Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 73 Pack of Wolves

The frightening night passed, and the sun rose as usual the next day.

In Longhu Mountain, the thin clouds and mist reflect the splendor under the golden sunshine. A colorful rainbow light spans the middle of the mountain, which is dazzling.

Shouts occasionally came from the mountains. Under Zhang Zhong's organization, the post-disaster reconstruction work on Longhu Mountain was proceeding in an orderly manner. And according to Zhang Chunyi's instructions, he divided the escort team into small teams, starting from Longhu Mountain. Some rice grains and other materials were taken out of the warehouse and sent to three disaster-stricken villages as assistance.

Of course, in addition to this, these guards also have an important responsibility, which is to suppress unrest. Anyone who dares to stir up trouble at this juncture will be severely punished and will not be tolerated.

Among them, Zhuangjia Village is the focus of the escort team, not only because this village suffered the most serious losses in the earth dragon's transformation, but also because this village has a spiritual spring.

Because of this sight of the spiritual spring, Zhang Chunyi already had plans to turn Zhuangjia Village into a spiritual village, where he would breed spiritual fish and open up spiritual fields.

In this case, the entire Zhuangjia Village will be demolished, all the houses will be turned into fields, and the original Zhuangjia Village residents will be relocated as a whole.

There is no doubt that this situation is difficult for many villagers to accept. After all, it is difficult to leave their homeland, but they cannot tolerate this matter. All the land here belongs to Longhu Mountain.

Of course, in order to build Lingzhuang faster and maintain the good operation of Lingzhuang, Zhang Chunyi will also recruit some villagers to become villagers. Among them, people from Zhuangjia Village are naturally the first choice. However, there is a threshold for this kind of recruitment. Those who have a family, are good at farming or have other skills.

On the Longhu Mountain, the back mountain, and on the Daqingyan, Liu Er and Hongyun were silently running the "Food Wind Drinking Dew Jue", absorbing the ideas of heaven and earth, while Zhang Chunyi stood quietly aside and silently perceived something.

Although the disaster had just passed, Zhang Chunyi did not delay his cultivation. As for those chores, he could just leave them to Zhang Zhong and his men. Zhang Chunyi had no intention of doing it himself.

"The concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in Longhu Mountain is rising."

Withdrawing his divergent spiritual thoughts and looking at the vast white mist under the cliff, Zhang Chunyi's dark eyes flashed with a strange light.

The phenomenon of the increasing concentration of spiritual energy in the world was not obvious yesterday, so he did not notice it at the first time, but today this increase has become very noticeable.

"The spiritual veins of Longhu Mountain are indeed growing. Although they have not reached the third level, they have also changed from medium second-grade spiritual veins to large second-grade spiritual veins. From then on, many places in Songyan Mountain can try to open up spiritual fields."

Reaching out and touching those invisible inspirations, Zhang Chunyi's thoughts kept turning, but there was not much joy on his face.

"This is the case in Zhuangjia Village, and the same is true in Longhu Mountain. Where else? Daqingshan, which is the source of this earthquake?"

Looking far into the distance, Zhang Chunyi felt a trace of worry in his heart.

The growth of spiritual veins in Longhu Mountain is naturally a good thing, which means that Zhang Chunyi's cultivation will be smoother, but unfortunately, the phenomenon of spiritual vein growth in Longhu Mountain does not seem to be an exception.

In order to experience Hongyun, Zhang Chunyi once entered Daqing Mountain to practice, and obtained treasures such as the fifth-grade spiritual plant Purple Electric Bamboo. In the process, Zhang Chunyi also saw the dangers of Daqing Mountain that far exceeded records.

From this point of view, if the spirit of heaven and earth is really returning, then the speed of Daqingshan's spirit will definitely return faster and more violently than the outside world, otherwise treasures like purple electric bamboo will not be born.

