The gods were shocked

"This... what is this? A human being can actually emit an aura as powerful as that of a god!"

The ninth universe king, Luo Er, said.

Although Bergamo was surprised by this, he was still confident in his own strength.


Just at this moment, Sun Wukong roared loudly, and rushed to Belgamo at the speed of light. He jumped into the air with both feet, and punched Belgamo with the speed of light.

Belgamo raised his fists and fought with Sun Wukong.

Because Sun Wukong's attack power was stronger, Belgamo exchanged a few punches with Sun Wukong, and was beaten back by Sun Wukong.

Because Sun Wukong could not use the flying technique in the air, his body fell to the ground from mid-air.

After Sun Wukong landed on the ground, he quickly stepped his right foot behind him and rushed towards Belgamo.


Sun Wukong hugged Belgamo's right foot with both hands.

Sun Wukong lifted his hands upward with force, and Belgamo lost his balance instantly and fell to the ground.


Sun Wukong roared loudly, lifted Bergamo's entire body and threw him out.


Luo Er was shocked.

At this moment, Sun Wukong quickly clasped his hands behind his back and said


A deep blue wave of energy condensed from Sun Wukong's hand and hit Bergamo.


The Kamehame-pai-ki-gong wave hit Bergamo's body and pushed him outward.


Basil saw this and immediately shouted to Bergemo.

Bergemo was shocked, but his body was still flying backwards and he had no way to resist the Kamehameha attack from Sun Wukong.

Soon, Bergemo was knocked off the stage.

"The player from Universe 9, Bergamo, is out!"


After hearing this, the King immediately pressed the icon of Bergamo on the Shenipai.

"Damn it, if flying wasn't prohibited, I might be able to block that energy wave!"

Bergemo said unwillingly.

Vegeta's side.

After Vegeta separated from Sun Wukong and the others, he met a man wearing a blue and white tights and a glass helmet on his head.

His name is Cardobesler, and he is the righteous policeman who protects the third universe.

After seeing Vegeta, Cardobesler's face immediately became solemn.

Although he hasn't fought with Vegeta yet, he can feel an extremely powerful aura from Vegeta.

If he hadn't been through hundreds of battles, he would definitely not have such a strong aura.

Just when Cardobesler was thinking, Vegeta stomped his right foot hard on the ground behind him and rushed towards Cardobesler.

Cardobesler immediately came to his senses.

Soon, Vegeta rushed in front of Cardobesler and punched and kicked Cardobesler as fast as lightning.

Cardobesler raised his hand to block Vegeta's attack while retreating.


Vegeta hit Cardobesler's abdomen with his right fist.

Cardobesler screamed loudly and flew backwards like the wind.

With a loud bang, Cardobesler crashed into a"mountain" behind him.

However, his body also stopped on the ground.


After seeing this, the third universe's Kai King God Al immediately showed a trace of worry on his face.


Cadobesler shouted angrily, and twisted the buckle on his belt with his right hand. His clothes immediately changed from blue to red, and the letter P on it turned into the letter S.

His body is now in fast mode.

In fast mode, his body can move at three hundred times the speed of the normal state.

Seeing this, Vegeta showed a trace of curiosity, but he still didn't take Cardobesler in front of him seriously.

Although Cardobesler's aura is much stronger than before, it is still too weak for him.

Thinking of this, Vegeta clapped his hands forward quickly, and a large amount of energy waves were fired from his hands to attack Cardobesler.

Cardobesler moved quickly to the side and dodged.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, Vegeta's energy wave hit the mountain and exploded.

The mountain immediately appeared with a large amount of dust and smoke produced by the explosion.

Cardobesler roared loudly and rushed towards Vegeta at full speed.

Vegeta clenched his fists hard, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose upwards


With a huge roar, Vegeta transformed into Super Saiyan Blue.

Cardobesler was startled, and the expression on his face immediately became extremely solemn.

At this moment, Vegeta's figure disappeared from the spot.

"No... Gone!"

After seeing this, Cardobesler stopped immediately and looked for Vegeta.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and his right fist was as fast as light, hitting his body.

Before Cardobesler could react, he was hit hard and flew out.

Soon, Cardobesler's body flew out of the competition stage.

"The third universe's player Cardo Bessler is out!"


After hearing this, the Omni-King immediately pressed the Cardobesler icon on the Divine IPAI.

The Cardobesler icon dimmed instantly.

After seeing this, some warriors from the third universe who wanted to take action immediately chose to retreat.

Although it was a pity that Cardobesler was knocked off the stage, the game has just begun, and it is not the time for them to fight to the death.

Seeing this, Vegeta exhaled lightly and changed his body back to normal.

Although Super Saiyan Blue is very powerful, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

So if he can avoid transforming, he will try not to transform.

Oren and Coolen are here.

After Oren and Coolen walked for a while, they met Wotai Maggetta and Berdamuo from the sixth universe.

"Long time no see, Bodamo!"

Oren smiled and greeted Bodamo.

Bodamo snorted coldly after hearing this.

"Oren, we won't lose to you this time!"


Oren smiled after hearing this.

He didn't take Bodamo's words seriously.

Bodamo saw that Oren looked down on him, and immediately said to Wotai Maggetta beside him.

"Maggetta, let's go!"

Wotai Maggetta nodded.

After that, the two rushed towards Oren and Coolen.

After Oren and Coolen saw it, they immediately transformed into Super Saiyans and rushed over.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Soon, the two sides came to each other and fought together.

Bodamo was still as slow as before.

Oren used the same method as Son Gohan before, and kept swinging his fists on Bodamo's body.

Bodamo's body immediately flew up like a balloon.

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