Reg clenched his fists and rushed to Hit, punching forward with both fists.

Hit used the Flash Time Technique while fighting with Reg.

Although Hit's Flash Time Technique was powerful, he couldn't gain any advantage under the full power of Super Saiyan 4.


Xiangpa saw that Reg and Hitt were evenly matched, and a trace of surprise immediately appeared on his face

"Bardos, what's going on? Why doesn't Hit's Flash of Time work on him?"

"Lord Xiangpa, it’s not that Hit’s Flash Time Skill is ineffective against him, but that Reg’s strength is too strong!"

"Too powerful? You mean, he's stronger than Sun Wukong?"


Bardos nodded.

"If that's the case, why didn't Beerus let him fight last time? Did he hide him on purpose?"

"I don’t know, maybe there are other reasons!"

"Any other reason?"

Just as the two were chatting, Reg's right fist suddenly missed and hit Hit's shadow.

""Is it an illusion?"

Reg said, and he used both hands to send energy waves towards Hit's phantom.

The energy wave went straight through Hit's body and flew outside the arena.


With a huge explosion, the energy wave exploded outside the arena.

A huge flame caused by the explosion immediately appeared outside the arena.


Reg was startled.

At this moment, an invisible air fist appeared from behind Reg and hit him.

Reg was knocked back a few steps.

"Damn it!"

Reg clenched his fists tightly, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his body, rising rapidly upwards.

Under the influence of Reg's aura, the entire ground of the competition arena began to shake violently.

Many of the players who were fighting could not help but look in the direction of Reg.



Oren and the others said after they felt Reg's aura.


At this moment, Reg roared loudly, and his hair turned silver, his hair grew to his waist, his pupils turned red, and his whole body exuded a lot of golden aura. Lightning swirled around his body as he emitted energy.

This is exactly what Super Saiyan 5 is like.

"Super...Super Saiyan 5!"

Xiang Pa was shocked.

Xiang Pa had fought with Roger who transformed into Super Saiyan 5 before, and he knew how powerful Super Saiyan 5 was.

He originally thought that Roger was only slightly stronger than Sun Wukong, but he didn't expect that he would be so much stronger.

This is a real king bomb!

"Damn it, Roger didn't even tell me that there was such a powerful guy in their universe!"

After hearing this, Bardos immediately laughed.

"Lord Xiangpa, even if Roger tells you, what can you do?"


Xiangpa snorted coldly after hearing this.

"At least it made me mentally prepared!"

"Oh, that’s not a loss!"

"Damn, Bardos, do you really want our universe to lose?"

"No, I'm just stating the facts!"

Bardos said with a smile

"Damn it, why didn't you clear it out when we lost the game!"The reason why

Bardos was so calm was that no matter whether they won or lost, their angels would not be cleared out by the King of All

"There is no way. We angels are only helping you, the God of Destruction, to manage the universe. We are not the real managers of the universe. The human civilization in the sixth universe is unqualified because of your own faults!"

"How do I know that the level of human civilization in our universe is not up to standard? If I had known it earlier, I would definitely manage the universe well!"

After hearing this, Bardos smiled but said nothing.

On the competition stage,

Reg's transformation into Super Saiyan Five shocked almost everyone, including Hitt who was fighting with him.

Reg looked at the eyes cast around him and immediately smiled.

At this moment, he felt that all the players on the competition stage were not his opponents.

Because he was absolutely confident in his Super Saiyan Five transformation.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his gaze to Hitt.

Although he didn't know what was going on with Hitt's phantom.

But as long as he attacked his phantom, he might be able to find a flaw in it.


With a loud shout, Reg rushed to"Hit" and punched forward with both fists.

However, no matter how he attacked, he could not hit Hit.

"Whis, what's going on? Why can't Reg hit him?"

Beerus asked Whis

"Maybe... it's because of the space!"


"He may have stored time and used the stored time to create space, and he can move freely in space, leaving only an illusion in the real world. Therefore, Reg can only see Hit in front of him but cannot attack him."

"So that's it!"

After hearing this, Beerus touched his chin with his right hand.

"So is there any way to crack it?"

"Yes, that is to directly destroy the space created by Hit!"

"Destroy the space?"

Just when the two were chatting, Hitt, who had been hiding in the flash space, suddenly attacked Reg.

But it was also because of his attack that Reg discovered his real body.


With an extremely violent sound, Reg's right fist hit Hitt's abdomen heavily.

Hitt screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like a thread.

With a loud bang, Hitt's body crashed into the"mountain" behind him.

"The"mountain" was immediately smashed into a lot of dust.

Reg's figure flashed, and his body quickly came to the"mountain".

Reg stomped his feet hard on the ground, and the whole person seemed to fly up and rushed into the dust.

Hitt, whose body seemed to be nailed to the mountain, soon saw the figure rushing in, and quickly raised his hands to defend himself.

Bang bang bang!!

Reg's fists were like a storm, hitting Hitt's body hard.

The mountain behind Hitt was immediately dented.

At this time, Reg swung his right fist forward, and Hitt's body immediately became like a cannonball, directly knocking a big hole in the mountain behind him, and flew backwards


Xiangpa was shocked.

At this moment, Hit fell down with all his strength and stopped only a few meters away from the competition stage.

Reg smiled and was about to rush forward. Hit raised his right hand and continued to attack Reg with Flash Time, imprisoning Reg. However, he needed to continue to exert strength and his body became unable to move.

This move was called the Prison of Time, and it was also a derivative skill created by Hit based on Flash Time.

""My body...I can't move!"

Reg was shocked.

At this moment, Hitt looked at a man in the distance wearing an old Saiyan combat uniform.

The man's name was Gabe, a Saiyan from the sixth universe and one of the contestants in this competition.

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