Mu Yuxing is a white shirt and black trousers. He is very handsome. He is obviously sitting in the corner, but his powerful aura radiates out, but he has a feeling that all the stars support the moon.

Sitting next to a few older men, dressed in suits, I think they are executives.

Xiang Hong walks in is to take the initiative to say hello, listen to his address to know is the person in charge of Kohl pharmaceutical.

The enterprise that Wenjing was suspected of divulging information before was Kohl pharmaceutical.

Wenjing and AI Tian sit on the other side quietly. Hu Qing is Xiang Hong's secretary and has been serving wine around him.

Cole's boss is very young, but 40 years old, and Xiang hongluoyi has a conversation.

Speaking of the leak of Tianyi pharmaceutical scheme, Hu Qing couldn't help shaking and spilled the wine in his hand.

Xiang Hong's shirt is full of wine stains, Hu Qingli apologizes, but still angers Xiang Hong.

"Come out with me." Xiang Hong sinks his face and tells her to buy a shirt when she passes by.

Suddenly, there was only a quiet girl in the box, looking at the opposite, Mu Yuxing was talking to a young man, but her eyes were looking at the quiet.

She frowned away from his sight.

"Miss Wen, would you like to try it?" At this time, a man sitting beside Wenjing is Chen Sheng, assistant to general manager Cole.

Take a look at the light blue liquid, although it is a cocktail, but the alcohol content is not low.

She waved her hand. "I'm not very good at drinking."

"It's sweet. Xiang always brings you here. It's not just a decoration." Chen Sheng's tone sank.

Quiet for a while, Xiang Hong brings her here for nothing. She doesn't know

Moreover, Mu Yu line is also in, she suddenly feel uncomfortable all over.

"Since you don't give me face, that's OK. I thought everyone around you was very smart. I didn't think it was really a vase."

This word, quiet is always stimulated to come here naturally have to drink, she took a deep breath, took the glass.

Chen Sheng smile, "good."

Then Chen Sheng talked to her all the time. He was quiet and had no idea. His attention was attracted by Mu Yuxing But he didn't dare to look at him.

When Xiang Hong came back, he had changed his clean shirt and sat down again, but the people around him became AI Tian.

Hu Qing sat by the quiet side.

At this time, a man came into the box. He was the person in charge of the Publicity Department of Kohl pharmaceutical. When he saw Hu Qing, he had some doubts.

"Here are some of Tianyi's colleagues in charge of the publicity program. Who did you negotiate with?" The boss narrowed his eyes and obviously had investigated the matter secretly.

The man frowned, fell on Hu Qing's sight to stop, and looked at the side of the quiet.

"Miss Wen." He spoke in a deep voice.

Quiet, the man in front of her, today is her first time to see him!

"Quiet, don't you think?" Xiang Hong smoked a cigarette and narrowed his sharp eyes.

"I didn't negotiate with him, I don't know him!"

AI Tian looks worried and wants to talk, but is stopped by Xiang Hong.

"Arsene, tell me the details."

"On the 20th of last month, you gave me the information of Youke cafe on Lin'an road." Arsene said.

"Quiet, where were you that day." Ask Hong.

It was half a month ago. It was the weekend

If you remember correctly, it was Mu Yuxing who took her to see the wedding room

But can you tell me

She looked at Mu Yuxing and said, "that day I went to see the new house. In mujiawan, I didn't go near Lin'an road."

"I got the video from Youke Cafe 20." At this time, Mu Yuxing's slender fingers operate on the tablet, and soon, the picture clearly shows.

It was Hu Qing who negotiated with Arsene!

Hu Qing's face turned pale and couldn't believe it. How could he

"It's not me..." Hu Qing subconsciously denied it.

However, Arsene bowed his head and respectfully went to the boss of Cole. "Boss, it was I who couldn't resist the temptation that I did something wrong."

Quiet is completely relieved, this time, grateful to see to Mu Yu line.

Did he help her with the investigation?

The man's face has always been warm and light, and his face has no ups and downs.

It's hard to see through him.

Xiang Hong had already called the police. Hu Qing was one of the suspects. He had already collected a lot of evidence before, but only one step short.

"Mr. Xiang!" Hu Qing ran over in desperation. This time, AI Tian blocked her.

"You cheap woman, don't touch the general manager!" AI Tian opened her hand, quite a bit of a calf protection posture.

Xiang always smiles without trace.

"I I'm just irritated by calmness for a moment. You forgive me this time... ""Hu Qing, you are always against me." His face was calm and his voice was very cold.

"I didn't Quiet, you dare say, you have not seduced Mr. Xiang! "

Quiet a Leng, seduce Xiang Hong?

How did this woman see it The hole is big enough!

At this time, Wenjing obviously felt a cold look from behind, which made her stiff.

"I didn't, otherwise, ask Mr. Xiang whether you seduced him or me?" I don't feel guilty when I hook my lips.

Xiang Hong's arm didn't know when he was being held by AI Tian. Suddenly, the pain hit him and he frowned.

"No matter whether gentle or not, you have done something against the law. Hu Qing, I will deal with it impartially."

Hu Qing bit his lip and was soon taken away.

Cole's several men also leave soon, this time after the person is found out, the two families will officially cooperate.

Quiet or a little confused, Xiang Hong didn't even explain their relationship?

She never approached Xiang Hong and couldn't help looking at him.

This one eye, let Mu Yuxing whole body's gas field is more cold.

Xiang Hong suddenly laughed and waved to the gentle, "quiet, sit here."

Quiet immediately scalp numb, do not dare to see Mu Yu line, also know how terrible his eyes.

But Xiang Hong is her boss, and she can't disobey him.

"Mr. Xiang, thank you for believing me and checking this out." Gently smile and walk slowly.

"Thank that guy if you want to thank me. I also take the money to do things for others..."


At this time, quiet from Mu Yu line at least two meters away, now the box people are gone, there are no other people among them.

Seeing the embarrassment of quietness, AI Tian wisely drags Xiang Hong away. They are almost hugging each other. They are quiet. Isn't AI Tian keeping pace with her latest emotional situation?

Just thinking like this, the line of sight behind is even colder.

Wenjing immediately turned his head and raised a stiff smile towards Mu Yuxing. Half a step away from him, he caught his wrist and fell into his arms.

Familiar with the masculine atmosphere package, gentle by his face, quite a bit painful.

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