Qin Xi, with a sarcastic smile on his mouth, walked to his car.

But when she saw the man standing by the car, she stopped.


Qin Xi looked at Xu Nan and couldn't help frowning, "how can you be here?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time..."

"Please get out of the way." Qin Xi came to him and spoke calmly and politely.

"Qin Xi, listen to me..."

Xu Nan subconsciously wants to pull her, but Qin Xi dodges.

But she still did not look at Xu Nan, opened the door and got on the car.

Xu Nan pressed the door she wanted to close, "Qinxi! I'm on the board of Directors... "

"Mr. Xu, as the general manager of the company, you should have done everything for the benefit of the company. Don't look for any other reason."

Qin Xi seemed to see through what Xu Nan wanted to say and cut him off.

Xu Nan was stunned, and the hand holding the door loosened a little. Qin Xi took advantage of the mechanism to get on the door and started the car.

"Qinxi!" Like can't believe Qin Xi will be so heartless, Xu Nan can't stop beating the door.

But Qin Xi did not look at him again, stepped on the gas pedal and left.

Xu Nan followed a few steps out of his wits.

Is it his illusion?

Qin Xi's armor seems to be heavier.

She looks stronger and harder to approach than before.

Qin Xi had just left the parking lot when Enron called.

"Qinxi, come to my house."

Enron's voice listened very seriously, Qin Xi slightly frowned, "is it a task?"

"Well." Enron didn't say much, just told him to go as soon as possible and hung up the phone.

Qin Xi stepped on the gas pedal, and the vehicle with good performance speeded up quickly and left the Qin family.


The Lu family.

"Mr. Lu." Lin Yang knocked at the door and came in, whispering, "my wife has left the Qin family."

"Back?" Lu Shen was staring at the document without raising his head.

"No Lin Yang pause for a few seconds, "should be to miss Enron there."

Lu Shen turned over the document in his hand and said, "keep following."

Qin family dare to be so blatant, of course, he can not rest assured to let her go out alone, secretly arranged for security to follow her all the time.

Lin Yang was in a bit of a dilemma. "Enron's side, it doesn't seem very convenient..."

He didn't say it, but Lu Shen understood what he meant.

Lu Shen, who is close to Qin Xi, naturally has investigated, and Enron, who is closest to her, of course, is no less.

Enron is apparently just the editor in chief of an entertainment magazine, but behind his back it seems to have countless ties with intelligence organizations.

Lu Shen raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Yang, then lowered his head and continued to read the documents.

Lin Yang understood what he meant. He backed out and called the security guard to tell him, "stay a little farther away and stop when you get close to Enron's home."


Although the first two people are very sensitive in tracking Qin Xi, they are more sensitive than the two bodyguards.

She did not know the other party's intention, and only her own person, so she could only carefully observe each other for fear of being discovered by the other party.

But after looking at it carefully for a while, Qin Xi was quite speechless and relieved.

The people who followed were driving the Lu family's car, which was obviously arranged by Lu Shen.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Lu Shen's behavior, Qin Xi didn't have time to ask Lu Shen clearly at this time. He just thought that the people behind him did not exist, so he continued to move on.

Fortunately, later generations seem to know a little bit of propriety. When Qinxi reaches the gate of An'an district and looks back, he has already stopped at the intersection in the distance and has not continued to move forward.

Qin Xi sneered and went on to Enron's home.

Enron has been waiting at the door. As soon as she sees her, she comes up, "I can see from the monitoring that someone is following you?"

Qin Xi knows that Enron's "monitoring" covers more than the small section at the gate of her community, so it is bound to see everything.

But she just chuckled and shook her head. "Lu family, it doesn't matter."

Enron glanced at her and saw that she was not worried at all, he stopped talking nonsense and took her to go inside.

Two people sit in the best sound insulation small room, Enron just opened the computer in front of them.

An encrypted email is displayed on the screen.

"This time the target is the boss of this pharmaceutical company." Enron pointed to a photo on the email and said, "according to the tip, he may be making illegal drugs."

Qin Xi's face was somewhat dignified.

Illegal drugs

Enron patted her on the shoulder, "so this mission may be a little dangerous."Qin Xi frowned slightly.

This kind of task with a certain degree of danger, Enron had never arranged for her before.

"The reason why you are given this task is because of this." Enron lowered his voice and pointed to the corner of the computer screen, the tracking location in brackets.

Qin Xi only glanced at it and was stunned.

This place, she will never forget.

Isn't that where Qin Shengtian called "traitor" Yao Min!

Enron saw her expression change, then she knew she understood her intention and continued to whisper, "according to our preliminary investigation, this hotel seems to be the place where they conduct part of the transaction. Your task is to take pictures of the scene of their transaction in time. Can you do it?"

Two people four eyes are opposite, Qin Xi heavy key nods.

How could she not understand what Enron meant.

Since she has the opportunity to enter the hotel for investigation, she must have a chance to thoroughly investigate the hotel.

What happened to her mother at that time may be found out.

"Thank you." Qin Xi lowered his head and said sincerely.

Enron just laughed, "don't tell me that."

Qin Xi carefully recorded the information in the mail, Enron then completely deleted this email.

Two people out of the small room, Enron then threw away the serious appearance, lazy stretch a waist, "hungry? What to eat? "

Qin Xi thought for a moment, "cover the rice?"

Enron a smile, took out the mobile phone and ordered takeout.

Qin Xi shook his head speechless. "When do you ask me this question in order to make food for me?"

Enron countered, "would you do that?"

Qin Xi choked for a second.

She's been in the kitchen a few times

Safely spread out his hand, "you see! I think you are spoiled by Lu Shen now

Qin Xi's subconscious retort, "no way!"

He didn't speak any more and curled his lips out of the door.

The direction of her mouth is where Lu's car is parked.

Qin Xi couldn't speak for a moment.

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