Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 314 Prolonging Life

Flying to the peak, the moonlight is hazy.

"Teacher, Elder Mu You asked me to bring this back."

Zhuang Yuan bowed and saluted, with a hint of wind and frost in his eyebrows, and handed a jade box with strict legal restrictions to Zhang Chunyi.

Longhu Mountain wants to establish a stronghold in the South China Sea and vigorously explore trade routes. Although Mu You, the Yin Shen elder, is in charge, Zhuang Yuan, the disciple of Longhu Mountain, still needs to go there in person to familiarize himself with various things, and this It's been two years since I left.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi nodded with satisfaction after taking the jade box and looking at Zhuang Yuan like this.

After going down the mountain and training in Nanhai for two years, Zhuang Yuan lost some weight and his skin became darker, but his overall temperament became much more capable, and he had a decisiveness that he did not have before.

Immortal cultivators should cultivate their minds. Sitting in a mountain is actually not the best choice. Only when you see all sentient beings can you truly see yourself. This is also an important reason why disciples of famous sects go down the mountain to practice every once in a while.

"It seems like you gained a lot from this trip!"

His eyes fell on Zhuang Yuan. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became. Zhang Chunyi spoke.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yuan nodded first, then shook his head.

"My disciple has been practicing in Nanhai for two years. I have seen a lot along the way, and with the guidance of Elder Mu You, I have understood a lot of truths. But when I think about it carefully, I have more doubts in my heart than before."

"The disciple wants to enter the Sutra Collection Pavilion, read through the Dao Zang, understand the principles clearly, and perfect the inheritance. I also ask the teacher for permission."

Zhuang Yuan spoke calmly and forcefully, bowed and saluted, and Zhuang Yuan made his request.

When Longhu Mountain was first established, its foundation was very thin, and it only inherited a little bit of the legacy of Changqing Temple. The so-called Taoist canon only contained about a hundred volumes of scriptures, and even fewer of them actually related to practice, less than one out of ten.

Today, with the accumulation of information and Zhang Chunyi's adventures, the scriptures in Longhu Mountain Sutra Pavilion have already exceeded 10,000 volumes, and most of them are related to practice.

It even includes three inheritances that directly point to the Yin God, namely "Fire Crow Sun Worshiping Picture", "Tian Peng Proud World Technique" and the incomplete "Tai Shang Dragon and Tiger Temple".

As a true disciple, Zhuang Yuan is naturally qualified to enter the Sutra Pavilion, but now that he has opened his mouth, he naturally wants to let go of all inheritance.

Seeing Zhuang Yuan like this, Zhang Chunyi couldn't help but look him up and down with his eyes.

After two years of experience, things are indeed different. According to Zhuang Yuan's original temperament, it is basically impossible for him to take the initiative to make such a request.

"Yes, all Taoist treasures in the library can be opened to you."

"But you have to remember that sometimes having more doubts is not a bad thing. Only by looking farther and deeper can you see more doubts."

"Besides, just take this thing and use it if you need it."

As he spoke, Zhang Chunyi handed a piece of golden spiritual jade the size of a baby's fist to Zhuang Yuan.

Seeing this piece of spiritual jade, Zhuang Yuan's expression changed slightly, but he still reached out and took it. It was a piece of fourth-grade split divine jade.

"Go ahead."

Looking at Zhuang Yuan who was silent, Zhang Chunyi waved his hand.

As of today, his disciple has had three fetal movements, and the divine fetus is about to reach perfection. He is not far away from breaking through the Yinshen, but he is not sure when he will take this step.

There are not many places where he can interfere. He has done everything he can, and has given all the resources that should be given and can be given. There is even a breakthrough experience that he summarized in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. This in itself is a kind of Inheritance, what happens next depends on Zhuang Yuan's own destiny.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yuan bowed and resigned.

Looking at Zhuang Yuan's leaving figure, Zhang Chunyi turned his attention to the jade box in his hand.

"Is there any result?"

Thinking of a certain possibility, his soul surged and he formed a mysterious seal on his hand. Zhang Chunyi unlocked the restrictions attached to the jade box by his friend Mu.

The jade box was opened, and two prescriptions, two pills and a small bag of seeds appeared in front of Zhang Chunyi.

"The fourth-grade life-extending pill and the fifth-grade life-extending pill, Elder Mu really did not disappoint me."

After seeing the items in the jade box, Zhang Chunyi's heart was filled with waves.

Because of the characteristics of the Emerald Pond, Longhu Mountain has been purchasing life-extending spiritual objects from outside these years, but the harvest has been very little. There are only a few life-extending spiritual objects. Most of the monks will keep them for their own use after obtaining them. After all, no one dislikes a long life. So there are very few actually circulating.

Zhang Chunyi was also very aware of this, so he did not put his eggs in one basket.

Taking into account the abilities of Changchun Master Mu You, Zhang Chunyi gave him the recipe for the sixth-grade elixir Jiazi Great Dan, hoping that he could use this recipe to simplify a lower-grade life-extending pill that could be truly refined. Panacea.

A few years later, Mu You not only did it, but also did it in a different way, which really surprised Zhang Chunyi.

"The Life-Extension Pill uses the fourth-grade Life-Extension Herb as the main medicine. It can extend life by ten years. Each person can take up to one pill."

"The life-sustaining pill uses fifth-grade mink tail flower as the main medicine. It can extend life for twenty years. Each person can take up to one pill."

After looking at it for a moment, the medicinal properties of the two pills naturally appeared in Zhang Chunyi's mind.

"Elder Mu really gave me a surprise. His magical power of growing melons and harvesting beans is probably more miraculous than I expected. It may not even be an ordinary Taoist skill."

With joy in his heart, an idea appeared in Zhang Chunyi's mind.

When he handed the prescription of Jiazi Great Pill to Mu You, although he did have expectations in his heart, he did not expect that Mu You would have the results in just a few years, and they were two different life-extending elixirs. You know Such elixirs often have extremely strong drug resistance, and similar pills can usually only be taken once.

Two different life-extending elixirs and one are completely different concepts.

However, although such thoughts appeared in his mind, Zhang Chunyi did not have any in-depth thoughts. Everyone should have their own secrets.

"With these thirty years of life to squander, my next process of comprehending the Seven Kills Monument should be much smoother."

Playing with the two life-extending elixirs, Zhang Chunyi's thoughts kept turning.

Now he is only thirty years old and has already entered the realm of the Five Refiners of Yin and Shen. His longevity is naturally sufficient, but a person's essence, energy and spirit are closely related. Once a person's longevity is too much, it will actually affect his cultivation.

Moreover, one hour of meditating in the Ascension Pond will cost ten years of life. If there is no progress, even if Zhang Chunyi still has more than 300 years of life to squander, he will not be able to sustain it for long.

"it's time."

With a decision in his mind, he took out the seeds of the two elixirs and gave them to Hongyun, so that they could be planted in the Herb Garden. After putting away the elixirs, Zhang Chunyi turned around and walked into the Blood River Secret Realm. The Seven Kills Monument and some important items were all destroyed. He placed it in a secret realm.

At the same time, various formations were also arranged there, and Zhang Chunyi created a suitable training place. Chi Yan often practiced in it before.

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