Zhang Xin did not shy away from explaining the limitation of his ability. "Besides, silver house is the expert in this kind of investigation. If it wasn't for them, I would not know Miss Bai."

"Have you ever doubted the purpose that the silver house came to you to do this?" Tang Ya frowned and said, "well, what is the silver building? You look both respectful and afraid of them?"

"Yinlou is a secret service agency," Zhang Xin tilted his head. "I can't say their location. Anyway, they are involved in surveillance, eavesdropping, bodyguards and lurking. It's much bigger than my personal business. "

Tang Ya nodded, "so the silver house is a private secret service organization, isn't it? OK, you go on

"Yes. Miss is right Zhang Xin nodded in agreement, and then went on to say what happened after he met Miss Bai. "Later, you should also know that I kept contacting Miss Bai through the instructions of the Silver Tower, and then received the instructions to cooperate with you to come to the secret city."

"What about Bai Haoyu's entrustment? Is it the bank that asked you to pick it up? " Zhan asked coldly.

"That's not true." Zhang Xin shook his head. "I received it myself. At that time, I didn't know that he was Miss Bai's brother. I thought it was just the same surname."

Therefore, Bai Haoyu seems to have only monitored Bai Shuya's actions, and then he knows Zhang Xin's existence. I'm afraid Bai Haoyu doesn't know why Zhan Shen came to Micheng.

Zhan Shen's brow wrinkled deeper. "Do you know the reason why the bank wants to do this business with you? Also, can you be sure that this morning's assassination was not sent by the bank? "

"Of course, it's certain that the relationship between silver house and tusk has always been fierce. Besides, silver house has its own mercenary team, and they can't let go of their own and use the opponent's instead?" Zhang Xin said firmly, with a firm tone.

"I've been in this business for many years, and I know the silver chamber and the Fangs' temper very well. There's no doubt about that."

If Tang Ya thinks about it, he looks at it deeply. It seems that his eyes are meaningful.

"Do you feel something wrong, too?" Zhan Shen noticed Tang Ya's eyes and returned them with the same deep meaning.

"I always think that the behavior of this silver house is very strange." Tang Ya frowned, "he is a secret service agency thousands of miles away from us. Why should he do such a thing that may not be rewarded? In other words, how much benefit can he bring to him by doing this? "

Zhan Shen didn't say anything, just looked at Yan Zhangxin again.

If we really analyze the motivation of silver house, Tang Ya can analyze many reasons. But considering Zhan Shen's purpose here and the business scope of the bank In fact, the reason is clear.

"Shall we go to Zhangxin's safe house?" Tang Ya sneered, "how can I feel that the safe house is not safe?"

Zhan Shen's expression changed several times, like he wanted to cry and laugh.

Tang Ya sighed softly, and his mood was extremely complicated. She waited for Zhan Shen's answer for a long time. Finally, she put her hand on his shoulder and said softly, "go, at least go and have a look. There will be no regret in her heart."

They don't know if someone is waiting for him in the safe room, and they don't know whether the person waiting for them is kind or malicious.

However, there is always a glimmer of hope for Zhan Shen.

Zhan deeply looks at Tangya. There seems to be infinite softness and countless words in his eyes. At last, all his emotions turn into a long sigh and the deepest gratitude in his eyes.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Zhang Xin's face turned pale. "What's unsafe in a safe house? How can it be unsafe? "

Tang Ya was stunned for a moment, and suddenly turned to Zhang Xin, "Zhang Xin, what did you put in the safe room?"

Zhang Xin's lips were moving, and he could not see the color of blood on his face.

"My wife and daughter, my Jane and Anna, are all in the safe room." Zhang Xin seemed to be in despair and looked at them with an expression of supplication, "I beg you, take me back. Even if I die, I have to die with them. "

Tang Ya couldn't bear it. He looked at it deeply.

Zhan Shen didn't hesitate much. He just sighed a long time, and then he sat upright again. "OK, now no one has to worry. Go straight to the safe house. "

With that, he quickly started the car and galloped away with Zhang Xin and Tang ya.

In fact, the block where the safe house is located is not too far away from Zhang Xin's house, and they arrived in only half an hour.

As soon as the car stopped, Zhang Xin couldn't wait to open the door and go straight to his house. Tangya didn't even have time to catch him, so he could only watch him stagger into the room, and then there was no sound.

"Tonya!" Zhan Shen drank, and he would follow him. He shook his head, "don't be reckless."

"But Zhang Xin..." Tang Ya couldn't help but say, seeing Zhan Shen shaking his head again, he finally put up with it.

Two people sitting in the car, watching the movement of the house, nervously do not know what is waiting for. For a long time, Tang Ya saw that there had been no sound in the room, and no one came in and out, so he was worried at last."Shall we go in or not?" She stares at that ordinary house, which can't be any more ordinary, and her mind is already a little unstable.

If the house was safe, Zhang Xin would come out and ask them to go in, but he didn't come out either. But if there is someone else in the safe room, Zhang Xin should also make a sound, even fight or gunfire.

"He should be under control, probably not dead." Zhan Shen said calmly, "those people know we are together and want us to go in."

Don Ya's eyes darkened. "Do you think it's the person you think it is?"

Zhan Shen shook his head, hesitating in his voice, "I don't know. I don't even know what I'm looking forward to. "

Tang Yapu shut up and didn't know what to say to comfort him.

They did not continue to talk, still quietly looking at Zhang Xin's home, until more than half an hour later, a man with a suit and a leather collar came out of the house and went straight to their car.

Tangya instantly put on a fighting posture, staring at the man warily to prevent him from making any action.

However, to her and Zhan Shen's surprise, the man didn't make any drastic moves. He even raised his hands high 20 or 30 meters away from them, indicating that he didn't mean any harm.

He went to the car and nodded respectfully to them. "Madam wants to invite you in."

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