Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 105 A happy event

Dagushan is decorated with lanterns and colorful lights, and the eyes are filled with festive red. Today is the happy day for Lu Qiu, the fifth leader of the Blood Eagle Thief.

Although Lu Chou went down the mountain to collect food, he was delayed for a while due to some trivial matters, but he brought back a beautiful girl. It is said that she was a rich girl. This matter made the bandits on the mountain talk about it, and they wished they could take their own lives. Of.

Coupled with the haze brought about by the death of two consecutive leaders some time ago, the gangsters took this opportunity to have fun today, so the atmosphere was particularly lively.

Large chunks of meat and jars of wine were continuously served on the table, truly achieving the goal of eating large chunks of meat and drinking large amounts of wine.

As the protagonist of this wedding banquet, Lu Qiu wore a big red robe and walked between the tables, drinking wine with everyone. The guests and hosts had a great time, and it was very lively.

It was at this time, under the cover of night, a cloud approached Dagushan.

"Illusion array."

The power of the soul was released, and he looked carefully and confirmed that it was indeed the same as Lu Qiu said. It was just a simple illusory formation. Zhang Chunyi knew it in his heart.

Although this illusion formation covers the entire Dagushan Mountain, covering up Dagushan Mountain's strange phenomena and making Dagushan Mountain look like a barren mountain, it has no other abilities other than that and cannot be regarded as a true mountain-protecting formation.

Following Lu Qiu's guidance, Zhang Chunyi easily entered the interior of Dagushan.

At this time, Lu Qiu had just finished drinking.

"This wine is as bland as water. It's boring. Come here, bring me the roasting knife I brought here specially so that all the brothers can have a good drink."

His pale face was stained with an intoxicating red. After drinking a round of wine, Lu Qiu's interest became even higher.

Hearing this, all the bandits cheered.

Seeing such a scene, the smile on Lu Qiu's face became even brighter, but there was a hint of coldness that no one noticed. In order to prevent the abnormality from being discovered prematurely, the first batch of wine was fine, and the second batch was the real one. With added ingredients.

After drinking for a while and estimating the time, Lu Qiu walked towards the main hall, where some of the more important figures among the Blood Eagle Thieves were present.

"The boss."

When Lu Qiu was about to enter the main hall, a confidant brought him a jug of wine.

Hearing this, he glanced at his confidants, his expression unchanged, holding a pot in one hand and a cup in the other, Lu Qiu walked towards the hall.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late. I'll punish myself with three drinks first. Please don't mind, brothers."

With that said, Lu Qiu drank three glasses of wine in succession, looking very heroic and winning a round of applause.

"Everyone, Mr. Lu has lived for thirty years, and this is the first time he has married a wife. It just so happened that my damn old father-in-law prepared a jar of fine red wine for his daughter's wedding. I came here to share it with my brothers."

With that said, Lu Qiu started to toast. Normally, he should drink with Fourth Master Lin Zhiping first, but he didn't do that. Instead, he started from the door and came one by one.

The wine was thick and fragrant. After drinking such fine wine, the leaders praised the wine one after another, and Lu Qiu also smiled more and more happily.

This wine pot was custom-made by him from a skilled craftsman. Although it looks ordinary, it is a yin-yang pot with two cores inside, one containing normal wine and the other containing added wine.

After a martial artist has successfully practiced martial arts, their senses and blood are stronger than ordinary people. It is not easy for ordinary poisons to knock them down silently, and the external characteristics of some powerful poisons are often more obvious.

Lu Qiu also spent a lot of effort to find the poison that suits his purpose. Its name is Ruanjin San. It is colorless and tasteless when dissolved in wine. Once a person drinks it, he will feel weak all over when the effect of the drug takes effect. The same is true for martial artists who are successful in martial arts. They will lose their fighting power in a short period of time.

In order to ensure that the information would not be leaked, after formulating Ruanjin Powder, Lu Qiu killed the poisonous doctor's family.

"Fourth brother, let me toast you."

After finishing drinking with the others, Lu Qiu came to Lin Zhiping.

Seeing Lu Qiu with a smile on his face and a shaky figure, although Lin Zhiping was a little dissatisfied with his previous toasting behavior, he did not offend him at this time.

"Fifth brother, I wish you a happy wedding."

Lin Zhiping took the glass and took a sip.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Qiu's eyes flashed with joy. He was most afraid that Lin Zhiping would find something abnormal. After all, the power of the immortal cultivator's soul was powerful. When faced with danger, he would sometimes have some subtle reactions, similar to whims. Because of this, he put Lu Qiu last.

"Thank you, fourth brother. I didn't say much, but it was all in the wine."

As he spoke, Lu Qiu drank the wine in the cup happily.

"Second brother and third brother have gone. Please take care of fourth brother in the future. I will keep an eye on you."

With sincerity in his eyes, Lu Qiu toasted another glass of wine.

Hearing this, he looked up and down, a strange look flashed in his eyes, Lin Zhiping smiled and twirled his wine glass again.

"Fifth brother is joking. Isn't it natural for an older brother to take care of his younger brother?"

This time Lin Zhiping didn't take a sip, but drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Chou's heart finally settled, and at this moment, a strange wind blew in from outside the house.

"Lao Wu, why don't you invite me for such a big happy event?"

With a loud hawk's cry, a tall figure appeared outside the gate.

He is bald, with the surrounding hair standing up like steel needles. He is tall and thin, his eyes are deeply sunken and slightly blue, his nose is hooked, and his lips are extremely thin. At first glance, it makes people think that he is not easy to deal with. A small figure, and on his left shoulder stood a small black-feathered eagle. Its eyes were as red as gems, its shape was arrogant, and it was combing its feathers slowly.

"The boss."

Seeing this figure, all the gangsters were excited and quickly stood up from their seats. Even the drunkenness had dissipated. Lu Chou was also shocked and almost stopped. He did not expect that Wan Xiuyuan would appear at this time. .

At this time, with a flick of his cloak, Wan Xiuyuan had already walked into the hall. Wherever his gaze swept, the other unruly gangsters lowered their eyebrows, as if a king was patrolling his territory.

Da Ma Jin Dao did his duty, and Wan Xiuyuan sat directly on the main seat vacated by Lin Zhiping.

"Brother, I was afraid of disturbing your practice, so I didn't invite you."

"This is a lack of consideration on my part. Brother, I'd like to toast you."

Lu Qiu tried his best to suppress the fluctuations in his heart, lowered his eyes, poured out a glass of wine, and handed it to Wan Xiuyuan with both hands.

Hearing this, Wan Xiuyuan's sinister face showed a smile.

"Xiao Wu, you are good at everything, but you can't make jokes."

While talking, Wan Xiuyuan took the wine glass handed over by Lu Qiu.

But just when the drink was about to enter his mouth, he put it down again.


A sigh came from Wan Xiuyuan's mouth, which was filled with confusion and regret. The next moment, a cold breath swept through the hall, making everyone feel like they had fallen into an ice cave.

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