She pressed the doorbell quietly and forcefully. After a long time, Ma Li came to open the door and saw that she was so wet that she hardly changed anything except her longer hair.

“…… ma'am? Why are you still in the rain so late

No wonder my husband ran out in the middle of the night and was so angry.

Apart from being quiet, he hardly ever had such a big temper for anyone or anything.

"It's me, he Did he come back? "

Li Ma was busy in the corner and immediately let her in, but as soon as she stepped into the living room, she stopped as soon as she entered the door.

The whole living room was a mess, and everything that could be smashed was smashed.

"Wang Wang... "

A warning dog barking suddenly sounded, and then an aggrieved big black dog ran out, revealing the dense white teeth.

Calm Leng Zheng to look at that familiar and strange dog, gently whispered, "little black?"

She did not fear to go over, the big dog squatted in place, vigilance with a bit of doubt.

Gentle also slowly squatted down, wet hands slowly stroked Xiaohei's back, the face full of water droplets showed a smile, "do you remember me? Mu Xiaohei? "

Black nose tip moved, and then it came to smell, more and more excited around the quiet in the rotation, the original hanging tail has been shaking.

Dogs are always one of the most emotional animals.

Li Ma anxiously walked behind Wen Jing, "Ma'am..."

Touching Xiaohei quietly and fondly, he raised his head and said with a smile, "is he at home?"

Li Ma nodded uneasily. "As soon as Mr. Li came back, he smashed all the things in the house. I have never seen him so angry these days when you are away."

In fact, over the years, the man almost has no anger such mood, he even mood has very little.

Standing up quietly and slowly, she glanced at the furniture that had been destroyed so much that she asked in a low voice, "did he live here all this year?"

Li Ma looked at the quiet eyes and sighed, "he has always lived alone here, only Xiao Hei is with him."

Quiet clothes did not change directly came to the master bedroom, did not knock, she directly hit the door with her fist, "Mu Yu line, you come out, I have something to tell you!"

She thought he would not open the door for a while, but the door opened as soon as her voice fell.

A proud and indifferent man stood in front of her, his whole body was like walking from hell, and the chill almost drowned her.

When you hear her voice, I don't want to move

The next second, she was pulled in. I was, because of the rain, her lips were frozen to a purple, shaking very much.


"Shut up!"

Quietly pursed his lips, raised his eyes and looked at the man's cold and tight face. He did not speak again, but let him drag himself to the bedroom.

When he turned on the lamp and put the hot water on, he did not say a word until the dense heat surrounded him. He said coldly, "take off your clothes and wash them by yourself."

Subconsciously, she thought that he thought it was because she had just rolled the sheet with Lu Shen, which was too dirty. She didn't realize that it was because she was wet through when he went out without expression.

Mu Yuxing is in good spirits now. She has no chance to explain. She sighs and takes off her wet clothes and takes a hot bath.

There were only men's robes in the bathroom. After looking around, she took a scarf to surround herself, barely blocking the scenery.

The heating in the bedroom was turned on. When she went out, Mu Yuxing was no longer there. As like as two peas,

noticed that this bedroom was exactly the same as what she left a year ago. Nothing changed.

A knock on the door rang out, turning her head quietly. Li Ma looked at her with a worried look on her face, "madam, my husband just drove out This... "

Gentle twist eyebrows, go again?

Just don't want to see her?

She pursed her lips. She was still flustered when she just chased her. But now she comes back here and sees the intimate mu Xiaohei and the mess on the ground, she is calmed down.

She raised her lips and said with a faint smile, "it's OK. It's so late. Go to have a rest first."

Li Ma still wanted to say something, but she didn't open her mouth when she saw the gentle smile.

"Well, sir, it's just a moment of anger, ma'am. You should go to bed early."


She stopped and stopped Li Ma, who had already turned around. "The furniture that was broken just now will be cleaned up tomorrow. Don't do it yourself."

Li Ma's age is also old, and Mu Yu line almost smashed the whole living room.

She thought for a while, took out her mobile phone which was getting wet and was about to be scrapped, dried it on the head of the bed, and found a hair dryer to blow dry her hair before climbing onto his bed to sleep.No matter what she explains now, Mu Yu Xing can't listen to it. After so many years, she has patience. Even if he can hide from her this night, he can't hide from her for a lifetime.

Sleepy, quiet, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, it was sunny, neither hot nor cold, very comfortable.

Quiet opened his closet in his bathrobe, trying to find out if there were any clothes she had left before, but as soon as he opened the cupboard, he saw a whole row of new clothes with no new labels.

They are all new models that have just come into the market or have not yet come into the market. They are not fancy and simple, and they are her favorite.

She smiles with satisfaction and chooses a set in a good mood.

Change clothes downstairs, Li Ma cooked hot porridge, she crossed the mess of this place, happily drank a bowl of porridge before slowly calling Mu Yuxing.

It's just the cold voice coming from the mobile phone, "sorry, the call you dialed can't be connected for the time being..."

"Madame." Li Ma came over with concern, "if you don't answer the phone, you can send him a message."

He didn't answer my phone any more. He wouldn't read my information. Maybe he didn't take his cell phone now

"What about that?"

She squinted for a moment and whispered, "do you have a phone call for assistant Gao or Li Nancheng? I'll ask them. "

Li Ma quickly nods, from her mobile phone to find the two people's phone to her, Wenjing first dials the number of Li Nancheng.

There was a quick answer to the phone, "who?"

Quiet clear throat, smile asked, "is I, Mu Yu line in?"

"Man, it's your wife Do you want to answer my ex-wife's phone... "

Before he finished speaking, Li Nan Cheng's tone changed, "I said why did you smash my mobile phone..."

Listening to the busy tone of Dudu, I hung up the phone quietly and helplessly.

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