"Brother, are you crazy? Don't look for it. What if you find it?"

"I'll stick it up, mousse. Now get out of here." Mu Yuxing's voice was cold to the bone.

Moussi is frozen in place, looking at his brother's eyes gradually stained with tears.

"Brother, don't look for it..."

But she can't stop Mu Yuxing.

Half an hour later, Mu Yuxing finally found out all the photos that had been cut and pieced together.

In his wheelchair, mousse couldn't understand his brother's behavior.

Although the photo was finally completed, the cracks had already existed.

Mu Yuxing installed with a photo frame, turned to look at Mu Sisi, warning, "don't touch her."

She was shocked by the severity of his words.

"Do you really like her so much?"

Moussi's words did not get a reply, but she seemed to understand when she saw the photo which was completely glued back.


Three days before the general meeting of shareholders, the whole building is in a state of panic.

Recently, it has been frequently reported that the company is in crisis, and the stock price has fallen sharply. However, the next general meeting of shareholders is likely to have major personnel changes.

Mu Heng suddenly comes back, I'm afraid it will replace Mu Yuxing to take over Mu's family. This news has already been spread in Mu's family.

Gao Qian reports the latest rumor to Mu Yuxing. The man is always calm.

"How's the quietness lately?"

"Too Ms. Wen has been busy with her studies recently, but she has been involved in the drug research and development cooperation between Mu's and Linhai University

This matter is mu Yu Xing long ago acquiesced.

"Well, always send someone to protect her and keep an eye on Mu Heng."


On the weekend, Wenjing and two other students came to Mu's lab.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yuxing is also there.

He was wearing an experimental suit, and despite his mask, his handsome figure was clear and distinguishable.

Gentle and quick to look away.

An assistant came to show them around and give orders to study. Professor Bai had assigned her homework earlier.

At this time, the voice of Mu Yuxing came from behind.

"Quiet, come and follow me."

Assistant immediately took two male students to another laboratory, here, only quiet and Mu Yuxing.

"Mr. mu." A gentle and respectful tone.

"Finish the experiment." Mu Yuxing handed over a document.

A quiet look, is to do a drug test, she was exposed before, but it is easy to start.

However, the rejection of this drug is very strong, quiet encountered a problem.

Subconsciously, she looked at Mu Yuxing.

He turned his back to her, holding the test tube at his fingertips, not knowing what was being debugged, and his expression was focused.

"What's the matter?"

As if the back long eyes, Mu Yu line asked.

"How to deal with this situation?" The tunnel is quiet and low.

When Mu Yu walked over, her slender body was almost held in his arms, and they were close at one time.

Think of two students in the laboratory separated by a wall, quiet embarrassed, subconsciously pushed him away.

"Do you want me to help you?" He has a low voice.

"You mustn't get so close." He was calm and calm.

He did it on purpose!

Smell speech, Mu Yu line low ground smile to make a sound, pour is retreat open.

But the next second, the liquid on the experimental table rolled all over the floor.

Just now Mu Yuxing was blocking the liquid so close

Quiet more embarrassed, see her stupefied, Mu Yu line frown, "deal with here immediately."

"I see." After cleaning here, she continued the experiment in her hands, and found that Mu Yu had solved the problem just now.

However, she would like to know how.

"Mr. mu, can you explain it to me?" Looking at him quietly and expectantly.

Mu Yuxing's experiment did not stop, methodically told the principle with quiet.

Time goes by, it's already evening.

It's almost time for Wen Mu to leave the laboratory.

At this time, the other side of the door opened, is the next laboratory students out, and they are surrounded in the middle, and Mu Yuxing.

The two students asked Mu Yuxing many questions, and he answered them patiently.

But the sight, from the time out has been on the quiet body.

She was a little cramped and left soon.

When waiting for the elevator, I hope that the two students can always keep Mu Yuxing.

It was always difficult for her to be calm in the face of him.

When the elevator door opened, she walked in quietly, and a familiar voice rang out, "Miss Wen?"Quietly lift eyes, see Mu Heng, slightly invisible to wrinkle eyebrows.

"Hello." She said politely.

"So you're here to take part in Linda's research."

"No, I'm just a student. I just have this opportunity to learn." Quiet explanation.

"Mu Shi has never had this precedent. You know that you haven't graduated yet. If you want to come in, you are not qualified." Mu Heng tone with a bit of irony, "he gives you a lot of special cases, you say he is still thinking about your ex-wife."

"Mr. mu, you think too much. This is an opportunity for Linhai university students to compete."

"But you're the only one who's a freshman in graduate school. The others are already graduating students." Mu Heng has investigated this matter for a long time.

"If Mr. Mu thinks that I am not qualified, he can ask Mu Yu to cancel my opportunity."

Mu Heng smiles, "since it is his careful arrangement, where can I stop it?"

The elevator arrived, looking at the quiet walk away, Mu Heng eyes of cold gradually spread.

Back at school, Wenjing receives a call from Ling Yao and asks her to have dinner together.

Quiet just did not eat, then went to the restaurant, really did not expect Ling Yu also in.

"Why, don't you seem to want to see me?" Ling Jian's quiet and unexpected expression was all over his eyes.

"Not really." Quiet did not hide their emotions.

Although she has a good relationship with Ling Yao.

"My brother asked me to ask you out." Ling Yao raised her hands and said she was innocent.

"It's OK. Order." Gentle smile.

But before serving, Ling Yao took a phone call and left in a hurry.

Quiet and Ling Yu face to face.

"Mrs. Lin has been hospitalized again recently. Shall we go to see her later?" Ling Yu opened his mouth.

Lin Wei wants to hide her illness, but he feels that she has the right to know.

"What's wrong with mom?"

"The old problem, the legacy of the previous car accident."

"She never told me." The quiet thing is to worry.

"You're still mad at her, and she doesn't want to disturb you." Ling Yu frowned.

"Let's go now."

People's hospital.

Lin Wei has been in hospital for several days. She comes to the ward quietly and looks worried all the time.

Lingyu didn't go in. It was outside.

"Mom." Frown quietly and walk to the hospital bed.

Lin Wei has just eaten, and her face is heavy when she sees that she is quiet.

"Why don't you tell me about my illness."

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