
Dark clouds swirled in the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed non-stop, as if a storm was coming!

At this moment, Li Feng and Shalu faced off in the air, and Li Feng really couldn’t stand Shalu’s pretense!

“Regardless of whether you are completely physical, Lao Tzu has only one word, war!”

Li Feng shouted loudly, the golden arrogance flailed his teeth and claws, his fists clenched, and the fierce wind around him swept in!

“Try my trick!”

“Tornado Storm Fist!”

This is a move of his own, just in the battle, he realized it.

I saw that around Li Feng’s fist, there was a strong wind circling, accompanied by lightning from time to time!

Shalu, who was still disdainful, saw this move, and his face finally had a trace of solemnity!

“Nice move!”

“Sky Cannon!”

Sharu also shouted, and Vegeta’s brilliant cannon instantly came out!

“Drink… Yes! ”

Li Feng’s face was hideous, and his powerful energy was constantly output, just to complete this move!

I saw a qigong wave accompanied by wind and lightning shooting out, like a dragon going out to sea, unstoppable!

The qigong waves of the sky-piercing cannon and the qigong waves of the tornado storm fist collided violently!


Different from the front, I saw that the strong wind on Li Feng’s qigong wave instantly broke through Shalu’s sky-piercing cannon and swept towards Shalu!


Sha Lu couldn’t help but be surprised when he looked at the qigong wave that swept towards him, he knew how much power he had just used, but right now Li Feng’s qigong wave actually broke through his sky-piercing cannon!

Immediately, his hands were open, and a thick protective barrier appeared in front of him!


Powerful and domineering energy bombarded his barrier!


The next moment, a cracking voice came, and Shalu’s face was full of surprise and surprise!

The cracks in the barrier began to increase, and finally shattered directly!


The energy devoured Shalu’s figure fiercely!


A huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky!

“Was it successful?” At this moment, Sun Wuhan looked at the huge mushroom cloud, came to Li Feng’s side, and said.

“Sharu won’t die so easily! Cough…… Cough! ”

Li Feng gasped, the trick he had just developed was too physically exhausting!

At the moment, take out two fairy beans, one to Sun Wuhan, and one to eat yourself!

“Quack quack!”

The battle was swallowed, and all the physical strength that had just been consumed was made up for in an instant, and all the injuries on the body were healed!

He is not the Monkey King, he does not have the idea of fighting without eating fairy beans in order to fight fairly, and he will not give Shalu fairy beans! Even if he had Saiyan blood flowing in his body, he wouldn’t be stupid to that extent!

And the same is true of Son Gohan in this world, the earth has become what it is now, it is all caused by artificial humans, so he will not talk about any fair duels with artificial people!

After the two ate fairy beans, their physical condition reached the best, and coupled with the recovery from their injuries just now, their strength was once again improved at this moment!

“Drink… Yes! ”

The smoke and dust dispersed, Shalu seemed a little embarrassed, and the body that originally seemed indestructible also appeared a little scarred!

This is exactly what Li Feng’s tornado storm fist caused, the sharp qi of the wind, invincible, all-breakable, it is exactly this truth!

“Abominable Monkey King, you actually dare to make me like this! I can’t spare you! Drink! ”

Sha Lu was very angry, originally he thought that the invincible complete body was actually injured by Li Feng, how could this not be angry?

Immediately, Sharu was already in front of the two of them, and his hands hit the two with bursting energy bombs!


Two punches came out, and the explosion sounded in the sky!

However, the next moment, Shalu was shocked again, and his eyes were filled with boundless anger! His attack was caught by the two!


All three were shocked back a few feet away.

“How is that possible? The strength of the two of you has actually been boosted again! Also, how did you recover from your injuries? ”

A flurry of questions blurted out!

“Hmph! Sharu, your end has arrived! Li Feng didn’t answer Shalu’s question, and he didn’t want to explain so much to him!


The corner of Li Feng’s mouth cut an arc and rushed straight towards Shalu!

And Sun Gohan did not fall, in this future world, there is no martial dignity anymore, only killing the opponent is king!

The speed of both of them is very fast, and they are not weaker than Sharu at the moment!

“Bang bang!”

Dozens of punches were exchanged in an instant, and the powerful energy aftermath kept shaking out!

Li Feng and Sun Wuhan did not spare their hands, every blow went straight to the point, and every blow was blasted towards the mortal one!

But Shalu was more and more surprised, as the most powerful existence in the complete body, he actually had a humiliating feeling of being pressed and beaten at this moment! You know, he is Dr. Gro’s most powerful artificial human after computer analysis, gathering the advantages of many warriors, and he is actually beaten like this at this moment!

“Bang bang!”

The so-called two fists are difficult to fight with four hands, this is the truth, not to mention that Li Feng and Sun Wuhan have eaten fairy beans, and their bodies have reached the best state!

Shalu, who had some serious energy losses in front, gradually began to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of the two!

There are more and more injuries on his body, and he is more and more surprised, he can’t make his complete body really have to account for it here today!

When Sha Lu thought about it like this, he was already distracted, but he was seized by Sun Wuhan and Li Feng!


Shalu was directly hit by the simultaneous attack of the two, his face was bitter, and his body was like a flying bolide smashing into the ground!

“It’s time to fix him!”

“Ultimate Magic Flash!”

Sun Gohan drank loudly, burst out the power of his whole body, and used the ultimate magic flash, directly hitting the falling Sharu!

“Tornado Storm Fist!”

“Drink… Yes! ”

Li Feng also did not lag behind, his fists clenched, and the powerful and murderous aura gathered in his fists!


Two powerful and domineering qigong waves shot out from both fists and swept towards Shalu!

Neither of them is a martial idiot like Sun Wukong, and they both understand that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to themselves!

Three energy bombs directly enveloped the falling Shalu, and in an instant, several times higher than the previous bombing erupted!



In an instant, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, and five fingers could not be seen!

The powerful aftermath made Li Feng and Sun Wuhan cross their hands and protect them tightly, and their figures were almost unstable!


Another bombardment sounded, and Sharu in the smoke and dust was already flying with flesh and blood!

After a while, the smoke gradually cleared!

“Now, he shouldn’t be alive!” Son Gohan gasped and looked down and said.

Seeing this, please take the trouble to help order a collection, if there are still flowers, if you can, also help some, thank you!

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