Muxi was biting his lips and looking at the ground without blinking. He just climbed out of an abyss last night. Now Going back to hell again?

She laughed at herself, and now there was no trace of fear.

Her hand tightly tugged at the corner of her clothes. She said, "Mu Shao has always covered the sky with one hand in the south city. I have nothing to say about what you want to do with me, but now that you are in the operating room, it really has nothing to do with me."

Gao Qian asked Mu Xi, "Miss mu, where were you at 11 o'clock this morning?"

"Muxi facial expressionless tunnel," I am in my own rental room to pack things, ready to leave here. "

Gao Qian examined her face, trying to tell if she was lying. "Is there anyone around you?"

Now it's not really sure that the driver who caused the accident is Muxi. It's just that she is a woman in Nancheng, and there are not many people who have a grudge against gentleness. Muxi is one of them.

"My roommate knows that." Mu Xi probably knew why Mu Yuxing sent someone to arrest her and said, "Mu Shao, if someone really wants to drive on purpose and hurt Wenjing."

Her eyes candidly looked at Mu Yuxing, calmly said, "I have reserved the ticket to leave Nancheng completely. Although my time in Mu's home is not long, I also know that if I really hit her, you will never let me go. Now I just want to live well and not do such stupid things."

Quiet child is just because of her indirectly and no, Mu Yuxing will have destroyed her life, if she really hit Wenjing

The man did not speak all the time, just occasionally looked up at the red light of the operating room, the fundus of his eyes was cold and indifferent.

Muxi knew that maybe Mu Yuxing could easily cut off her way of life by opening her mouth. She would fall into an irreparable situation again. Her face gradually turned pale, but she still said hoarsely, "last night, she has promised to let me go. Is it that Mu Shao wants to make her break her word?"

She now only can gamble is quiet, Mu Yuxing most care about, has always been quiet.

The man's eyebrows and eyes sank, the indifferent voice sounded again, the tone was clear and cold, "if it's not you, I will naturally listen to her."

Smell speech, Mu River Leng Leng Leng, did not expect Mu Yu line such a high man, will also say to listen to her words.

Something flashed through her mind, and without thinking about it, she blurted out, "you suspect me because I'm not at peace with gentleness, but I'm still leaving the enemy in the South City..."

She summoned up the courage to look directly at this face which was more mature and cold than a year ago, "Ling Yao actually You didn't go into prison then, did you? She is the one who hates quietness most. "

Many people don't know about some things, but people in Nancheng basically don't know about Ling Yao. However, she has been in Fengyue place for such a long time that she knows a lot about the secrets of these circles.

Ling Yao.

The name passed in the man's mind, the breath of the cold spread, he coldly looked at the high humility next to him, he immediately understood to come.

Muxi was quickly taken away by two bodyguards.

Two hours later, the red light in the operating room finally went out, and the tall man rushed over.

His face was white and his voice was tired and hoarse

The doctor took off the mask and relaxed his mouth and airway. "The operation was successful. The patient was out of danger. She was not hurt very seriously. She will wake up after the anesthetic is over."

Probably because there are too many people at the entrance of the playground, the speed of the car is not fast, and the quiet is supposed to protect Wenxin, otherwise it will not be hit.

Mu Yuxing has been carrying the mood is finally relaxed.

It's ok That is OK if you have no trouble.

He can be calm and sober enough for any patient in the face of any operation, but once the person is quiet His whole brain was blank.

Advanced ward.

When she woke up quietly, it was already dark outside, and her fingers moved slightly. The man who had been lying on the edge of her bed because she was too tired, immediately woke up.

His elbow was beside her, and the man's deep eyes were nervous and full of joy. He held her face carefully and asked in a low voice, "is there something wrong? Well? "

His eyes were black and black, but they could clearly reflect her pale cheek.

She blinked quietly and did not speak all the time. Her delicate face was pale because of too much blood loss.

He thought that she was too painful to speak, and her brow frowned more tightly, "is it where it hurts? I asked the doctor to come over... "

"Mu Yuxing." Her voice is very dry very dumb, had a car accident and just had an operation, how can do not ache.

The man's fingertips gently rubbed her cheek and gently whispered, "no, I'll send the doctor over, or you tell me, I'll show you."

He had planned to enter the operating room just now, but finally he restrained himself.This woman is the only woman in the world who can make him mess.

He just wanted her to be good, and always good.

"Let's remarry." The voice that is as light as feather suddenly rings out, quietly tries to pull out a smile, "remarry, OK?"

Although she was hit by a car by a ghost at that time, it was as if she had been hit by a doctor at that time.

In other words, when she was about to face death, she realized what was the most important thing.

The handsome face of a man hasn't had time to make any response. Even if he knows that it will be quiet, he will marry him if he knows that she loves him deeply. Besides, they have already been married once.

But now she said she was married, and he was still as stiff as he had been shocked. The man who had always been indifferent didn't even know how to express his joy.

Only his trembling fingertips could reveal his excitement.

She closed her eyes quietly and slowly and continued to say, "I want to have a wedding in church."

In that sacred place, only the two of them made the most sincere promise.


He nodded and kissed her eyebrows and tossed deeply. He was happy but distressed. "We will remarry right away. Quietly, when you are cured and discharged, we will go to get the certificate and prepare for the wedding."

Gentle smile towards him, eyes a bright.

Mu Yu line's hand has been stroking her cheek, "does the body still ache?"

If she said it hurt, he would send for the doctor right away?

This is all to bear after the operation, I am a doctor, but now I have no common sense.

Gently shaking his head, "OK, no pain."

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