Changhe County, county government, backyard.

In the hot summer, the lotus leaves are green and tender, and the pink lotus flowers are really eye-catching.

Under the pavilion, listening to the beauty playing the piano and admiring the lotus flowers, Jia Sidao rarely relaxed.

The earth dragon turned over, and the wolf disaster came one after another. During this period of time, Jia Sidao had not had a peaceful sleep. Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder what was going on in this world.

After working continuously for more than a month, he felt more tired than in the past three or four years. After finally finishing the beginning and end, Jia Sidao finally took some time to admire this pool full of burning lotus flowers.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded, and Master Sun Buzheng walked in from the outside in a hurry.

Jia Sidao felt unhappy when he saw Sun Buzheng walking up to him and being disturbed from his enjoyment of lotus appreciation, but he didn't say anything because he knew that Sun Buzheng was a person who could understand the importance of things.

"No, what made you so anxious?"

After waving his hand for the singer to retreat, Jia Sidao spoke.

Hearing this, Sun Buzheng bowed and saluted.

"Sir, I shouldn't disturb your flower-viewing pleasure, but I do have something important that I have to report to you."

"Just when the police came to report that a family of four had died at home, including a pregnant woman who had just given birth to a baby, and the baby's body was not found at the scene. It was suspected that he had been taken away."

He whispered, and when he reached the last sentence, Sun Buzheng's voice became much louder.

Upon hearing this, Jia Sidao's expression changed and he immediately sat up straight.

"You mean he did it?"

Looking at Sun Buzheng with eyes like knives, Jia Sidao thought of something, but felt that something was wrong. Although that guy had snatched babies in the past, he was more or less measured and did not do anything to destroy other people's families, and he basically did not do anything. We will take action in the county seat.

Hearing this, Sun Buzheng showed a trace of hesitation on his face.

"Sir, I'm not sure either. I did have such suspicions at the beginning, but the way that family died was not simple. According to Yu Gongfeng's examination, those people all died of lost souls."

Hearing this, Jia Sidao frowned and fell into brief contemplation.

Many things happened during this period, especially the constant appearance of monsters, which gave Jia Sidao a sense of crisis. Under such circumstances, he simply recruited two casual cultivators to serve as worshippers, and the remaining worshipper was One of them.

This is actually not the first time that people who died due to lost souls appeared in Changhe County. Because most of the people who died were beggars and homeless people, they did not attract the attention of the county government at first.

Later, Yu Zongfeng discovered something was wrong, so Jia Sidao went to see it in person. In the end, Jia Sidao and the two worshipers agreed that a ghost might have been born in Changhe County.

In order to find and kill this ghost, Jia Sidao and the two priests not only searched for it painstakingly for a period of time, but also specially set a trap, but there was no harvest. After that, the ghost disappeared, as if it had already Just like leaving Changhe County, I didn't expect it to appear again this time.

"Do you think he raised a ghost?"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Jia Sidao spoke again as he looked at Sun Buzheng.


Hearing this, Sun Buzheng had a hesitant look on his face and did not dare to answer. He naturally knew who "him" Jia Sidao was talking about, but he did not dare to answer just because he knew him.

"Go and pay your respects to You Zhengquan, the head of the You family, and tell him that I invite him to enjoy the lotus dinner together."

Looking at Sun Buzheng who looked hesitant, Jia Sidao didn't ask any more questions because he had already made a decision in his heart.

In the past, buying and snatching babies could only be regarded as trivial matters. There were many such things secretly. Considering the identity of that person, he could turn a blind eye as long as it didn't go too far, but ghosts It is a taboo, not only a taboo for the Dali Dynasty, but also a taboo for the entire Immortal Dao. No matter what, we can no longer let it go.

After hearing this, he understood that Jia Sidao had made a decision in his heart, and Sun Buzheng was shocked. Something big was going to happen.

"Yes, sir."

After reacting, Sun Buzheng quickly bowed in response, and then hurriedly walked outside.

After Sun Buzheng left, looking at the lotus flowers in full bloom and burning like fire, Jia Sidao's eyes showed a trace of gloom.

"Bian Feng, it seems you are really crazy."

"A martial artist also wants to change his destiny and embark on the immortal path, huh."

With a cold snort, Jia Sidao waved his sleeves, a sharp edge appeared, and the lotus flowers in the pond were cut down, which looked particularly dazzling under the scorching sun.

At night, when the lights were on, a modest banquet was held in the backyard of the county government office, and there were only two people present.

"Brother Jia, are you really sure?"

After listening to Jia Sidao's statement, You Zhengquan's expression changed rapidly, and there was some uncertainty in his words.

"Of course, the bodies of that family are at the county government office now. If Brother You doesn't believe it, you can go see them at any time."

Seeing You Zhengquan like this, Jia Sidao gave an affirmative answer.

He can actually understand You Zhengquan's worries. Nowadays, Longhu Mountain in Changhe County has suddenly emerged, and there is gradually a tendency for one family to dominate.

It is natural that the county government is backed by the Dali Dynasty, but the Bai family and the You family cannot. Although Zhang Chunyi's attitude is very good, but just in case, the Bai family and the You family naturally have to stay together for warmth, and now the Bai family If it really falls, Youjia will be isolated and helpless.

"Brother Jia, if Brother Bai really colludes with ghosts, what are you going to do?"

Looking at Jia Sidao with slightly cloudy eyes, You Zhengquan asked.

Changhe County is not that big, so he had heard about some of the things Feng did secretly in the daytime, but he didn't care about it and always regarded it as a joke.

The qualification to cultivate immortality is a gift from heaven. If you have it, you have it. If you don’t have it, you don’t have it. Maybe there are some foreign objects in this world that can allow ordinary people to have the qualification to cultivate immortality. However, such items must be rare treasures and cannot be obtained by ordinary people like Tian Feng. Yes, otherwise immortal cultivators wouldn’t be so rare.

As for the other secret methods, most of them are just the wild imaginations of some crazy people who seek immortality and magic. They are not trustworthy at all. If you try them rashly, you will only get nothing in a bamboo basket, harming others and yourself.

Hearing You Zhengquan's words, a sharp light flashed in Jia Sidao's eyes.


His voice was not loud, but his voice was unquestionable.

Hearing this, looking at Jia Sidao like this, You Zhengquan gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Now that Brother Jia has made up his mind, I am willing to cooperate with Brother Jia to thoroughly investigate the truth of this matter. If Bai Tianfeng really dares to collude with ghosts, I will never hold back."

You Zhengquan expressed his attitude eloquently.

Hearing this, Jia Sidao nodded after hearing the unintended meaning of You Zhengquan's words.

If possible, he would not want to kill all the Bai family. After all, although Bai Tianfeng is a branch of the branch and has escaped and established his own family, he is from the Bai family, so it is inevitable to verify it first and find evidence.

However, if Bai Tianfeng really colludes with a ghost, he will never hold back, because it involves a matter of principle. If the news spreads that he allows a ghost to wreak havoc in the county and does nothing, he, the county magistrate, will do nothing. It's over.

Regarding ghosts, monsters that feed on humans, the dynasty's attitude has always been to kill them all.

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