Wenjing is to know that Mu Yuxing is only open now, do not need to do surgery, he is reducing his workload to accompany her.

Or Because she's getting softer now because she's pregnant again, so he doesn't pay attention to her?

No, it's not like making a phone call

She put her chin on her lap and listened to the cold female voice coming from her mobile phone, again and again, and no one answered.

She also came to temper, became a bit stubborn, made four or five phone calls in succession, but no one answered. Finally, she directly left her mobile phone and stood up to go back to the bedroom.

She has insomnia at night. It is too cold to turn on the air conditioner. If she doesn't turn it on, she doesn't feel used to it. She always sleeps in the afternoon for a long time, and now she is even more irritable and can't sleep at all.

When she got up the next day, when she went downstairs for breakfast, she could only see Muxi and Mucheng, but she did not see the man who had been hanging around her day and night for a month.

Quiet let the servant filled a bowl of porridge, bowed his head and drank a few mouthfuls, asked lightly, "Muxi, where is your brother?"

Maybe she didn't have a good rest. Her voice was a little hoarse.

Mu Xi's black and white eyes turned around. It seemed that it was difficult to answer this question. She glanced at Mu Cheng, but mu Cheng did not respond. She just concentrated on drinking soybean milk.

The quiet mind is gradually sinking, not to continue to ask.

Mu Xi said in a low voice, "sister-in-law, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but because it's something about Yu Xing's brother's work, so I can't talk nonsense. When Yu Xing's brother comes back, can you ask him yourself?"

Wenjing felt that this woman's subtext was too easy to understand. Even if Mu Yuxing came back, he would not tell her.

She gave a cold smile and said nothing more.

Mu Yuxing doesn't understand why she doesn't like it and wants to continue to live here. She always wants to know that the family he forced her to stay Is there a place for her.

Mu Xi looked at the quiet face and asked carefully, "sister-in-law, are you angry?"

"Women get old easily when they are angry. Don't you say that he is a business? Why am I angry? "

Muxi was blocked back by her words, and her face was still smiling, "sister-in-law is not angry. Is porridge enough? Would you like some dumplings

Quiet light smile, do not show the mountains also do not dew, "I drink porridge is good."

She doesn't like greasy things now. Light porridge is the best.

When Mu Yuxing didn't come back, she stayed in his study to read the news, watch movies, or check the precautions of pregnant women. After all, she had the last experience, this time she had to be careful to protect the child.

Although Muxi sticks to her and invites her to go shopping with her, she doesn't want to go out more when she thinks of children, so as to avoid accidents.

Until dinner in the evening, Mu Yuxing did not come back. He was still a freshman before he was dressed. He ate quietly, without speaking or looking at him.

Mu Yuxing sat down directly beside her. Before she could speak with Wenjing, Muxi immediately stood up. "Brother Yuxing, you didn't say you came back for dinner. I'll ask the kitchen to cook more dishes and I'll serve you dinner."

Gentle fingers slightly tightened, immediately put down his chopsticks, picked up his own soup with the small bowl and filled a bowl of soup, and then quietly placed in front of him.

Mu Cheng also asked lightly, "Yu Xing, what happened? You look tired. "

Mu Yuxing looked at his grandfather, his eyes were deep and gloomy, but his tone was still light, "it's OK."

When Muxi put the rice in front of him, he was drinking soup with a spoon.

His eyes have been on the quiet body, staring for a long time before frowning and asking, "why don't you eat more? Don't you like it? "

There are few dishes to eat quietly, and I have a bad appetite.

Muxi said quickly, "sister-in-law, these dishes are cooked by the chef. Just tell the chef what you like or don't like to eat."

She blinked, looked at the grandfather's calm face, vomited her tongue toward Mu Yuxing, "Yu Xing brother, you only care about sister-in-law, and grandfather will be jealous."

Mu Yuxing finally raised his head, "when you eat, you talk a lot."

Mu Yuxing's attitude was very impatient, and his eyes were even colder than ice. Mu Xi suddenly shut down and his tears whirled in his eyes, but he did not fall down.

Mu city is finally dissatisfied with the opening, "Yu line, Mu Xi where offended you, your attitude is so fierce, I like to talk more, otherwise the home more cold."

Mu Xi quickly explained, "Yu Xing brother has been busy for a whole day. He must be very tired. If he is not in a good mood, he can understand. He has nothing to do."

Quiet always said nothing, with his chopsticks added a lot of dishes, put in the bowl of Mu Yu line, light way, "eat."

Mu Yuxing looked at her deeply, "um."

Quiet soon finished the meal, said quietly, "I finished, grandfather, you eat slowly."Then he got up and left without looking at the man around him. His face had no emotion.

Just looking down the stairs, Yu Mu continued to disappear.

After a quiet bath and changing into a nightgown, the man comes up.

She sat at the head of the bed, wiping her hair, and the fragrance of the shower gel lingered throughout the bedroom.

He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa next to him. He took the woman sitting in his arms, buried his chin in her neck socket, and asked in a low voice, "are you in a bad mood? Or what's wrong? Tell me. "

She's just in a bad mood. She's uncomfortable everywhere.

When she wanted to tell him that he was not there, and suddenly came back after missing for a whole day, she did not say where she had gone.

Quiet tone is very indifferent, "don't make any noise, I'm going to sleep."

Then he opened the quilt and lay down. Just as he was about to lie down, the man took her out of the bed again, "the hair is not dry, what is sleeping?"

Holding the little woman on his lap, he put one hand on her chin, "who bullied you? Muxi? Or what grandfather told you. "

Gentle skin smile meat does not smile to look at him, "how do you always don't reflect on whether you have cheated me or bullied me."

I know how to talk about others.

Mu Yuxing's face became more and more deep. His chin leaned to kiss her white face, and a low smile overflowed from his throat, "do I bully you? Is it because I didn't come back to sleep with you last night

She twisted her cheek to one side and puffed.

Mu Yuxing put her on the bed and took the hair dryer. Her long bony fingers shuttled between her hair and earnestly helped her blow her hair.

The quiet atmosphere reveals warmth.

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