"Presumptuous! You are my granddaughter of Linzhen. How can you say such a wicked thing? " Lin Zhen was so angry that he patted the table.

As soon as his voice fell, his old face turned pale and covered his heart with pain.

"You are my granddaughter..." The voices of Linzhen became intermittent.

Lin Wei and Ling Jian immediately helped Lin Zhen and asked the doctor to come.

Quiet did not speak, but now, will not be soft hearted.

She turned and held the hand of Mu Yuxing.

"Don't divorce, OK?" She looked at him expectantly.

What she hates most is being threatened, and she is the one she believes most.

"Quiet, I said, we divorce," Mu Yuxing's look is beyond doubt.

He pushed her away.

"I'll be fine. We'll have an antidote when we go back to Nancheng." Quietly holding Mu Yuxing.

It was pushed away by him again.

Her face turned white.

At this time, Ling Yu walked to Wenjing, his face was determined, "only the Lin family has the antidote. The medicine in your body is a kind of unlisted drug of Lin's family. Only the internal R & D personnel can have the antidote. Be quiet. Don't gamble with your body."

"No No, why are you doing this to me... " The calm face floating despair, slowly squat down, at the moment, the overwhelming despair let her almost breathless.

She doesn't want a divorce. She just wants to leave the Lin family, from this terrible family

"You, grandfather is for your good!" Linzhen took the medicine, the spirit is better, but the mood is still very excited.

Lin Wei worried, "Xiaojing, we are your closest people, will not harm you."

Words down, is to let Ling Yu bring the quiet.

When Ling Jian touched her, Wenjing immediately threw him away.

"I will not stay!"

She looked to Mu Yu line, "if you don't take me, I'll go by myself."

Words fall, it is stubborn to leave alone.

However, she was weak and uncomfortable, and could not hold on at all, and soon fell down in confusion.

Mu Yuxing clenched his fist, when he wanted to pass, Ling Yu was faster than her.

He helped her up, gave her no chance to struggle, and took her to the room.

"Ling Yu, let me go!" Quiet hammered at him all the time.

But Ling Yu didn't move at all, clasping her wrist, he said in a low voice, "now it's Mu Yuxing that doesn't want you. Be quiet and sober. After signing the divorce agreement, you'll get better."

In the living room, Lin Wei tells the housekeeper to bring the divorce agreement.

"Mr. mu, sign it."

Mu Yu Hang Mou, the cold meaning of the eye ground spread inch inch by inch.

Holding the pen, he slowly signed his name.

Lin Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at his father, he finally calmed down.

"It's none of your business to be quiet in the future."

Let the housekeeper send him away.

Before long, the divorce agreement was handed over to Wenjing, who coldly looked at the signature of Mu Yuxing.

Strong and powerful.

It's his handwriting.

Pick up the agreement, quiet is to tear it up.

Already aware of the gentle movement, Ling Yu stopped her faster.

"Calm down, listen to me. Your body matters. Do you feel as if there are many ants scratching your heart, and this situation will gradually spread to your whole body. Can you bear it?"

"I can stand it. I won't sign it. I won't be at your mercy." Said the gentle angry voice.

That is to say, we have to seize the agreement.

Ling Yu held her wrist, bent down, and looked at her equally, "I didn't intimidate you. If you don't take the antidote, you will die."

"After death, you really have no way to go with Mu Yu."

Smell speech, gentle this just lift eyes, mood a little calm some.

She tightly around herself, now the feeling is not only burning, but also tearing heart and lung.

If it is not because of thinking of Mu Yu line, she is afraid, really will not support.

But now, he signed the divorce agreement so readily.

Is he for her body?

The brain, if she can return to her signature?

She really can't leave him.

Tears in her eyes, her body has been shaking, looking at Ling Yu handed over the divorce agreement, the pen is shaking her hand.

As long as she signed the name, she and Mu Yu line will no longer have a relationship.

In the past, I always hope not to get involved, there will be a divorce.

But now this day, unexpectedly came so unprepared.

And she couldn't take it at all.

"It's very important to be quiet and healthy. Besides, my grandfather was right. He used you to marry you.""No more."

I took a deep breath, wiped my tears and signed my name.

She did not want to think about the future, since Mu Yuxing has helped her decide, then, she listened to him.

Ling Jian looks at Wenjing signing his name, but there is no sense of relaxation.

Forcing her never makes him happy.

Instead, it's endless self blame.

This feeling, unprecedented.

"You have a rest."

Lin Wei outside, see Ling Yu come out, worried to ask, "small static sign?"

Ling Yu nodded, "let the doctor come."

Go up to my grandfather's room and Ling Yu hands over the agreement.


"Those who have achieved great things must not be soft hearted." Lin Zhen narrowed his eyes, and his tone was rather chilly.

Ling Yu hung his eyes, "I'm afraid gentle will hate us."

"After that, I hate her for a long time." Lin Zhen sighed.


After taking the medicine, she was in a coma.

Lin Wei stood by her side and never left.

Until the evening, Ling Yu came over, "Mrs. Lin, you go to eat something. I'll accompany you quietly."

"Well, it's hard for the child." There was a guilty look on Lin Wei's face.

She did not agree with Lin Zhen's practice, but he became tough and no one stopped him.

Until the early morning, the quiet just dimly woke up, opened his eyes, imprinted into the eye is the familiar room.

Where is this

The memory in the mind gradually clear, her face suddenly white down.

She divorced Mu Yuxing.

Really, divorced.

Turn around, Ling Yu is beside him.

"You're all right."

Quiet but no joy, only the overwhelming loss.

She sat up and found that the needle was still hanging from her hand and her brain was a little dizzy.

"You've been in a severe coma for a day. Lie down and I'll let the doctor see you." Ling Jian looked at her uncomfortable appearance and called the doctor over.

Quiet always silent, the doctor said nothing did not hear, full of brain is mu Yu line.

He pushed her away indifferently.

He pushed her away.

He agreed to divorce He did sign it.

The gentle tears fell down in big drops and couldn't be controlled at all.

"Miss Wen, you can't have too much emotional ups and downs, pay attention to rest." The doctor frowned and told.

Quiet but never response, drooping eyes, she is dead to bite the lip.

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