Broly saw that Li Feng, who had just been beaten by him without the ability to fight back, actually caught his energy bomb at this moment, and he couldn’t help but be even more angry!


“Kaka… Lot! ”


The power in his hand strengthened again, and the energy once again pushed in the direction of Li Feng!

“What? Broly actually has more power! Li Feng was shocked, and the sleeve on his hand had been shaken into soot at this moment.

Li Feng’s whole body was bruised at this moment, looking at the energy bombs coming towards him, his face was slightly pale, but he was very resolute!

“I… I won’t lose to a mindless guy like you! ”


Li Feng exerted all the remaining strength of his body.


“Give me death! Broly! ”

This time, it was almost a move that Li Feng had used all his strength at the moment, with his endless anger!


The powerful energy was finally pushed back again, as if it was unstoppable.


Broly was directly wrapped in powerful energy and flew into the distance!


A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and Broly’s body was submerged in the explosion!


After Li Feng finished this trick, he lay down tiredly, and his body was also beginning to heal itself, which has to say that this Majin Buou’s anti-heavenly physique, not only can regenerate infinitely, but also can restore physical strength, although it is a little slower than Xian Dou, but this is a function that comes with it after all!

“Nope! There is no reason why Broly died like this! Li Feng felt that Broly’s breath did not disappear, and immediately, he took out a fairy bean and ate it, and in an instant, his physical strength returned to its peak.

At the moment, the situation is critical, he can’t wait to heal himself, although the speed of self-healing is also very fast, but what he needs now is moments!

“Huh? This gas! Li Feng looked at the smoke and dust in the sky, and saw the figure of that monster again!


In the smoke, the beast-like cry came, as if it made the heavens and the earth tremble, and Broly did not die, but became stronger than just now!




The entire planet trembled violently, as if it was about to explode, and in the smoke, thicker lightning swirled around, as if a demon was about to be born!

“Isn’t my physique comparable to Broly’s legendary Super Saiyan physique?” Li Feng couldn’t help but think of Kaier in Dragon Ball Super, with her legendary Super Saiyan physique, she was able to resist the existence of Sun Wukong’s Super Saiyan God Blue, then, the changes in Broly in front of him were also normal!

Although he only felt the collapse of the combat power inside when he watched Dragon Ball Super, but, anyway, the power of the legendary Super Saiyan was not covered! And Broly in front of him just lacks the right power to guide, otherwise, he is in danger today!



Broly’s every step made the earth tremble, as if he were the Doomsday Destroyer!

The momentum on his body is better than before at this moment, this is the legendary Super Saiyan, no need to cultivate, combat effectiveness can improve themselves every day, in the battle, will only fight stronger and stronger existence!

“Wind Extinguishing Sword!”

Li Feng drank loudly, and the air flow around him quickly gathered in his hand, forming a cyan air sword.

At this moment, he can no longer fight with Broly, otherwise with Broly’s physique, he will only get stronger and stronger, and he is a devil who only knows how to kill!

“Die! Kakarot! Broly’s terrifying eyes swept over Li Feng’s figure, and instantly hit like a rocket!

“Then let you see my Wind Extinguishing Sword!” A fine light flashed in Li Feng’s eyes, and he also rushed forward!

And Broly’s fist carried endless strength, as if everywhere the fist went, the air had solidified.

The cyan air sword in Li Feng’s hand gave people an all-encompassing feeling, meeting Broly’s terrifying punch!


The sound of a metal-like collision came, and the powerful shocking force actually made Li Feng a little unable to stand up.

In the past, the all-encompassing Wind Extinguishing Sword was unable to break through Broly’s defenses, but it was almost scattered.

Li Feng was secretly shocked, but he didn’t stop the air sword in his hand, and a sword slashed towards Broly’s body again.

Broly’s reaction was also very fast, and in the next instant, a punch came fiercely!




The two people didn’t know how many blows they collided, and the air they shook directly flattened the surrounding mountains.

And every time Li Feng hit the past, he felt that the bones in his body were about to fall apart, and although he was able to recover quickly, this pain was indescribable.

Broly, on the other hand, is different, he always seems to have endless strength, and the more he fights, the stronger he gets!

“This is a monster! Sure enough, the legendary Super Saiyan is not just talking, it’s really terrifying to fight! ”

Li Feng’s face was pale, he was surprised, but he also felt very hot, although he had been beaten and almost fell apart.

Another punch slammed in, hitting Li Feng’s chest, Li Feng only felt that the mouth of the tiger was shattered, and then a powerful force slammed him away!


Li Feng was smashed into the mountain, but before he could react, Broly’s figure had already appeared in front of him!

A heavy punch struck hard with supreme strength, and Li Feng didn’t have time to resist and hit his body again.


The entire hillside instantly turned into nothing, and Li Feng had already been beaten a few feet away, lying on the ground!

“Kaka… Lot! ”

“Kaka… Lot! ”


Broly roared, a gust of wind swept around, the earth cracked, and the evil aura enveloped the entire planet.

The fierce wind and thunder and lightning kept combining, and gradually, a super large energy bomb formed in the sky above Broly, as if it could destroy the entire universe with one blow!

Li Feng’s fingers moved, and he woke up from the blindfold, and a strong sense of crisis filled his nerves!

If this blow can’t hold up, he will definitely die! It’s just that he can’t even climb up now!

“Damn it!”

The powerful energy bomb instantly enveloped Li Feng’s body, and the endless air flow raged rampantly, as if it was going to tear him to pieces!


A huge mushroom cloud rose up into the sky, like an atomic bomb, and Li Feng’s figure was submerged in it.

In an instant, the entire land was filled with smoke and dust, and five fingers could not be seen!

Everyone, like this book, help with the collection and flowers, thank you for your support, I have the confidence to continue writing!

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