The black car was still parked on the field, and Mu Yuxing slammed on the brake. He had been acutely smelling the bloody smell in the air.

Li Nancheng took the lead to get off the bus, almost ran in the past all the way, looked at the two fallen bodies on the ground, relaxed, "don't worry, your woman is not here."

It's not a bad thing not to see a body.

Mu Yuxing strides forward with a calm face, squints and sweeps the two people on the ground, coldly and coldly, "it's the silver wind people who do it."

Clean and sharp, long-range sniping, such a technique will only be that mysterious low-key organization - Silver wind.

But even Mu Yuxing could not find the foundation of this organization.

"Silver wind? It's like a military force? " Li Nan City squatted down to study the corpse on the ground, "man, you won't have offended anyone, right? So you've started to be quiet?"

Mu Yuxing quickly turned back to walk, voice is very cold, angry deep, "immediately order to go down, block the airport and major traffic arteries, notify the upper level of warning."

Li Nan City mouth corner smoked, this man can really use his power.

Wenjing is forced to sit in the back seat of the locked door. Lamborghini has already driven back to the city. She listens to the man over the phone who is called Wu Qing.

"You said that old man of Mu family wants to kill Wenjing?" Because of sullen, the man's usual lazy voice is cold down, "how is she?"

"It's OK for the moment. She's in the car now. If we hadn't been watching her all the time, she would have been in the wild now."

Wu Qing said coolly, "that girl is also poor. You still have a chance to come back and offer your love! When are you all hanging out there? "

Such a good opportunity, he did not understand what the boss was going to be busy with. In addition to making a phone call every day, he did not dare to track down the boss.

"Bring it back and serve her well. If she's a little unhappy, you'll be demoted!"

Wu Qing only felt wronged, "I haven't served a woman, how can I know how to serve You are not trying to embarrass me... "

Your woman let me wait on you? Are you sure you're not kidding?

Did not hear the girl just said that Mu Yuxing was personally present in minutes.

A woman's heart is so sensitive and delicate. Since the eldest one is dedicated to breaking up other people to be a junior, how can he be so incompetent and incompetent, he knows that he is fooling around with them.

"Don't let Mu Yuxing get close to her." The man said coldly, "the old man in Mu's house dares to move her again, and then I'll shoot her!"

Heartless choked, very gentle way, "are you sure you want to do this? Robbing other people's women and killing their grandfathers, do you want Yinfeng to be hunted down for generations to come? "

He said that he really didn't want to be chased with you!

That is definitely not a happy thing, not to mention with Mu Yu line against, he did not have the courage

The front words were quiet and did not understand, but she heard them and immediately screamed out, "don't move, admire the old man!"

Now she has nothing to owe Mu family, but she does not want to die because of her, Mu Yuxing's grandfather.


The man on the other side of the phone naturally heard it. After a pause, he changed his words without hesitation, "OK, don't kill, don't get excited."

Wu Qing calmly conveyed his elder brother's words to Wenjing, "our boss is the one who loves you most. If you can't say anything, it must be motionless."

Quietly pursed lips, still some guard.

When did she fall in love with such a big man?

The whole South City, who dares to rob people with Mu Yuxing so blatantly?

Dare to shout to kill the old man of Mu family?

At this time, the old house of Mu family.

Mu Yuxing is a light gray overcoat. His face is gloomy enough to drip out of the water. His whole body is angry and repaying. He is cold and murderous.

All the way through, the servants did not dare to say hello to him.

Until in the garden, Mu Cheng is sitting in a wheelchair watering the newly opened flowers.

A man kicked the past, a plate of daisies immediately fell to pieces, the voice was like quenched ice, "is it you sent someone to kill my woman?"

Mu Cheng took a look at the broken Daisy, and slowly left the wheelchair with crutches, with a faint smile on his face, "look at your appearance. If I killed her, or she was really killed by me, how can you still want to kill my grandfather to help her revenge?"

Mu Yuxing stood upright, like a statue without temperature, "Si Si is dead, do you want me to live like a dead man?"

Mu Cheng was stunned. The smile on her face finally faded slowly. She looked at her grandson, "so you are telling me that when she is dead, you can only live like a dead man?"

Mu Yu line was silent for a few seconds, and then he sneered, "yes! I love her, so I deserve to die? Or am I unfilial? But what can I do? Even if I die later, Yama wants me to go to hell, I love her nowHe was laughing, but his eyes were filled with the deepest despair and ridicule.

Over the past three years, he has allowed himself to live reasonably, but he can not continue to do so.

Is it not enough that he tortures him, only torments himself?

He has wasted more than three years of time to lose his favorite woman's heart, but also to continue because he will never come out of the past completely trapped himself?

It doesn't matter if he is trapped, but he is quiet and must accompany him!

He has abandoned his sister, abandoned his grandfather, abandoned these three years of obsession, only quiet.

He just wants her, that's enough.

Mu Cheng looked at him like this, did not speak for a long time, is already speechless.

Mu Yuxing just said lightly, "I hope this is the only time that you have killed her. What she owes us has been paid off. Grandfather, if you don't want to have a successor in Mu's family, keep moving her."

Then he turned and strode out.

The light gray coat brought up the decisive wind.

Li Nan Cheng is waiting for him outside the old house. He is relieved to see him come out. Just now, Mu Yuxing has a look of killing people. He is really worried!

When it comes to calmness, his emotions are never well controlled.

Although he is his good brother, he can't comfort people. After racking his brains, he can only say, "brother, since quiet is taken away, it should be OK, and after such a long time, no one calls. It should not be your enemy."

Mu Yuxing is silent all the time. He drives away and stares straight ahead. What he fears most is not that someone wants to take her away Instead, she didn't want to come back.

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