Quiet back to the dining room, pick up chopsticks to eat again, watching him move gracefully nibbling on steamed buns, handsome men do anything is eye-catching.

She bit her lips and asked angrily, "what do you want to do?"

"I was really angry and quiet in the morning, so I went back to Mojia at noon, and Muxi specially prepared my favorite food."

His tone was declarative, "but I couldn't see your face. I didn't feel good about anything, so I came here."

"You also said that it takes two years for separation and divorce to be a condition of divorce. You said you can wait two years, so I have two years left."

She was simply going crazy, "Mu Yuxing, what kind of separation are you wandering around here all day?"

She just doesn't want to see him all day, OK?

The man's heroic eyebrows slightly raised, gentle and provocative, "huh? No sex life should be considered separation, you can tell the judge like this

"You are not afraid that people say you are incompetent, that's why I want a divorce?"

The action that the man lowers his head to gnaw the steamed stuffed bun is stunned, the narrow eye son spreads smile, "you know I am very good."

He didn't speak again, and he didn't intend to continue to discuss this problem with him.

At the same table, she was eating a hot meal, and he was gnawing at the steamed stuffed bun with his head down

Quiet efforts to calm their own mood, leisurely eating until she finished eating chopsticks ready to clean up the dishes, the man suddenly said, "why don't you finish eating, you just eat a little bit."

"Not so much at night."

His big hand stretched out, so naturally she took her bowl and chopsticks and put them in front of him. "I just didn't have enough."

Quiet open eyes, all of a sudden stand up, "rice cooker there is rice, you go to a bowl of new to eat!"

Is he going to eat her leftovers? It's like she's abusing him, and that's why he's down.

She did not eat much food, but enough for him to eat, she was not so heartless, even refused to give her a bite of food to eat.

Mu Yu line does not care, eyebrows Shulang tunnel, "all the same."

He looked up at her with a smile, a bit lazy, "lest you say I rub your meal."

Looking at him quietly, I don't know how my heart is sour. When I get up, I want to take his bowl, "Mu Yuxing..."

But how did her strength win him? The man easily grasped her wrist and said in a low voice, "I'll eat you a bowl of rice. Do you need to be so heartless?"

She was still exerting, and the hair hanging down from her forehead blocked the mood in her eyes. "I said I'll give you a new bowl."

He gave a low smile. "Do you mind if I eat half of your meal or don't want to see me eat a full meal?"

He easily took the bowl over, "dear, I don't know how many times you and I have kissed each other. It's OK to use the same bowl. Let go, eh?"

She slowly released her hand, knowing that she could not defeat the man.

She stood opposite him, watching him just eat, her hands clenched into fists, turned and left.

The bedroom door was closed very loud, quiet and did nothing. After standing by the bed for a while, he went directly to the bedroom for a bath, and then turned off the light and went back to the study room to continue to prepare for reading.

Just as she walked out of the bedroom, a crackling sound came out of the kitchen. At the door of the kitchen, she saw the man in a hurry and the messy ground, all broken dishes and bowls.

Some of the skills the man lost his memory?

The former Mu Yuxing would not be so stupid

She closed her eyes and controlled her emotions.

At the moment, the handsome face of the man is very innocent and aggrieved, "I just want to help you do the dishes, but I didn't expect to become like this."

She looked at him quietly for a second and said, "this house is yours. Every piece of furniture, including the bowl you broke, is yours, so it doesn't matter."

She turned, left, went back to the study, turned on the lamp, opened the book.

Just just started to see, outside came all kinds of rummage sound, she was very upset, dropped the book and went out again, "Mu Yuxing, you really noisy to death, give me back to your own home!"

His fingers were dripping blood as soon as his voice dropped

She widened her eyes and remained silent for a long time.

Mu Yuxing squinted, "I've been very light, you should not listen to reading seriously."

She asked coldly, "what's wrong with your hand? Mu Yuxing, are you using bitter meat

So much blood in just a few minutes

His face was very flat, and finally found the medicine box. "I cut it accidentally when I was cleaning up the pieces. I won't make any sound. Go back to read."

She was very angry. "I asked if you did it on purpose?"The man gently wiped the blood clean, light way, "you will not be distressed, bitter meat plan is useless, and."

His thin lips hook up a bit of smile, "this injury is nothing, I have a car accident lying in the hospital for so long, you have not given me a good face."

She took a deep breath. "When you're done, go back to me. Don't disturb my reading."

"I sleep here tonight, No." "I'll live here for the rest of my life," he says slowly, half of his energy dealing with the wound

With such a quiet attitude, he felt as if he had been turned into a heartless and unreasonable woman. He was unreasonable and unreasonable, "Mu Yuxing, I want to read quietly!"

He lowered his head, and she could only see the smile on his lips? A little bit of my wind and grass can disturb you? "

She was speechless immediately, Mu Yuxing looked up at her angry face, the puffed cheeks let her easily give birth to the desire to kiss, but he still resisted.

He looked away, his eyes fell on the vase beside him, and asked smugly, "is the flower I chose beautiful?"

"All flowers are beautiful."

Finally, he wrapped the wound with gauze, and the broken pieces of porcelain were pierced in, so it was a little deep. He put the medicine box back in place, got up and walked towards her.

She was wearing a nightdress and a white shawl, and her hair was still wet. As soon as she approached, she could smell the fragrance of her body. The silent temptation spread.

He leaned down and dropped a soft kiss on her hair. His handsome and cold face was smiling gently. "Darling, go to read. Don't seduce me."

His voice gradually became hoarse. "It's easy for me to lose control of it. It's no use crying at that time."

She is used to reading in her study and Vacuum wear a nightdress.

She snorted coldly and went back to her study.

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