This time the earth dragon turned over, many animist phenomena occurred in Changhe County. Daqingshan, as the source of the earth dragon turning over, is very likely to produce more violent changes.

“I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse.”

Withdrawing his gaze and cutting away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Zhang Chunyi meditated and pondered over his own soul. Good things and bad things always come with him. It is useless to think too much. One's own strength is the foundation.


At night, sporadic firelights flickered in Changhe County, and sobbing cries carried far and wide along with the evening wind.

The earth dragon turned over so suddenly that many people could not react in time. Moreover, compared with those villages, the population in Changhe County was more densely populated. With the collapse of large areas of houses, many people were killed.

Up to now, although there is no accurate statistics, at least thousands of people have died, and even more people have been injured. On the first night after the disaster, it can be said that every family is crying.

At this moment, outside Changhe County, shadows emerged from the dense forest. Although the specific face could not be seen clearly, the pair of green eyes were blooming with aura.

Silently and in order, under the cover of night, they approached Changhe County. At this time, their figures finally became clear. They were horses shaped like calves, with light green hair and sharp teeth. Wolf.

This kind of wolf runs like the wind, extremely fast, and its strength is not inferior to that of a tiger. It is basically unavoidable for ordinary people to encounter it in the wild. The most important thing is that wind wolves generally move in groups.

Phew, a shrill whistling sound sounded, and a wall was found with cracks caused by the earth dragon turning over. A giant wind blade was spat out from the mouth of a wind wolf with a single horn on its head.

Boom, under this attack, the crumbling wall collapsed instantly, and a huge gap appeared. This movement finally attracted the attention of the night watch soldiers, but before they could do anything, a wolf shadow appeared in front of them. It came to their side and bit them to death in an instant. It was another horned wolf.

Woo~, standing on the city wall, howling at the moon. As the horned wolf's order was conveyed, the wind wolves outside the city jumped into the city along the gaps in the city wall.

Under the light of the fire, they moved in an orderly manner, not like wild beasts, but like an army. After a while, the howls of wind wolves and the screams of humans could be heard in the county.

In the county government office, in the backyard, the lights are as bright as day.

The county magistrate Jia Sidao, who had just fallen asleep, was awakened. Hearing that a monster was attacking the city, he put on a robe and hurried out.

"How is it going?"

His face was as gloomy as water. Looking at Master Sun Buzheng who was waiting there, Jia Sidao asked directly. At this time, he was really anxious. First, the earth dragon turned over, and now there are monsters attacking the city. What will happen to him? To be honest, it is adding insult to injury.

"Sir, the monsters attacking the city are horned wind wolves. There are currently three known ones. Most of them are around 200 years old. In addition, there are hundreds of wind wolf beasts accompanying them."

"At this moment they are going around killing civilians and seem to be preying on them."

Understanding the urgency of the matter, Sun Buzheng quickly told the known information.

Hearing this, Jia Sidao became furious and swept the teacup on the coffee table to the ground with his hand.

"Three demon wolves? Hundreds of wild wolves? Are the soldiers keeping watch all pigs? Just let them break into the city silently?"

The anger in his heart was burning, and Jia Sidao looked at Sun Buzheng with murderous eyes.

Hearing this, Sun Buzheng felt a hint of bitterness in his heart.

"Sir, the city wall of the county town has been in disrepair for a long time. The earth dragon turned over and caused cracks in some sections of the wall. The demon wolf took advantage of these weak points to tear gaps in the city wall."

Hearing this, Jia Sidao's expression froze, and his anger suddenly disappeared.

Changhe County has been in peace for a long time, and the repair of the city wall has long been ignored. This has been the case for county magistrates of all dynasties. Jia Sidao naturally followed the custom, but he did not expect that such a flaw would now become a fatal gap.

If the city wall is strong, even if it can't stop those few demon wolves, the hundreds of wild wolves will never be able to enter the city. If this is the case, it will be much easier for the county government to deal with it, but it is a pity that nothing is possible.

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