Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 90 Reappearance

The golden sunshine is shining, Changhe County is extremely lively today, and the biggest news is undoubtedly the Bai family that was burned to the ground overnight.

"Hey, the Bai family is really miserable. I heard that hundreds of people in the whole family were burned to death."

Looking at the scorched land from a distance, someone sighed. The Bai family that had stood in Changhe County for more than ten years was gone. All the wealth and glory were reduced to ashes in the fire last night.

"Don't talk nonsense, I heard that the eldest lady of the Bai family was rescued."

At this time, someone spoke again.

Hearing this, people around him became interested.

Feeling the curious eyes of everyone, the person who spoke before spoke again.

"A cousin of mine works as an errand in the government office. According to him, the fire was too great and no one could be saved. However, a nun insisted on protecting the eldest daughter of the Bai family with her own flesh and blood and broke out. After she came out, He died soon after."

As soon as these words were spoken, exclamations arose from the surrounding area, and everyone lamented the loyalty of this nanny.

At this moment, a disdainful sneer sounded.

"So what if she was rescued? The eldest lady of the Bai family was severely burned all over her body. Even if she survives by chance, she will be a useless person."

Seeing the excitement, another insider spoke, but there was a hint of gloating in his words.

"God, Miss Bai is a Bodhisattva-like figure, how could she suffer such a disaster?"

Some people in the crowd felt sorry for Miss Bai's misfortune. Many poor families in Changhe County had benefited from Miss Bai, and she was a truly bodhisattva-hearted person.

However, at this moment, more people still regarded it as a lively event, and they discussed it enthusiastically in various tones.

Of course, they are more concerned about the huge wealth of the Bai family than Miss Bai's misfortune.

The Bai Family Courtyard is indeed gone, and many of the treasures inside have been reduced to ashes. However, the Bai Family is the leading family in Changhe County, and usually outnumbers the You Family. It owns a lot of real estate, shops, and fields. .

As long as a little leakage is enough, it will be enough for them to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime. Although most of them do not have this opportunity, this does not prevent them from thinking about it.

It should be known that at this time, except for the eldest lady who was severely burned and whose life or death was unknown, the rest of the immediate people in power had been buried in the sea of ​​fire. Anyone with a little knowledge knew that the Bai family was doomed.

Time passed, and it was three days. During these three days, Changhe County was still bustling, and many of these bustles were related to the Bai family. For example, maids and maids were selling gold and silver jewelry in the sellers, slaves were misappropriating farm property, and shopkeepers were communicating with each other. , embezzling the Bai family's property, etc., it can be said to be very lively.

But the strange thing is that most of the excitement comes from within the Bai family. Those outside who are jealous of the Bai family's wealth and want a share of the wealth have yet to take action. The reason for this is because the county government and the You family have not yet moved. .

The disgusting stench pervades the county government office and the morgue.

Covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, Jia Sidao stood side by side with Yu Changshui and You Zhengquan. Looking at the corpse in front of him, Jia Sidao's face was as gloomy as water.

There were no wounds or hidden diseases on this body. He died of a lost soul.

"It's a ghost again. Could it be that there is another ghost in Changhe County? Or is it that the Rakshasa ghost is back?"

Gritting his teeth, Jia Sidao felt his heart felt heavy as he thought of the nine-son Rakshasa ghost that escaped three days ago.

He didn't realize it at first, but after he came back to his senses, Jia Sidao realized something was wrong. The Nine Sons of Rakshasa Ghost's true cultivation was very shallow. It could be ranked among the Hundred Ghosts, and it had at least a medium-level qualification. It seems that this is obviously abnormal. The most likely reason is that it was born not long ago.

After reacting, Jia Sidao conducted an investigation and soon gained results. Although the Bai family compound was burned to ashes by the fire, the Bai family dungeon was fortunately preserved.

There, Jia Sidao found the secret room where Bai Tianfeng originally arranged the magic circle and activated Tianying's spirit-stealing method. Judging from the various traces left there, Jia Sidao determined that the Nine Sons of Rakshasa Ghost was born there.

This discovery made Jia Sidao's depressed chest hurt. If he could have stopped Bai Tianfeng's crazy behavior earlier, perhaps the Nine Sons of Rakshasa Ghost would not have been born at all.

Of course, Jia Sidao also found some doubts in this. Although the dungeon had Yin Qi precipitated, it did not form a real Yin place. Normal conditions were not enough to support the birth of ghosts.

However, various traces indicate that the Nine Sons Rakshasa was indeed born here. For these doubts, Jia Sidao can only attribute them to chance.

Hearing this, You Zhengquan and Yu Changshui fell silent. This was not impossible. After all, ghosts were surly and could do anything.

"I have reported the matter of the Nine Sons of Rakshasa Ghost to the county government, but the current situation in Shaoyang County is not very good. The county government's attention is all over there, and I am afraid they will not pay attention to it in the short term. We still need to do this. Take care of it yourself.”

After sorting out his mood, Jia Sidao spoke again.

Hearing this, You Zhengquan frowned slightly.

"Brother Jia, the Nine-Son Rakshasa Ghost was born not long ago, and now is its period of rapid growth in strength. If it really comes back, it will probably continue to eat and cause even greater killings."

"And with the strength it has shown, if it grows for a while without the support of the county and the city, it may be difficult for us to deal with it."

As he spoke, You Zhengquan's wrinkled face was filled with solemnity.

Hearing this, Jia Sidao also frowned, and Yu Changshui, who had been silent at this time, spoke.

"Sir, why don't we invite the guy from Longhu Mountain?"

Participating in the Battle of Wolf Disaster and witnessing Zhang Chunyi's demeanor, Yu Changshui still has lingering memories in his heart.

Hearing this, Jia Sidao and You Zhengquan's eyes lit up at the same time. They had indeed forgotten Zhang Chunyi on Longhu Mountain. If Zhang Chunyi was willing to take action, as long as the Nine Sons of Rakshasa Ghost dared to show traces again, they would be certain to kill him. Kill, but what is worrying now is whether Zhang Chunyi is willing to take action.

The current Zhang Chunyi is not the Zhang Chunyi of the past. He cannot be mobilized by the government with a demon-slaying order.

"I will personally write a letter and send it to Longhu Mountain, stating the pros and cons, and will take out fifty low-grade spiritual stones from the treasury as a reward."

Looking at You Zhengquan and Yu Changshui, Jia Sidao made a decision.

There has always been a batch of spiritual resources in the county government treasury, but these spiritual resources were collected by the county government and turned over. This time he intercepted a sum privately and had to bear a lot of risks, but at this critical moment he I can't care much anymore.

Hearing this, You Zhengquan and Yu Changshui understood that Jia Sidao was really determined to eradicate the ghost.

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