the residence, and even the sky above the residence is closely checked to prevent the shooting of UAVs. Therefore, the only chance these reporters could seize was the moment when the bride entered the residence.

In this way, the bride will not leave the residence at all, and reporters will not be able to shoot.

All of them were sad, but they all agreed to stay at the gate of Lu's house, waiting to see if they could get any exclusive news.

The early ones arrived before dawn and got the best position. Later, they set up the machine at 7:30, waiting for the capture at any time. It was only until nine o'clock that some guests arrived at the gate of Lu's house. There was no sign of Lu Shen and the bride.

When a group of people were disappointed, they could only focus on the invited guests to see if they could dig up any useful information.

Just as a group of people began to look around, a car suddenly passed by.

The speed of the car is very fast, almost in front of the public only left a shadow, and even the experienced journalists are only conditional reflection to take a few photos, many of them are not in focus.

The car passed in front of them, and they subconsciously looked in the direction of the car.

The gate of Lu's house seemed to be arranged. When the car drove past, it was opened to the size that allowed the car to enter, and then it was quickly closed.

Everything happened so quickly that when the reporters woke up, they only had time to take a few pictures of the closed door. Only a few lucky people found the appearance of the car from the photos that were not so thick.

So the reporters next to me were full of envy and went over to see what the car looked like.

Who is it?

If I remember correctly, all Lu's guests left from the front door? Should this door not be open to the public?

I look like this car belongs to the people in Lu's house.

A few people, you and I said one word, according to a few photos to look back and forth, but their location is not coincidental, did not take the license plate of the car, only the side of the car photo, but on the window of the car pasted with thick anti peep film, from the photos can not see who is sitting in the car.

Only a reporter who has been following Lu Shen for a long time did he have some uncertain questions and asked, "this car Is it Lu Shen's? "

A word out, several people are quiet for a moment, and then suddenly like a frying pan to discuss.


"Lu Shen's car?"

"How could Lu Shen's car appear here at this time?"

"Are you sure you read it correctly?"

The reporter who said the words was forced to ask again and again, and he was a little flustered: "I I just feel that... "

After all, they were all black cars. It was difficult to tell the truth from the false when they were driving so fast and the photos were not clear. Therefore, the reporter was not so confident.

Several people discussed a few words, after all there is no way to determine, also scattered.

But before long, several security guards came out of Lu's house, politely and politely asked all reporters to leave, and all the reporters' cameras were emptied.

The reporters really confirmed that the car must be Lu Shen's.

But what's the use of being sure? All the pictures in their hands have been deleted.

Even if there are photos, they don't dare to risk being remembered by Lu Shen. They can only remember this puzzle in their hearts.

Where did Lu Shen go on the eve of her wedding?Inside Lu's house, in the car he discussed, were Lu Shen and Qin Xi.

Qin Xi recalled the group of reporters on the roadside just now, and the sound of the shutter just sounded. He was still a little uneasy in his heart: "they won't be able to shoot it, will they?"

Lu Shen's expression is more indifferent: "No."

He didn't dare to shoot it. His face was clearly written with this line.

Qin Xi was skeptical, but she put down a snack. After all, she had too many things to worry about now, so her attention was quickly diverted.

When she left the organization's stronghold last night, she didn't expect the story to develop like this.

She thought that if she was lucky, she could have a good chat with Lu Shen, hear a little explanation from him, and then say good-bye.

But I can't imagine that this is going to happen.

All that she did was just a misunderstanding. Lu Shen's wedding It's for her.

The news that I heard last night was too subversive. Qin Xi only felt that his mind was filled with many sponges, which made his thinking slow.

Qin Xi looks at Lu Shen's side face and remembers the scene of last night.

Last night, she agreed to Lu Shen's proposal.

And Lu Shen's joy was also because she nodded her head and almost became an entity. After she agreed to come down, she took a step forward and hugged Qinxi tightly.

Two people kiss each other for a long time, until they are interrupted by a low cough.

Qin Xi was kissing some brain hypoxia, turned to look at people when the eyes are still hazy, after a few seconds to respond to, knock on the door is the housekeeper.

The housekeeper's face was still as friendly as before. He looked at the two people tightly holding each other with a smile in his voice: "back?"

The housekeeper's voice was warm and warm. It was as if Qin Xi had disappeared during this period of time. He just went out for a while as usual and came back at night.

Qin Xi's face unconsciously raised a smile.

But she couldn't nod her head and say, "back," because she knew that she was I'm leaving tomorrow.

But the housekeeper was immersed in the joy of seeing her again, and didn't notice anything wrong with her expression. He just said with a smile: "it's good to have a rest early in the evening, and there are still big things to do tomorrow."

With that, he gave Lu Shen a meaningful glance.

Qin Xi knew what he meant. His face was a little hot. Lu Shen nodded to the housekeeper calmly: "I know."

The housekeeper left with a smile.

