It's a pity that Beerus is still sleeping. If Whis accepts Roger as his apprentice, it will definitely disturb Beerus' sleep.

On Earth.

After Roger completed his transformation, his body immediately flew into the sky and tested his strength and speed.

At this moment, two figures flew over from a distance.

These two people were Luo Feng and Son Gohan.

Although Son Goku and others could not sense the aura of God on Roger, Luo Feng was different. He was born a god, so he could sense the aura of God on Roger.

Soon, Luo Feng saw Roger and shouted loudly to Roger


After hearing this, Roger turned around and saw the two

"Luo Feng, Wuhan!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two immediately flew in front of Roger.

Luo Feng nodded.

""Dad, what is this? Is it a new Super Saiyan transformation?"

Roger smiled and nodded.

"This is called Super Saiyan Five!"

"Super Saiyan Five!

Luo Feng and Son Gohan said in unison.


"So dad, how long will it take me to become a Super Saiyan 5?"

"As long as you practice hard every day, I think it won't take long!"

Luo Feng nodded.

Then, the two chatted with Roger for a while and flew to other places to play.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the West Capital, at Bulma's house,

Roger was practicing in the backyard of Bulma's house.

Suddenly, a figure appeared.

It was Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong nodded.

"Wukong, why did you suddenly come here today?"

"Gohan was captured!"


"Yes, he said he wanted us to exchange the Dragon Balls with him for Gohan!"

"Then do you know who the other person is?"

"I don’t know, he told us to find him in the Zero Realm!"

"The boundary of zero?"

Sun Wukong nodded.

After hearing this, Roger immediately walked into the house and took out a crystal ball to see where the boundary of zero that Sun Wukong mentioned was.

Through the crystal ball, the two immediately saw the ancient palace.

At this time, Sun Wuhan was sleeping in the hall of this ancient palace.

Next to him stood a short man in a black robe.

Sun Wukong:"Gohan!"

Roger nodded

"Gohan, where is he now?"

"In the southern Milky Way, but that realm of zero is a different world from ours!"

"Another world?"

"Yes, I need to ask Lord Kaioshin for the specific situation. Then, Goku, I will give you the Dragon Ball Radar, and you collect the seven Dragon Balls first!"

Sun Wukong nodded.

Then, after Roger handed the Dragon Ball Radar to Sun Wukong, he came to the Kaioshin Realm.

East Kaioshin:"Roger!"

Roger nodded after hearing this, and told East Kaioshin and Jepitel about Sun Wukong.

"The boundary of zero?"


"I don’t know much about that place, but life in that world is eternal!"


"Yes, but once you leave the boundary of zero, it will change due to external factors!

In addition, if you enter that world, you may be restricted by that world. When you enter there, your physical strength may be consumed faster than outside!"

"physical strength!"


East Kai nods.

"For now, that's all I know!"

"OK, I know!"

Roger said, and he moved back to Earth in an instant.

Soon after Roger returned to Earth, Sun Wukong found the seven dragon balls and came to Roger's house.

"Roger, I found the seven dragon balls!"

Roger nodded.

"So shall we set off for the Realm of Zero now?"

Sun Wukong asked

"The physical strength in the Zero Realm is consumed faster than in our outside world, so I plan to ask Vegeta and the others to go together!"

"Vegeta? But will he go?"

"He likes fighting very much, I think he will go!"

Roger laughed




After a while, Roger brought Sun Wukong to find Vegeta and the others, and told them what happened.

"Zero Realm?"

Roger:"Yeah, Vegeta, do you want to go with me?"

Vegeta thought for a moment and said

"Are those guys really that strong?"

Roger nodded.

"Okay, I’ll go!"

"What about you two?"

Roger smiled and asked Raditz and Nappa.

"Prince Vegeta goes, and we two go too!" said Nappa

""Okay, then put your hands on my back and I'll take you to the entrance to the Zero Realm!"

The four nodded and put their hands on Roger's back.

Seeing this, Roger teleported and brought the four to a planet in the southern Milky Way.

This planet is called Sirius, and the entrance to the Zero Realm is on this Sirius.

"Where is this place?"

Nappa looked around and asked.

"This is Sirius, the entrance to the Zero Realm is here!"

Roger said, and touched the void in front of him with his right hand, and ripples immediately appeared above the void.

"This is the entrance!"

Roger said as he walked into the ripples.

Sun Wukong and the others followed him in. After entering the entrance of the Zero Realm, Roger and the others immediately arrived in a colorful world.

All the plants and animals in this world were surprisingly large.

Because life in this world is eternal, the plants and animals may have lived for tens of thousands of years.

"Is this... the Zero Realm?"

Roger nodded and began to sense the aura of the Zero Realm.

Soon, he sensed several very powerful auras.

"Goku, I can feel their energy. Put your hands on my back and I will use instant teleportation to take you there!"


Sun Wukong nodded.

"call out……"

After saying that, Roger teleported and brought Sun Wukong and the others to the outside of an ancient palace.

This palace was exactly the palace that Roger and the others saw in the crystal ball.

After Roger and the others appeared, three figures immediately appeared.

One was tall and burly, with an antenna on his head. His name was Gulit, and he was the captain of the Gatai Defense Team.

Next to Gulit, there stood two men and women wearing the same uniform as Gulit. Their names were Yaki and Sari, and they were also members of the Gatai Defense Team.

"Who are you to come to Lord Gatha's palace?"

"We are here to exchange for Wuhan!" said Sun Wukong

""Gohan? Are you talking about that outsider?"

Gulit asked.

Sun Wukong nodded.

"Did you bring the Dragon Ball with you?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately opened the blue bag in his hand.

Inside was the Earth Dragon Ball.

"Okay, then give me the dragon ball and we will release the little devil!"

Gulit said

"No, you have to bring Gohan out first before we can give you the Dragon Balls!"

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