Originally, the battle between Lian Suo and Rael was incomprehensible, and there was even a feeling of indistinguishable up and down, but at this moment, Lian Suo had a feeling of dizziness, what was going on? You know, with the body of a Saiyan generally, there is no feeling of dizziness at all, how can this feeling breed at this moment?

And Rael saw that Lian Suo’s speed was significantly reduced, and even his eyes began to become confused, and he couldn’t help but cut an arc at the corner of his mouth, sure enough, did Lord Frost’s poison needle work? Well, Lian Suo is dead!

A heavy punch slammed into Lian Suo’s forehead, because he knew that Lian Suo couldn’t dodge his move, so Rael gathered the strength of his whole body to this punch!

“Bang!” An overwhelming punch hit Lian Suo’s face, and Lian Suo was directly knocked over, if under normal circumstances, Lian Suo, who was the captain of the Rase Defense Team, could be knocked over so easily?

And Rael was even more unforgiving, smashing on Lian Suo with one punch after another!


Lian Suo’s body was finally slammed into the air!

“Captain!” When Gabe saw this scene, he was about to fly towards Lian Suo, but Niu Kedo, who was fighting with him, did not give him this opportunity, and the strength in his hand suddenly increased, and one punch was heavier, and Gabe couldn’t pull away at all!

And some of the surrounding fighters wanted to rush over, but they were all shocked by Rael’s punch, in his eyes, today even Suo will definitely die!

And Rael’s eyes are full of excitement, the captain of the Rase Defense Team who upholds justice in the universe is about to die here!

An energy bomb in his hand gathered, full of explosiveness, and his eyes flashed with killing intent!

And Lian Suo also vaguely felt Rael’s powerful momentum, but the sense of powerlessness in his body simply made him unable to fight! It seems that the captain of the defense team is asking for it to hang here!


Energy bombs are overwhelming towards Lian Suo!

“Captain! Flash up! Gabe had been observing Lian Suo’s situation, but he had a powerful guy in his hand that made it difficult for him to get out, so he could only go hungry.

And at this moment, Frost, who was engaged in a “fierce” battle on the other side, saw this scene, and his face was full of conspiratorial smiles, and now Liansuo was finally going to die! The Rasse Defense Force will be his Frost’s world from now on!

Just when the energy bomb was about to hit Lian Suo’s body, a surprising scene happened, a black figure instantly appeared in front of the energy bomb, and he was about to shoot like a mosquito, directly scattering the energy bomb that Rael shot with all his strength!

“What? Who are you? Seeing that the person who came was able to scatter his Rael’s energy bomb so lightly, Rael was shocked.

“Hmph, it’s just that I can’t get used to you people who love to play tricks!” The black figure stepped forward and said.

And at this moment, seeing that Lian Suo was not dead, the people of the Lashe Defense Team were excited, looking at Li Feng was like seeing a savior, and for Frost, the scene he imagined did not appear, he was very angry, and finally had the opportunity to kill Lian Suo, so it was destroyed by this person who suddenly came?

“Then, you give me death!” Rael said cruelly, and then an energy bomb swept towards Li Feng.

“Hmph! Insect tricks! ”

Li Feng sneered, and a cyan flame of light was looming on his hand! The corners of the mouth cut an arc, and the person in front of you will surely die!


“Give me death!” Rael hit hard, he was going to kill this guy who was in the way, and then kill Lian Suo!

A roar resounded across the battlefield, but the imaginary picture of Li Feng being killed did not appear, on the contrary, Rael, who had just been invincible, was directly split in half!

“What?” This will be the turn of the side of the planet Gagdo to be shocked, Rael who is also a person whose strength is not much different from the captain of the Cosmic Rase Defense Team, was killed with such a sword!

“Abominable!” When Gus saw this scene, he was instantly furious, although the three of them were just Frost’s subordinates, but their feelings were still a little deep, and they directly ignored his “opponent” Frost and flew towards Li Feng!

“Drink!” Niu Keduo was originally extremely powerful, seeing his friend Rael being killed by this kid, where could he endure it, and directly shook Gabe with a punch and flew towards Li Feng, in his eyes, Li Feng had already committed a mortal crime!

And Frost also really wants to kill this guy who is in the way, but he is now ostensibly on the side of justice, so he can’t make a move, he just wants those two guys to kill Li Feng, and then do Liansuo.

“You actually killed Rael, unforgivable, meet my wrath!” Gus shouted, extremely fast, holding an energy bomb in his hand, and soon approached Li Feng!

And Niu Keduo was also a domineering energy bomb that was unparalleled in his eyes and blasted out fiercely, as if he wanted to say that Li Feng was torn to pieces!

“Two jumping beam clowns still have so much nonsense!” Li Feng looked at the two guys who were hitting him with disdain.

“Then let you taste my Wind Extinguishing Sword!” Li Feng said with a smile, like dealing with such a small role, he doesn’t even need half of his strength, after all, his current normal combat power has reached 100 million!

The cyan sword qi instantly slashed towards the energy bullets of the two, as if giving people an all-breakable domineering aura!

“What is this move? It feels so strong! Gabe, who had just been shocked, said with a glint in his eyes.

And Frost was also shocked, this kind of move can his two stupid subordinates parry?


The sword qi and energy bombs were combined, and the energy bullets were instantly torn apart by the powerful sword qi, and then swept towards Gus and Niukdo!


Gus and Newktor had incredulous expressions on their faces, and the bodies of the two people had been displaced up and down, and they were submerged in the explosion!


In an instant, the smoke and dust filled the sky, and the five fingers could not be seen, and the entire battlefield was filled with smoke and dust, and the enemy could not be seen, and he could only fight instinctively!

“Abominable! This guy is actually so strong! Frost said coldly to himself in the smoke.

You know, although those three guys are not very powerful, after all, they can do some shady things for themselves, but now that they have actually been killed by this guy, Frost has the feeling that he wants to rush up and kill Li Feng.

However, he is an ambassador of peace, and if he makes a move, his true face will inevitably be revealed to the world, so Frost’s eyes are full of anger!

Dear readers, please help order the collection and flowers, your support is the motivation for me to continue writing, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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