"Don't you have to watch mousse?"

"Song Yu has come, he will accompany thinking."

He answered quietly and did not speak again.

She doesn't care much about the matter of Mu family, and there seems to be no topic between her and Mu Yuxing.

"I'm sorry to trouble you about today."

Gentle frown, want to say is that she informed him of today's compulsory discharge of moussi.

"She's my first patient, and I don't want her to have an accident."

"My sister has a bit of a temper, but she is not bad hearted. She has been hurt all the time and her mood is unstable." When it comes to musisi, Mu Yuxing's eyebrows frown.

Think of when Mu Yuxing told her that Mussi had been invaded by Qi Shen, leading to suicide, Wenjing can understand her.

People who have been hurt will be more extreme.

"At this time, it may help her to stay away from the people she hates and help her recover."

"She refused to leave Nancheng. Her heart was full of hatred. She had to watch those who had hurt her fall down one by one."

Quiet lips, did not expect Mu Yu line will say so much to her.

People who have hurt moussi The culprit is Qi Shen.

And Mu Feng is also directly sent to prison, moussi will not let him go.

But what she can rely on is only Mojia, so she can help her complete all this revenge Only mu Yuxing.

Gentle surprised to look at the man in front of him, he loves Mu Si Si Si, she knows, so, he will be hostile to Qi Shen, also do not want to see Mu Feng?

Did not continue to think, the matter of Mu family, should not be her concern.

After eating things, quiet and still go back to the hospital, Mu Yu line is the past Mu Shi.

The two separated at the door.

Turning around, quiet and clear feel the eyes of Mu Yuxing fall behind her for a long time.

She quickened her pace and walked into the elevator.

Just as soon as I came in, two familiar figures came into my eyes.

Ling Yu and Ling Yao.

"Quiet, why are you still in the hospital?" Ling Yao looks at her unexpectedly.

"Professor Bai is going to a meeting these days, and I will be watching in the hospital."

"All night today?" Ling Yu frowned.


"Well, we medical students are so miserable. I'm afraid there will be many such days in the future." Ling Yao has begun to wail.

"The professor just took the operation of mousse, and I have to watch it. In fact, Professor Bai doesn't do much operation." Gentle smile.

"Why, I was so determined to take the exam, but now I'm afraid?" Ling Yu teases his sister.

"I dare not." Ling Yao was afraid not to follow, and made two people laugh.

Ling Yao goes into the ward of moussi and goes quietly to the duty room. Ling Yu follows her.

"No rest tonight?" He spoke with concern.

"Well, I can catch up with my homework in case of any accident to mousse." Sit down quietly.

"Otherwise, I'll be alone with you here." Ling Jian looked at the small duty room, nothing.

"Mr. Ling, you'd better go out. I'll be very busy tonight." Quiet did not feel lonely, at least with her homework.

"Then I'll sit here and not disturb you." Ling Yu sat down on the sofa and leaned at a comfortable angle.

The next time, he was really quiet, did not disturb the quiet.

Until an hour later, Ling Yu's mobile phone rings. It's Ling Yao's phone.

"Where are you, brother?"

"The driver is waiting for you at the door. He will take you back."

"And you?"

"I..." Ling's eyes fell to the quiet, "I have an appointment."

Is doing the work of the quiet pause, show eyebrows slightly frown.

Looking up, she looked at the man who was looking at her, "are you really here tonight?"

She really doesn't think that this place can let Tang Tang Ling have a good rest here.

"Well, I'm sleepy. Please call me." Ling Yu lay down lazily, and his tall body occupied the whole sofa, which was just right.

Frown quietly. Forget it. Forget it.

In the early morning, quietly lying on the table for a rest, the bell suddenly rings, it is moussi's room calling.

Ling Yu also woke up and went with quiet.

"It hurts..." Mursi's painful voice came.

Song Yu helped her sit up, saw the quiet, deep voice way, "thinking of the wound seems to be inflamed."

Calm down his face, immediately removed the gauze, changed the bandage again.

Then he went over and took anti-inflammatory drugs, "observe for one night first."

"Quiet, you're still an intern, doctor?" Mousse glared at her with disbelief.

The doctor is off duty at this point. As for the professor, he is on a business trip, so now it's just me"Relax." Seeing that moussi was tense, her gentle brow was even tighter.

"Think, believe in quietness." Song Yu embraces Mu Si Si Si and tries to pacify her.

Finally, after dressing again, mousse was sweating.

Seeing Song Yu still holding her, she pushed him away sullenly.

"Who allowed you to touch me?"

Song Yu is to retreat to one side, but the worry of the eye ground does not disperse for a long time.

"Miss mu, it will be a little uncomfortable tonight. Try to sleep for a while after taking the medicine."

After the quiet explanation, he left, but moussi called her.

"I want you to accompany me, Song Yu. You can go. "

Seeing gentle hesitation, moussi immediately pressed his wound and said, "Wenjing, if you are not here, what should I do if something happens..."

"Mousse, you are really naive sometimes." Quiet turn around, tone helpless.

She always likes to threaten others by hurting herself.

"Yes, I am naive." Musisi admitted, staring at Song Yu, "you give me out, and Ling brother, you also go back."

Ling Yu has been in the door, but the sight has been on the quiet body.

"To think, to be quiet, to rest." Ling Yu came in.

"She can also rest here. It's more convenient for us girls."

After all, he was worried that mousse did not know what else he would do. He stayed quietly and closed the door. The two men were outside.

In fact She didn't want to be alone with Ling Yu, but preferred to stay with Mu Si Si Si.

"Why do you always seduce men everywhere?" In the ward, moussi's tone is very bad, "seduce my brother, even if you don't let go of Ling."

Mu Sisi used to go to Ling's house to play with Ling Yao, and Ling Yu was her half brother.

"Mousse, don't talk nonsense." Quiet is not pleasant.

"Don't you admit that my brother and Ling Yu both like you?"

"Your brother doesn't like me. As for Ling Yu, I won't like him."

"You said, if you were not Qi Shen's sister, maybe I didn't hate you so much."

"Miss mu, I have nothing to do with Qi family. Please put down your prejudice against me."

Take a deep breath and explain gently.

Mousse obviously did not believe, "you still want to cheat me, that must be thinking about my brother."


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