Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 42 The Second Soul Seal

The cold wind blows and the world is lonely.

Half-kneeling on the ground, the white ape struggled to get up. At this time, its white hair was stained red with blood in many places, and it looked like a mess.

Whirring, breathing like a broken wooden bellows, his nose and mouth were full of sticky blood. After being hit hard by Zhang Chunyi, the white ape's originally high blood quickly fell away, and it was like a candle in the wind. The originally swollen figure quickly shriveled up like a deflated balloon. Perhaps the only thing that remained unchanged about the white ape at this time was the unruly look in its eyes.

Looking at such a scene with cold eyes, Zhang Chunyi's expression remained unchanged. He was indeed no match for Bai Yuan in terms of pure strength, but martial arts was not just a simple rampage, skills were equally important.

Martial arts applicable to the human body are naturally not as mysterious as magical powers and Taoist combinations. The upper limit is far from enough, but it also has its own subtleties. At least it is enough at a low level. After all, the derivatives of martial arts also have the work of immortal cultivators. , this is true whether it is Taixuan Realm or Blue Star.

The power of the soul surged, and Zhang Chunyi's eyebrows began to glow.

The fingertips passed between the eyebrows, and a bit of bright white light emerged, extremely pure and pure. This was Zhang Chunyi's second soul seal.

"You are going to die, accept my soul seal, and I will let you live."

With low words, Zhang Chunyi dropped his soul mark on Bai Yuan.

At this time, the white ape was seriously injured and on the verge of death. This was not only caused by Zhang Chunyi, but also by the white ape himself. Although entering that crazy and demonic state caused his power to skyrocket, it was not without cost. After this state falls, its vitality quickly dwindles, just like a lamp whose oil is about to burn out.

Hearing this, the white ape was indifferent and still struggled to stand up. At this time, a bit of white fell down and printed on the center of its eyebrows.

Huh, there were bloodshot eyes between his teeth. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Chunyi. The white ape was still unruly and ferocious, with no intention of surrendering. As a former demon with a broken demon soul, the white ape could vaguely sense the soul mark. Function, give me freedom or give up death.

The bright white light fell into the white ape's eyebrows but encountered an invisible barrier and could not really fall. This was the white ape's resistance. Although it was seriously injured and on the verge of death, its will was still as strong as gold and iron.

Seeing such a scene, looking into the slightly turbid but unruly eyes of Bai Yuan, Zhang Chunyi did not rely on his powerful soul power to forcefully plant the soul seal.

If he does it with all his strength, it is indeed possible to break the white ape's defense, but it is more likely that the white ape will die.

The demon bones were broken, and the white ape's demon soul was also shattered. It was only by chance that it was reluctantly bonded together like a piece of porcelain full of cracks, cracking but not falling apart.

It is a miracle that the white ape is alive. Under such circumstances, if Zhang Chunyi forcibly plants the soul seal, the white ape's demon soul will most likely be completely shattered.

However, Zhang Chunyi was not annoyed by this, and had even expected it. In fact, if the white ape did not have a strong will, then Zhang Chunyi would have to carefully consider whether to refine it as his second monster.

A good body for martial arts practitioners is certainly a huge advantage and the capital for rapid progress, but if you want to reach a real height, a strong will is essential, and martial arts practitioners need to train their mind.

Buzz, the demonic aura rose, and Zhang Chunyi entered the demonized state under the white ape's gaze.

Whoops, the wind roared, and with Zhang Chunyi's wave of his hand, dozens of green-gold wind blades roared out. In an instant, the trees in the dense forest fell in pieces. This power was far more exciting than the previous martial arts.

"I can kill you anytime I want."

Showing his true power, Zhang Chunyi stated a fact.

"I am willing to compete with you with pure martial arts because I see in you the possibility of reaching new heights in martial arts, and I also hope that you see new hope in me."

Hearing this, Bai Yuan's bloodshot eyes moved.

"It turns out that you are no match for me in martial arts. Of course, in terms of physical strength, you are even stronger than me. The reason why you are no match for me is because I have mastered more advanced martial arts methods and am far superior in skills and experience." Better than you.”

Looking at Bai Yuan, Zhang Chunyi frankly admitted his shortcomings.

"If you want to learn martial arts, instead of stealing it, why not let me teach you."

"I have learned from hundreds of schools, and have written a volume on the Dragon-Tiger Holding Pill Technique, which refers directly to holding pills and peeking into the gods. The dragon-changing power that just made you defeated by me is also included in it."

After hearing this, Bai Yuan's expression finally changed subtly.

Regarding strength, it is naturally no stranger to those who are interested in learning martial arts. However, the method of practicing strength is already a profound method in Taixuan world martial arts. Only a few masters in Changhe County have it, so it is unrealistic to learn it secretly.

It was able to reach this point by relying on a set of Tongbei Fist. One is because of its extraordinary talent, and the other is because Tongbei Fist is extremely compatible with it.

But even so, it still has no way to practice strength, and it is difficult to make any progress if it is stuck in the realm of strength training.

His mental power continued to radiate, and while he carefully observed the changes in the white ape, Zhang Chun took a powerful dose of medicine.

"I don't know what kind of hatred you have, but if you still want revenge, accepting my Soul Seal now and inheriting my martial arts is your only choice."

"Otherwise you can stop here, and your enemy will still be able to live freely."

As soon as he said these words, the white ape's cloudy and dim eyes gradually turned red again, and he let out an indistinct low growl from his mouth, showing his ferociousness.

It was at this time that Zhang Chunyi's Soul Seal slowly fell again, but this time Bai Yuan was shaken and did not resist desperately.

The soul mark fell and took root and sprouted like a seed. There was suddenly a subtle connection between Zhang Chunyi and White Ape.

At the same time, scenes of broken scenes emerged in Zhang Chunyi's mind. These were the memories of the White Ape's past, but they were incomplete. All the memories were after it degenerated into a beast.

In these memories, Zhang Chunyi did not find the reason why the white ape shattered the demon bones.

After briefly browsing and hiding these memories, Zhang Chunyi turned his attention to the white ape. At this time, its life breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Without hesitation, Zhang Chunyi took the white ape into the interior location.

The silver lake water made slight waves, and the white ape's curled up body slowly sank into it.

At this moment, the magic of Chenyue Lake began to take effect, and the white ape's originally flowing vitality suddenly solidified.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Yuan's life was saved, and the next problem was left to time.

The Ancestral Aperture is the ancestral court of the soul. It is an absolutely private place. The inner scene is located inside it. Except for monsters refined by immortal cultivators, no living creature with its own spirituality can enter it.

Zhang Chunyi could only send White Ape to Chenyue Lake by planting a Soul Seal on it first.

Of course, if Zhang Chunyi can create a unique interior soul secret technique based on Shen Yue Lake, then the restrictions will not be so big.

The clouds and mist dispersed, and after taking a look at the messy surroundings, Zhang Chunyi's figure disappeared.

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