Lu Shen sneered, "well."

"So Did your mother put her by your side to watch you? " Qin Xi looks at Lu Shen in surprise.

Lu Shen didn't have many accidents, but there was a sarcastic meaning in her smile. "Is it hard to imagine that she still wants to spy on me?"

Qin Xi wanted to nod, but stopped on the way.

Xu Ying would like to spy on Lu Shen. In fact It's not something hard to understand.

From the background of Lu Shen's growth, he has been growing up with the wind and water. He has read books well and inherited the Lu family according to his family's wishes, and he has done well.

So even Xu Ying, who has a strong desire to control, slowly let Lu Shen go out on her own.

According to her plan, Lu Shen should marry a well-matched girl, and use a stable commercial marriage to make Lu's development more stable, and let Lu Shen's future life continue to be smooth.

In this way, she can completely let go of her hand, and Lu Wei quit Lu's management and live her old-age life.

However, Lu Shen's life, in which everything was in orbit, had such an accident as Qinxi.

Qin Xi derailed Xu Ying's plan and made her realize that her son didn't live according to her idea. How could she tolerate such a thing?

So she tried to return to Lu Shen's world, put her own people around him, and put Lu Shen's deviated life back on track.

Lu Shen didn't notice Qin Xi's hesitation. He still said to himself, "no matter what Xu Wan thinks, my mother is just using her. Although she has almost no blood relationship, her surname is Xu after all. My mother is crazy and she will let me be with her

Qin Xi jumped out of his mind and listened to Lu Shen's words, but he was a little confused, "that Why does she want Xu wan to show that she likes you? What would she do if you two were really together

Lu Shen gave a cold smile. "She has enough confidence in Xu Wan. She believes that she can hold Xu Wan."

Qin Xi just nodded and did not speak again.

She used to feel sorry for herself, but she didn't think there was such a person as Xu Wan.

What will it feel like if fate is all in the hands of others?

Lu Shen turned her head and looked at her. "In short, my mother sent her to put a watchman beside me to destroy our relationship. She asked me to divorce you as soon as possible and marry her ideal partner. It's a good abacus for her move to kill three birds with one stone. "

"What a pity." Qin Xi tried his best to get rid of the miscellaneous thoughts in his heart and looked up at him with a smile, "I don't intend to let her do it."

"Oh?" Lu Shen said to her, "I can't see your plan for your performance tonight."

Qin Xi wrinkled his nose, "I was forced to."

Lu Shen came closer to her again, "so now, are you forced to do it?"

Qin Xi closed his eyes.

The first thought in Qin Xi's mind was that Lu Shen's lips were a little dry. He knew that Xu Wan had left the cup of milk.

But Lu Shen immediately felt her inattention and bit her lower lip to show her punishment.

Qinxi a spirit of inspiration to come back to God.

For the first time, the two people talked for such a long time. They couldn't say that they were interlinked, but at least their hearts had no mustard. It was not the one who held back their breath to vent.

So both of them felt more relaxed than usual.

At the end of one time, Lu Shen hugged Qin Xi's waist from behind, and bit her ear, "another time?"

Qin Xi's waist is a little soft, and his consciousness is also a little trance.

She had the illusion that she was loved.

Qin Xi had a bitter smile in his heart, and for a moment he felt shaken by this illusion.

Lu Shen's rare tenderness is always in bed.

Maybe he will be as gentle as holding others.

She did not answer for a long time, Lu Shen was a little impatient, turned over and pressed on her body, and could not help but kiss.

Qin Xi forces himself to clear away Lu Shen's affairs in recent years. He holds Lu Shen's back and responds to his kiss.

Don't wake up when you don't want to.


Two people in the evening mischievous to midnight, in the morning naturally can't wake up early.

The sunlight from the curtain gap sprinkles in, also does not shine to wake up embraces and sleeps two people.

In the end, Lu Shen's mobile phone rings and wakes them up.

"Well, just pick me up at Lu's house." Lu shenchao ordered a few words on the other end of the phone, then hung up his mobile phone and got up to get dressed.

Qin Xi opened his eyes in a daze and caught Lu Shen's perfectly proportioned back.

Lu Shen has always been self-discipline and regularly goes to the gym to keep fit. Although he can't see it in his clothes, he takes off his clothes, and the muscle mechanism behind his clothes is clear. There are some faint red marks on them, which Qin Xi couldn't help catching up last night.Last night, they did everything. Qin Xi looked at the traces and suddenly felt a fever on his cheek. Lu Shen seemed to be turning back, so he closed his eyes tightly.

She is not good at pretending to sleep. She may be seen through by Lu Shen at a glance. Otherwise, Lu Shen will not be dressed. She stands by the bedside and says, "wake up early, and let the driver drive you back. Or do you want to stay here with my mother for a while? She may also keep you for lunch... "

Qin Xi suddenly opened his eyes, "then you wait for me."

Lu Shen watched her jump up and put on her clothes in a hurry. Because of the big movements, she pulled the aching muscles and turned her mouth. The corners of her mouth couldn't help but stir up an inconspicuous arc.

Fortunately, Qinxi didn't see it. Otherwise, it might be another "bloodbath".

The two men cleaned up and opened the door. They met Xu Wan, who was going to knock on the door and wake them up.

Xu Wan seems to have forgotten what Lu Shen said last night, smiling at him sweetly, "are you up? My aunt asked me to ask you to go down to dinner

But Lu Shen put away his good face, put on a poker face, nodded coldly, and took Qinxi to go downstairs.

Qin Xi looked back at Xu Wan, who was standing in the same place, and looked back thoughtfully.

Qin Xi thought it was just a breakfast and could leave the Lu family after a while. Unexpectedly, when he went to the restaurant, he found that there were two more people sitting at the table than last night.

She looked carefully.

The extra men and women are very young. The girls look about the same size as Xu Wan, and their eyebrows and eyes are similar to Lu Shen. This should be It's Lu Shen's sister, Lu youyou.

And the other, a bit of a fool, she just feel familiar, but can't remember the name.

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