Qin Xi frowned slowly. It seems that the whole Qin family was very afraid of Qin Shengtian.

This despotism is definitely not a good thing in a company.

Think of the documents I saw in Xunan in the morning

Qin Xi's eyebrows are more tight.

When the manager came back with the temporary gate card, he was surprised to see Qin Xi's frown and meditative appearance.

Don't you think of anything else?

Fortunately, he walked over timidly and handed the thing to Qin Xi. She said nothing more and nodded away.

The manager went down to see Qin Xi go out of the door, and immediately called Qin Shengtian.


Qin Xi took the gate card and went to several departments. Seeing that each manager was in a dilemma to her, he had some points in his mind.

She didn't mean to embarrass them. Anyway, she had got the news she wanted to know. It was meaningless to stay here any longer, so she planned to leave the Qin family.

But obviously, someone didn't want her to leave like this.

She came by Lu Shen's car in the morning, and now she can only take a taxi to go back. She thinks in her mind where to get the car, while pressing the down button of the elevator.

When the elevator came down from the top to her eyes, it was not empty.

Among the people standing inside, there are several Qin Xi who have just met.

Qin Shengtian, Li Wei and Xu Nan.

Qin Xi picked his eyebrows and went in.

As soon as the elevator door was closed, Qin Shengtian couldn't wait to open his mouth, "Qinxi, don't think you can be a director in Qin's family after you take the shares! After that, before Qin Shengtian had any reaction, she turned her head and looked at Li Wei, "and don't think it's useful to hide and tuck in. What did you do? I'll find out sooner or later."

Li Wei looked at her eyes and was surprised. She let go of the elevator button unconsciously.

The elevator door slowly opened.

Qin Xi was not interested in staying here to talk nonsense with them, and went out of the door.

She didn't even give Xu Nan the extra look, even if the latter's eyes stayed on her from the beginning to the end.

Qin Shengtian raises his feet to chase after him, but Li Weila stops him.

"There's someone looking out there."

Li Wei said in a low voice.

Qin Shengtian sweeps, sure enough, the staff at the front desk are looking at this side.

He was afraid that what Qin Xi would say in front of so many people would damage his dignity, so he gave up the idea of chasing out.

Li Wei presses the floor and the elevator door closes again.

"Xu Nan, tell me in detail what documents Qin Xi has read today?"

Qin Shengtian still felt a little uneasy and turned to ask Xu Nan.

Xu Nan looked up at him as if he had confused his thoughts, but he thought for a long time before answering, "she does not have the authority of the database, I did not let her see, she just took the files on my desktop, which are the daily business of these days, and nothing is particularly important."

Qin Shengtian finished listening and put some snacks.

But Li Wei is still frowning.

Out of a woman's intuition, she always felt that Qin Xi's appearance was something important to see.

But she also has no evidence, it is not good to say anything to stimulate Qin Shengtian.

While Xu Nan is secretly glad that Li Wei's defensive psychology to Qin Xi's attempt to interfere in the company's business is far stronger than her concern for Qin Guan and her own emotional life. Therefore, she is easily distracted from her attention and does not pay close attention to why Qin Xi is alone with herself in the office.

Three people have different thoughts.


Qin Xi walked out of the Qin family and looked around. He was worried about where to go.

Although the Qin family was built in the center of the city, the streets on the left and right are narrow, so it has been difficult to take a taxi.

She was about to pick one side and leave when her cell phone rang.

Caller, Lu Shen.

Qin Xi got through the phone unexpectedly, "hello?"

Lu Shen's voice was as deep and sweet as ever, "still in the Qin family?"

Qin Xi's doubts are even more serious. Lu Shen sent him this morning. He will know that there is nothing wrong with him in Qin's family. But he specially called to ask him, "I just came out. What's the matter?"

Lu Shen is no nonsense, "come here, have lunch."

Before Qin Xi asked anything more, he hung up.

Qin Xi took his mobile phone and was speechless for a while.

When can Lu Shen's autocratic temper be changed?

But Lu did not want to leave here. After a meal, he might even get a taxi back. It's much more convenient than taking a taxi.

In this way, Qin Xi reluctantly accepted Lu Shen's suggestion and went to Lu.

Before she got to the door, she saw Lin Yang standing waiting."Assistant Lin." She took a few steps to say hello, "where's Lu Shen?"

Lin Yang politely smile at her, "Mr. Lu, please go up."

"Up?" Qin Xi Leng Leng Leng, "is not go to have a meal? What are you doing up there

Lin Yang shook his head. "It's what general manager Lu meant. I just came down to pick you up."

Qin Xi frowned, "I'll wait for him here."

She is very clear, in Lu's Lin Yang is Lu Shen's representative, she follows Lin Yang so swaggering in, will certainly attract a lot of attention.

When they got married, they agreed not to release the news.

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