Lu Shen has already explained to him all his doubts before, so now he looks at Qinxi and is full of joy that only two people are finally reunited. The entanglement of whether Lu Shen is empathy or not has long been gone.

After the bedroom door was closed again, Lu Shen and Qin Xi finally separated. But Lu Shen's hand was still holding Qin Xi's waist. He bowed his head in Qin Xi's ear and said, "everything in the bathroom is reserved for you. Go and wash it first."

Qin Xi looked at the closed door of the room, but he was a little distracted.

Just now She has told Lu Shen that she is going to leave tomorrow, but his reaction is so understatement that Qin Xi doubts whether he has not paid attention to it.

So Even if the atmosphere is very good now, she has to break it herself.

"Lu Shen." Qin Xi turned around and looked up at Lu Shen with a very serious tone, "I just said, I'm going to leave tomorrow --"

"I know." Before Qin Xi finished, Lu Shen interrupted her, "I know you're leaving here after the wedding tomorrow."

His look is very calm, without any expected dissatisfaction or anger, but let Qin Xi have some doubts: "you Doesn't it matter? "

Lu Shen looked down at her. Instead of answering this question, Lu Shen threw another question to Qinxi: "what about you? Why did you agree to marry me when you knew you were leaving after the wedding

At that time, the language of Qinxi was blocked.

Naturally, there are thousands of reasons in her heart. To sum up, it is just because of her love for Lu Shen. Because of her love for him, she is willing to be the bride at a wedding. Even if she can't be together later, there is no regret.

But this kind of words What can she say?

Fortunately, Lu Shen seemed to see her thoughts from her eyes. She gave a low smile, lowered her head in her ear and said, "what do you think, what I think. Qinxi, I love you. Because I love you, I'm willing to "

Lu Shen's confession came out of the blue, which made the whole people of Qinxi feel as if they were hit by the waves of happiness.

Lu Shengang just said I love you!

He Confessed to yourself?

Qin Xi suddenly remembered how she had been tossing and turning when she lived here in the last few days. Every night, she asked herself, Lu Shen's mind, where he was and what he thought of himself What does it look like?Qin Xi never thought that he was a hypocritical person before, but now he finally understood that a word I love you has no legal effect, and it is not a serious contract. However, the weight of this promise can not be replaced by any kind of contract.

As long as she had this sentence, it was enough to reassure her and make her understand how important she was in Lu Shen's heart.

Lu Shen's arm once again wrapped around Qinxi: "as long as you have me in your heart, even if we can only stay at this wedding, I am also satisfied enough."

Qin Xi's fingers moved, and in the end he reached out and hugged Lu Shen.

She didn't think so.

At present, her plan to leave the organization is still in the distant future. When she will leave the organization and when she will be able to completely stay with Lu Shen, now she has agreed to his proposal, which is just to satisfy her a little bit.

“…… But what about tomorrow's wedding? " They hugged each other quietly for a while, but Qin Xi still couldn't hold back the topic, and opened his mouth again, breaking the warm atmosphere.

She also felt that she was really a bit of a beauty tonight, but With the previous experience, she is now understood that all problems can not wait, only before everything happens, will not produce irreparable mistakes in the end.

Lu Shen just gently smile: "you can rest assured, listen to me tomorrow, I will arrange everything."

His tone is too firm, so Qin Xi can only give up and stop asking questions.

Lu Shen didn't do anything more. He let Qin Xi take a bath. The two men were covered in quilts. Qin Xi lay in Lu Shen's arms, but just chatted.

Two people have been separated for three months. Even though Qinxi has many secrets that can't be told, they still can't stop them from sharing their lives.

It's just a tacit understanding. Lu Shen doesn't mention how hard he has been looking for Qin Xi in the past three months. Qin Xi doesn't say that he has been thinking about Lu Shen on the island. It seems that the suffering of the past three months has become light at this time. As long as he can embrace each other, all difficulties will collapse.

Qin Xi's nerves were very tense for a day. Even if she had a good sleep at noon and received too much news tonight, her brain felt tired.

So after two people spoke for a while, Qin Xi's voice became a little vague.

“…… Lu Shen, is everything going to be OK tomorrow? " She said the last word before going to bed.

Lu Shen patted her on the back: "sleep, it will be OK together."


Maybe it's the bed in Qingyuan that I haven't seen for a long time, or maybe it's Lu Shen's presence. Qin Xi's sleep is extremely solid, which is almost the best sleep in the past three months.

By the time she opened her eyes, it was almost eight o'clock.

She reached for a touch -

the bed was cold and there was no one.

Qin Xi was shocked and sat up.

She is in the light garden, yes, sleeping in her own bed is not wrong, but Where did Lu Shen go?

In the past few seconds, Qin Xi has filled up many possibilities. She even suspects that everything last night was just a dream of her own. However, she is too tired to fall asleep in bed. Lu Shen has never been here and has no proposal or confession. It's just her own imagination.

As soon as she was engulfed by the thought, a sound came from the bathroom door.

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