"Do you think it's possible?" Mu Yuxing squinted and left the villa all the way. He had already deployed well, and no one dared to step in the way.

After getting on the car, Mu Yuxing's whole body cold air field just slightly converges, grasps the gentle small hand, her scalding temperature also burned him up.

His hoarse voice fell to her ear and held it tightly. "I'm sorry, Mrs. moose, I'm late."

He did not dare to think about what would happen if he came later.

The emotional pain and coldness of his eyes were intertwined, holding the warmth as if to rub her into the bone marrow.

A deep kiss on her lips, as if in this way, to calm him down.

But more can not do, quiet has been restrained, but once stained with the breath of Moyu line, the head "bang" for a while, the spark explodes.

She held the back of his head, just want more, kiss deeper and deeper.

Once something is triggered, it's out of control

Can be quiet and a silk of reason, in front of the man, is mu Yuxing.

They are divorced.

They don't matter anymore.

They shouldn't have happened again.

His kiss all the way down, gentle finally pushed him away, panting, she said in a deep voice, "Mu Yuxing, you send me back to the Lin family."

Now she is not suitable to go back to school.

Smell speech, Mu Yu line's facial expression instantly cold down.

He saw the indifference and resistance in his quiet eyes.

With his long fingertips pinching her chin, he said coldly, "quiet, are you sure you can?"

"I can." Quiet and stubborn.

But mu Yuxing didn't give her the chance to kiss down again, and even pressed her on the back sofa

Quiet simply can't stand provocation, what's more, this man is mu Yuxing.

It's the one she loves.

Eyes gradually red, she can only grasp his shoulder, can not resist, can only sink

I don't know how long, quiet has been crying, shrunk the body, she was Mu Yuxing embrace in the arms.

At this moment, the mood finally gradually sober.

But at the thought that Mu Heng's hand had touched her, she could not help shaking.

Even nauseous.

Subconsciously, she pushed away Mu Yuxing.

In fact, the temperature in the body has not dropped, but it is quite comfortable.

Is that medicine arranged by Qi Shen or Mu Heng?


Qi's family.

The meeting lasted three hours. When Qi Shen came out, the assistant was waiting outside anxiously.

"Mr. Qi..."

"Say it."

Qi deep frown, see assistant uneasy appearance, flashed a bad premonition in the mind.

"Miss Wen has been taken away."

"What! You bastards! I don't have so many people on guard! " Qi Shen angrily kicked the assistant away, and his anger spread in his chest.

The assistant stood up nervously and did not dare to speak.

Qi Shen calmed down for a long time and asked in a cold voice, "what's going on?"

"Muheng came to the villa, but it is said that he was also seriously injured."

"Mu Heng What did he do in the past

"I'm not sure..."

"Go away!" Qi, with a deep cold face, immediately rushed back to the villa.

Mu Yuxing's people had already left. The villa was quiet. Qi Shen went into the bedroom where he arranged to live peacefully. However, he saw the picture of blood flowing in Muheng

There was no one around him.

Obviously, Qi was shocked.

"Take me to the hospital..." Mu Heng murmured.

Qi deep frown, squat down, "gentle why can run?"

He was so well guarded that he could not have left by himself.

Mu Heng is seriously injured again

In the mind flashed a figure, is mu Yuxing?

Isn't he supposed to be in Beicheng!

"Oh, that woman..." Mu Heng words have not finished, has fainted in the past.

Qi deep angry voice way, "useless thing, all useless thing! Take people to the hospital! "


Looking at the familiar buildings outside the window, this is Mojiawan?

"I'll go back to Lin's by myself." Quiet push away Mu Yu Xing.

But mu Yuxing took her out of the car and didn't give her the chance to leave.

All the way into the elevator, quiet, familiar with every place.

She used to really make this home.

"Mu Yuxing, you can give me my mobile phone now." I think of one thing quietly.

Since her hospitalization, her mobile phone has been in Mu Yuxing there.

"Well." Mu Yu line faint to answer the voice, "go back first."Into the top floor of the Western-style house, all the decoration furniture is still as she left, everywhere is spotless, can see that there are cleaning every day.

Mu Yuxing Do you still live here?

Wen Jing just took her mobile phone, came into the door of a doctor, is a private doctor of Mojia.

"Look at her health." Mu Yu did the order, and he retreated to the side.

"It's a kind of aphrodisiac, but now the effect is almost gone. I'll open some tonic to nourish my body."

Mu Yu line nodded, but the worry of the eye always lingers.

Mujiawan returned to quiet, only quiet and Mu Yuxing.

Point to open the mobile phone, Wenjing originally wanted to inform Lin Wei to pick her up, but she was also trapped in the villa by Qi Shen.

Just now she was delirious and did not think that Lin Wei was there.

Qi Shen is not aiming at Lin Wei, but can ensure her safety.

Just now, who can she call to pick her up.

Quiet mind has always been written on the face, Mu Yuxing directly took her mobile phone and took it away, "stay here for a night, I'll send you back to school tomorrow."

She pursed her lips gently and did not agree.

Lost in mind, Mu Yuxing has bent down, raised her long arm and trapped her in the sofa and his arms.

"How, cross the river and tear down the bridge?" His tone was slightly cold.

"You took advantage of it, didn't you?" Whisper softly.

Smell speech, Mu Yu line low low ground smile out a voice, raised her chin, "it's too late now, what's more, tomorrow you should go to the hospital to do a check-up first."

There was no refusal.

Three days ago, she was taken away from the hospital by Qi Shen. Her condition is still unable to discharge.

"Then I'll sleep here for a while." She is not the hostess here now, so it seems more appropriate to sleep in the living room.

"Sleep in the room. It's not comfortable here." Mu Yuxing held her back again.

Gentle heart, "bang bang" to jump around.

Especially looking at Mu Yuxing's handsome face, which woman can resist

Seems to be aware of the quiet eyes, Mu Yu line thin lips hook out some smile, "I am fascinated?"

"No, nonsense." Quiet and quick to look away.

Take her to the bed, Mu Yuxing and gently cover her quilt, eyes of the burning spread, he warm voice, "a good sleep, sometimes call me, I am in the study."

"Oh." Quiet is really sleepy and tired.

After being trapped by Qi Shen for a day and a night, she didn't dare to sleep. All day long, she was in a tense state. In addition, she had experienced such a fierce love affair that she was about to fall apart.

Unable to sleep, she closed her eyes slowly.

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