Qin Xi thinks that she knows her mother well. If it's really her mother's fault, she can hardly face Qin Shengtian with that kind of hostile attitude, and has no apology at all.

Not to mention the face of their own questions, no explanation.

It's just that As if she had done nothing wrong.

But Qin Shengtian said he saw it. Judging from the housekeeper's description, he should have taken some photos before he said so.

So what's going on with this thing

Qin Xi thought more and more headache, could not help but raised his hand to rub his temple.

When the housekeeper saw it, he thought that she had a cold and headache, so he would boil ginger soup for her.

Qin Xi has no strength to deal with him, so he can only nod his head and get up to go back to his room.

Standing up, she glanced at her mother's luggage scattered in the yard, hesitated for a moment, or whispered, "pack up your mother's luggage and send it to my room later."

The housekeeper looked outside and hesitated, but finally he nodded.

Qin Xi said thanks in a low voice and went up the stairs.

The housekeeper's hands and feet are very agile. Qin Xi goes out after taking a bath. Yao Min's luggage has been put in her room.

Yao Min's things are not much, just a few boxes, Qin Xi looked at them hesitated for a while, or made up his mind.

She changed her clothes, avoided the servants, piled the two suitcases on the back seat of her car, said to the housekeeper that she was looking for friends to play with, and left the Qin family.

There are so many doubts about this matter that Qin Xi can't just leave it alone.

The car left Qin's house. Qin Xi stopped by the side of the road and dialed his mother's phone.

She had planned for the worst. If her mother didn't answer the phone, she would have to hire a private detective to find her whereabouts.

I didn't want to call my mother, but I answered the phone.

"Mom," Qin Xi tried to calm himself down, "where are you?"


When I met Yao Min in an Express Hotel, Qin Xi couldn't help feeling sad.

The Yao family is also a well-known family. When they married Qin Shengtian, they were still in high status.

My mother grew up pampered and spoiled. She said that she was holding the precious gold in her hand. Later, she married Qin Shengtian, and her life was excellent. She has been living a well-off life.

In Qin Xi's impression, his mother can draw and play the piano well. She always looks gentle. Her hair is always carefully arranged. Her clothes and jewelry are also carefully selected and matched. They are not necessarily elegant, but they can also show some kind of noble spirit.

But in front of this woman, there is a kind of unspeakable depression.

The rooms in the Express Hotel are narrow and have no windows. The white lights shine on the walls, leaving the peeling paint and swirling molds nowhere to hide.

Yao Min should have taken a bath, but her hair was not dry. She was wet on her shoulders and was dizzy with water stains. She didn't bring any change of clothes. She was wearing a cheap cloth skirt bought temporarily from a small shop downstairs. She can no longer see what she used to look like.

"Mom How do you live in a place like this. " Qin Xi forbeared and forbeared, but still could not help asking.

Yao Min didn't say much, just shook his head with a smile, "I don't have much cash on me."

Qin Xi thought that she was not good at swiping the card, so he didn't ask much. He just pushed out the two suitcases behind her, "Mom, these are your luggage. You It's better to take it with you. "

Yao Min stares at the suitcase for a few minutes, smiles bitterly and nods, "it's hard for you, good daughter."

Seeing that her mood was stable a lot, Qin Xi asked tentatively, "Mom, today is the end What's going on? "

Yao Min's face froze.

Qin Xi's heart is not good, is about to say what round, listen to Yao Min gently way, "is Qin Shengtian set the trap."

Qin Xi suddenly looked up, "what?"

Yao Min slowly shook his head, "I know what I said is not so credible, but..."

Qin Xi couldn't help interrupting her, "Mom, believe it or not is my business. Just tell me."

Yao Min looked up at her daughter, pause for a few seconds, in the end or opened the mouth, "all I do today is just the Bureau set by Qin Shengtian."

It started a few weeks ago.

That day, Yao Min stayed at home as usual, but suddenly received a phone call from Qin Shengtian, saying that he had a temporary meeting and asked her to take her suit to a hotel room.

Yao Min did not doubt that he was there and went directly.

She wanted to leave her clothes, but the door of the room could not be opened. She stayed in it for a long time before the hotel customer service came to open the door for her.

She thought it was strange, but she didn't think much about it, so she left.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, Qin Shengtian asked her to send things to the hotel. This time, Yao Min kept an eye on her, sent the things to the front desk and left. As a result, Qin Shengtian came back and lost his temper.Yao Min has no choice but to send his things to his room again when he calls next time.

Yao Min didn't say a word, and Qin Xi's heart sank.

"This morning, he called me again, but this time he didn't let me deliver anything. He just said that he wanted to see me. I thought it was something important, so I went out in a hurry. As a result, when I arrived at the hotel, the front desk said that he had not arrived yet, so he asked me to have a drink and have a rest in the lobby. I would like to wake up again... "

Yao Min choked.

Qin Xi couldn't help but put his hand around his mother's shoulder.

Yao Min took a deep breath for several times, and then continued, "it was Qin Shengtian's cry that woke me up. I was dizzy and couldn't hear anything clearly. I had to sit up and find that I didn't wear anything."

Qinxi's breath is stagnant.

Yao Min shook his head. "I'm also very scared. I'm anxious to find clothes to wear. Qin Shengtian takes his mobile phone and keeps shooting at me. I turn to see that there are several people at the door besides him, and some people are shouting," don't let the adulterer run away. "

Qin Xi only felt that every breath became difficult. She said slowly, "so, mom, do you feel that there is something wrong with you..."

Yao Min understood what she meant and quickly shook her head, "if something really happened, I would not feel at all, maybe it was just It was stripped off and put on the bed. "

Qin Xi was puzzled, "but what is it for?"

Yao Min sneered and did not answer.

Qin Xi is acutely aware that Yao Min seems to have something to hide from himself.

She looked at her mother. "Mom, is there anything you didn't tell me?"

Yao Min looked at her for a while and suddenly asked, "Xiaoxi, do you believe mom?"

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