The topography of Xishan Mountain is very strange. For a girl with a poor sense of direction, it is really easy to get lost.

Mu Yu line pause, it seems that do not know what to say, but indifferent to the voice, is to pull her hand back.

When stepping out of the Bush, Mu Yuxing stretched out his raincoat and put it on her.

In the dark night, he did not hesitate to find his way back with warmth, and her hands had always been clenched into fists, rather than being "pulled" by him, it was his palms that wrapped her fists, and she never opened.

After walking down for nearly half an hour, we can finally see the light at the foot of the mountain. In the rainy night, it looks like a thick mountain scenery of ink and water.

The quiet step is more and more slow, body shape also some stagger.

Mu Yuxing finally stopped, wiped the rain on his face, and looked at her with a slight frown, "can't you move?"

Quietly squeezed out a smile, "No

If it is the previous quiet, most have already rushed into their arms, crying out of breath.

Mu Yu line pursed lips, indifferent way, "don't give me trouble again."

She avoided his eyes and answered simply.

All the way back to the courtyard where they lived, it was early in the morning. The old couple were still waiting anxiously. When they finally saw the two people back, they were relieved.

Quietly, he broke his hand, sat down in the hall, gritted his teeth and touched his feet.

Granny's eyes are very sharp, a glance saw her swollen red ankle, "ouch" a heartache tunnel, "how to make this?"

Quiet some embarrassed looking at the grandmother immediately to find the medicinal wine, even voice thanks.

Mu Yuxing always stood aside, his face was very embarrassed.

The old man took a clean new towel and handed it to him. He urged, "go and wipe your little girl's hair."

He took it slowly, and then he came to the quiet side and brushed her wet hair with his fingertips.

The swelling on her ankle burned her. She was quiet all the way. In fact, the pain was numb in the end.

As he approached, the soft, dry towel rubbed her hair and hid quietly and subconsciously to the side.

Mu Yuxing seems to have anticipated her action, reaching out to fix her cheek, still is not light and heavy to help her wipe hair.

The taste of medicinal wine was very pungent, and no one spoke between them. Until the old granny cleaned up and left, Mu Yuxing frowned and asked, "my foot is sprained. Why don't you say it?"

The quiet voice is very low, and there is no fluctuation, "no pain."

It was very quiet, only the breath of each other could be heard.

Under the orange light, he carefully studied her expression, tone became cool thin, "quiet, you are practicing yourself."

Quiet originally calm eyes gradually have some emotions, cherry lips moved to say what, but quickly closed down the expression, and finally only dropped three words, "it doesn't matter."

It doesn't matter what he thinks or what he thinks.

Everything has happened, that's all.

He finally threw the towel aside and said, "be quiet."

Quietly, she just stood up on the table and raised her eyebrows. She said with a smile, "then why did you come to me?"

Her eyebrow heart is full of weariness, also did not wait for mu Yuxing to answer, just limp to turn to walk toward the stairs.

The night drew her back long, and the stairs were high and steep. Every step up, her ankle, which had just been filled with medicinal wine, was painful.

Gentle will support the strength of both hands on the armrest, step by step slowly, but also very focused, did not care about the pair of eyes behind her that always fell on her body.

Finally, she sat on the bed with sweat on her head, changed her clothes, shrunk into a thin blanket, and closed her eyes quietly and gradually. However, she remembered that when she lost her way in the mountains during the day, she did not feel afraid at all, as if she had been walking along the mountain road all the time, so that she could not get out, and it was very good.

After Jane left, her world experienced a huge collapse. After leaving muyuxing, all her firm beliefs also collapsed in an instant.

She knows that she can persist to now, is only because of Mu Yuxing.

But now he, will only let her feel like she is in the abyss, no matter how can not climb up.

Just now, when he pushed aside the Bush, she didn't have the message of being rescued at all. Instead, she became more and more heavy. It was like that she was about to face a nightmare that she didn't want to continue. After hiding for so long, she was still found.

There is not light and heavy sound beside the bed, the voice of Mu Yuxing coldly pulls her out from his thoughts, "get up."

She opened her eyes and there was a steaming bowl of soup on the table.

"This is the ginger soup my aunt cooked for you." He said simply.

He sat up quietly and reached for the bowl. Without saying a word, he took the hot ginger soup under his jurisdiction. After drinking it, he got out of bed in silence.Wooden bed board creak creak, quiet to the inside let, hear Mu Yu line gloomy words, "quiet, don't forget that you have never been a person."

He didn't understand the meaning of this, and didn't want to understand it.

She quickly closed her eyes, but she was not asleep.

There is no moonlight around, there is no light, they are so close, but the distance between the heart is so far.

The soft lips are sticking to the chest, a little upward, her hair with a good smell of moisture, a little bit slowly wrapped him.

The man's narrow eyebrow slightly frowned, looking at the woman's active action in his arms, suddenly pulled her directly into his arms and pressed under his body.

"What? I saved you, so I took the initiative? "

"I think so." She looked up quietly with her arms around his neck. When she touched his lips, she bit him gently.

The strong smell of ginger soup was still in his breath. He quickly responded and reached for the back of her head to kiss back heavily.

This night did not know for a long time, for a long time, the quiet tears filled my eyes.

The next day, when he woke up quietly, Mu Yuxing was leaning against the window, looking at the mobile phone thoughtfully in his hand, but his eyes were not far from his body.

She suddenly woke up, thinking that something had happened to Lin or her mother.

"What's wrong with state f?"

He came slowly and sat down on the edge of the bed. His eyes fell on her slender shoulder, which was covered with dense marks. His cool fingertips caressed them gently and caressed them slowly, so infatuated.

"It's OK." He just gave a gentle smile.

Quiet quickly move away from sight, just won't be confused by Mu Yuxing.

"When shall we go back?" She asked.

"Tomorrow night."

"Oh." He answered softly and turned his head.

Her eyes were empty, as if she had no soul at all.

Mu Yuxing's eyes suddenly sank.

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