Qin Xi was a little uncomfortable, but he still insisted, "I I think it's raining less and my clothes are dry now. I can go back. "

Lu Shen looked back out of the window and looked at Qin Xi again. After thinking for a few seconds, he nodded gently, "well, I'll arrange someone to take you away."

"Trouble you!" Qin Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

How can Lu Shen's eyes make people feel so I'm afraid.

For a few moments, Qin Xi almost felt that he was a hunter, and that he was the prey he was staring at.

But at least I can go.

Qin Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Shen is not a man who can break his promise. When Qin Xi went downstairs, the car that sent her had arrived at the door.

Qin Xi, sitting in the car, said goodbye to the scenery in the courtyard through the window.

At that time, she thought that this was the last time she was here.

It's just Things are hard to predict.


Qin Xi was immersed in his own memories. He didn't notice that Lu Shen, who was standing in front of him, had stopped walking. Without paying attention, he bumped into his back.

"I'm sorry." Qin Xi rubbed his nose.

Sure enough, I just shouldn't have been thinking about my back on the stairs. This time I felt it with my nose. It was really a strong muscle.

But Lu Shen didn't say anything. She went back to confirm that she was OK. She pushed the door and walked into the study.

Qin Xi has just recalled it in her memory. Now she really comes in and has some feelings. However, Lu Shen didn't give her any time to express her feelings. Instead, she asked directly, "tell me what you married me for."

However, he almost knew whether his expression was an exit.

But whether he knew it or not, Qin Xi decided to speak out.

"I'm sorry, I married you to Inherited shares. "

Lu Shen's face did not have a bit of Qin Xi's expected surprise, but gently picked his eyebrows.

Qin Xi didn't know what to say.

Most of the scenes she prepared were angry with Lu Shen, but she didn't expect Lu Shen to be so calm.

…… So why did I decide that Lu Shen would care why I married him?

Qin Xi's brain flashed a similar tongue twister.

She grinned and stepped back, "it's My mother's will stipulates that if she dies, the shares that belong to her should be left to me, but her shares are given to her by my grandfather on the condition that my mother will marry Qin Shengtian. At that time, my mother was in a hurry to make a will. Some of the clauses were not carefully read. She wrote that the execution of the share inheritance should refer to the procedure for her to obtain the shares. In this way... "

"You have to marry someone to inherit the shares." Lu Shen answered and stood up.

Qin Xi seemed to be aware of the danger, and then stepped back. "I wanted to tell you what I wanted to marry you at that time, but I didn't think you asked anything and agreed."

"Well?" Lu Shen took another step forward and approached Qin Xi. "So, do you blame me?"

Qin Xi looked up at him and felt a dangerous atmosphere. Lu Shen's expression It's anger.

"It's not too late for me to ask. Qin Xi, since the condition is to find someone to marry, why do you choose me?"

Lu Shen forced Qinxi to the corner of the wall, covering her in front of her, blocking the light of the study, and completely enveloping her in his own shadow.

Qin Xi shrunk his neck involuntarily, "at that time, my side Only you... "

Lu Shen was obviously not satisfied with her answer, and looked down at her eyes, "that is to say, if there were others around you at that time, you would not choose me, would you?"

His question was too instructive. Qin Xi's brain had been working for several seconds before he came up with an answer that he thought was safe: "of course not. There can't be anyone else around me..."

Lu Shen stopped talking.

Qin Xi breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he could cheat Lu Shen in this way. However, the next second Lu Shen suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Lu Shen's kiss is not gentle, but it is not violent. Compared with kissing, it is more like a kind of vent.

Qin Xi doesn't know why, but his intuition is that if he is pushed aside at this time, there will be more serious consequences, so bear this obediently.

Lu Shen, however, did not seem to be moved by her forbearance. The strength of grinding on his lips became more and more strong. Qin Xi suspected that his lips would break their skin in this way.

Finally, she couldn't stand it and bit Lu Shen gently.

Lu Shencai suddenly lightened his strength as if he had just regained consciousness.

But his right hand is still firmly holding Qin Xi's waist, as if to embed her into his body.

I don't know how long I've been here. When Qin Xi was very sure that his lips must have been swollen, Lu Shen finally stepped back a little.But his arm still held Qin Xi's waist.

Before Qin Xi wanted to break free, he suddenly approached Qin Xi's ear and whispered, "you remember, I asked you why you wanted to marry me."

Qin Xi was a little bit anoxic when he was kissing. He didn't think why Lu Shen suddenly mentioned this and nodded at will.

Lu Shen chuckled softly, "do you remember how you answered?"

Qin Xi's reason returned a little, but she still didn't understand Lu Shen's intention of asking these questions. She thought about it carefully and replied uncertainly, "because Want to be Mrs. Lu? "

As soon as she spoke, she felt that Lu Shen bit her earlobe.

"You lied, so you should be punished."

Qin Xi suddenly opened his eyes and said, "no, I..."

Lu Shen couldn't help but say that she couldn't bear to argue. She clenched her hands tightly, and her breath lingered on the side of her neck, "what's not? Didn't you lie to me? "

Qin Xi was disturbed by his breath. He could not speak out of his denial. Lu Shen gave out a short smile. "Therefore, the punishment for lying is that we will not return to our room tonight."

Before Qin Xi's heart fell, Lu Shen's second half sentence made her flustered.

"We are here tonight."

Qin Xi struggled back, but Lu Shen's muscles were not white long. It was almost easy to suppress her. She couldn't escape. "No, Lu Shen, it's not very good here. Everyone may come in and be uncomfortable. Otherwise, we'll go back to the room again..."

Lu Shen, however, seemed to be impatient. He picked her up and put her on the wide desk.

"The door is locked. No one will come in. It might be nice here, don't you think? Well? "

Although it was a question, Lu Shen obviously didn't mean to ask for Qin Xi's opinion. He stretched out his hand to hold the back of her head and blocked the mouth that she wanted to refute with a kiss.

Qin Xi thought of it vaguely for two days.

Life should be controlled

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