"Many things are not as easy as you think, Mrs. mu. I know you are worried about AI Tian, but can you stop her from contacting Xiang Hong?" Mu Yuxing asked to the point.

Quiet lips, as long as AI Tian has this idea, she stopped also useless.

She just didn't want Etienne to do the same.


It's been a week since the wedding. I haven't got any leisure. I go to accompany Linzhen almost every day.

Recently, my grandfather is always suffering from diseases frequently. Lin Wei plans to take him back to foreign countries for treatment. Originally, Linzhen came back to China because of her quietness. Now that the wedding is over, everything is at ease.

She felt that her grandfather loved her, and the doctor had already said that his grandfather might only have half a year's time, and she wanted to accompany him more.

However, if you follow my grandfather to go abroad, then she and Mu Yuxing, I am afraid this period of time can not meet.

"Xiaojing, what do you think? Tell mom, do you want to go back to country B with us? You haven't started school yet. Stay there for a month or two to accompany my grandfather. " Lin Wei is serious and sincere.

She usually has to take care of Lin's affairs, and I'm afraid she can't always guard Lin town.

Quiet hesitation, this period of time she is really idle, after the beginning of school there will be no time.

"Mom, I'll think about it."

"Well, I know you are not willing to admire Yu Xing, but my grandfather has not much time. He has been alone for so many years. I just don't want this last day to be the same..." Lin Wei's tears began to fall.

"Mom." With Lin Wei in her arms, her heart is full of bitterness.

Three months

After marriage, she has not been separated from Mu Yuxing for such a long time.

In the evening, moose.

Gao Qian came in and reported to the president's office, "general manager mu, the robber who robbed DF jewelry a week ago, was sent to the hospital yesterday and died of terminal illness."

Smell speech, Mu Yu Xing's face sinks down, "check his background?"

"His relatives have been sent out of the country for a long time, but there is an unknown large amount of money in his account before his death, but the origin can not be found."

"I just want the results." Mu Yu carried out the order.

Gao Qian bowed his head. "I know."

After driving past Lin's castle for an hour, Mu Yuxing didn't go in and waited outside.

When he came out quietly, knowing that he must not have eaten, he was asked to go in and eat something first.

"I want to go home. Mrs. moo cooks for me, eh?" Mu Yu Xing asked in a low voice.

After a quiet pause, he asked anxiously, "of course, but aren't you hungry now?"

Mu Yuxing shakes his head and gets on the bus quietly.

The day after tomorrow, my grandfather will go back to country B. Lin Wei asked her to give her a reply tomorrow.

In fact, she had already decided in her mind.

Just, want Mu Yuxing to agree.

"What do you want to say?" Aware of the quiet desire to stop, Mu Yuxing held her hand.

"My grandfather is going back to country B. I want to accompany him before the school starts."

Sure enough, Mu Yuxing's face cooled down.

I bite my lips gently and look out of the window.

Just the next second, the sudden brake let her subconsciously hit forward.

Mu Yuxing's arm steadily blocked her.

"Mu Yuxing..."

"How long will it take." He simply stopped the car.

"Three months."

Mu Yuxing turns his head, the eye light is blazing, looking at her eyes, is very terrible.

She shivered quietly.


Will he not give up her?

Didn't he dislike her?

So it doesn't matter if she isn't around.

That's what I think of quietness.

"Mu Yuxing, grandfather time is not much, I want to accompany him more, I hope you can understand, and also, only three months, I will be back."

Three months, in fact, she did not dare to think, no Mu Yu line around the day, how to live.

She would really miss him.

Mu Yu line coldly pursed thin lips, for a long time did not speak.

"Well, I understand." After a long time, Wen Jing heard his voice.

"When will it be there?"

"The day after tomorrow."

All the way back to mujiawan, they did not speak any more.

Wenjing went back to do noodles for mu Yuxing, but absentmindedly, the soup rolled out and scalded to the hand.

"Ah She exclaimed and immediately turned off the fire.

But fingertips are already red.

A burst of foot step sound came, Mu Yuxing's hand had already grasped her finger, put it at the mouth, gently blow.

Quietly lift eyes, looking at Mu Yu line near the handsome face, eyelashes tremble.

She retracted her hand.

Mu Yu line but her hand to grasp up, "first to smear medicine, wait for me to cook."Know that Mu Yu line has always been domineering, quiet also did not refute, obediently let him on the medicine, sitting on the sofa.

Turning to look at Mu Yu line in the kitchen back, her lips smile gradually raised.

After a while, she went into the kitchen and hugged Mu Yu's waist from behind.

"Mu Yuxing, I can't part with you." She murmured.

"Well? So you dare to leave me? " Mu Yu line picks eyebrow, turns to lift her chin.

"However, family is also very important."

"I didn't stop you, but Mrs. moose, I would be worried without me by your side." Mu Yuxing looks at her deeply, the feeling of Mou bottom almost wants to overflow.

But I can't understand it.

He's always complicated and hard for her to guess.

"I'll be back soon."

"You will not be willing to do so?" Quietly raise eyes, a blink does not blink to look at him.

If he doesn't give up her, at least, he has a little affection for her.

"Yes, of course."

He lowered his head and kissed her without hesitation.

She pushed him away quietly, her attention focused on the noodles.

"You can't burn it any more!" She reminded.

"Well, I'll feed you when I'm full." Mu Yu line hooked thin lips.

"Too much..."


Three days later, she boarded the flight to country B.

Because of the school report, she passed a day late, while her grandfather and mother had passed the day before.

After communicating with Mu Yuxing, Wenjing turned off the mobile phone.

At this time, a shadow fell from the top of his head, and a familiar voice sounded over his head, "Miss Wen."

Quietly frown, raised his head, Ling's handsome face into the eye.

The smile on her face sank.

I didn't expect that Ling Jian was not only on the same flight with her, but also beside her.

"It seems that we are predestined." Ling Yu elicited a smile of unknown meaning.

"Just by chance." Quiet and indifferent road.

"Why go to country B?" Ling asked.

"It's none of your business."

"Let me guess." Ling Jian touched her chin, and her sight fell on her quiet face. She was always angry and liked it more and more.

"You go back to the Lin family?"

"Ling Yu, I don't think we are familiar enough to talk about personal matters." Quiet simply put on the blindfold, ignored him.

"Quiet, you can't exclude me. In country B, you have to see me." Ling Yu joked.

It was only when she got off the plane that she went to the Lin family and Ling Yu was around all the time that she believed what he said.

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