Li Feng looked back and saw a timid little girl standing behind him looking at him, it was Kaier who was rescued by Li Feng in front. At this moment, Kaier was looking at Li Feng with blazing eyes, looking forward to it!

This made Li Feng a little unnatural, but the other party was just a girl, and immediately, he shook his head and expelled the unnatural feeling from his brain!

“Kail, why aren’t you with them?” Li Feng asked with some doubt. Why is this little girl still here, shouldn’t she be with those Saiyans just now?

And just in front, after Li Feng rescued Kaier, Kaier followed here, hiding on the side to watch, and Li Feng’s strength is too strong, the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline wandering on her body makes her have an urge to yearn for the strong, so she saw that when Li Feng was ready to leave, she wanted to follow Li Feng to cultivate!

“I… I want to follow your big brother to cultivate! Kel said firmly. Li Feng not only rescued them earlier, but also actually eliminated the vicious cosmic robber just now, so, in Kaier’s heart, he unconsciously regarded Li Feng as a fighting hero, so it is normal to worship big heroes.

Li Feng was very surprised when he heard this, but considering Kaier’s identity, she was a legendary Super Saiyan in the sixth universe, wouldn’t it be better if she had such a powerful helper? It’s just that he is a member of another universe, and I don’t know if it will cause some butterfly effects!

However, at the moment, it feels nothing, wouldn’t it be better to have one more powerful combat power? Even if there is a butterfly effect, what are you afraid of? As long as the strength is strong enough, these are not to be feared!

“Good! OK! But I’m going to get out of here and go far away, can you? Li Feng asked, but there was no mention of Kaier’s family in Dragon Ball Super, so he didn’t know either.

“It’s okay! Just let me follow the big brother! I’m just me now, so it doesn’t matter where I go! Hearing Li Feng promise her, she was very excited. Anyway, in this world, she is already alone, so where can she go? Moreover, this time period is different from the time period of Dragon Ball Super, and she has not yet met Kalifra, so there is no place to let go of the planet Shadara.

“Good! But there may be harder training with me, do you know if you want to? Li Feng asked, of course, it was an unexpected gain to be able to receive Kaier! Although there was a feeling of abducting underage girls, he shook his head and drove this unrealistic idea out of his mind.

Kaier nodded firmly, indicating that she was not afraid of any hardship! More importantly, he can improve his strength, as well as with Li Feng!

Li Feng said: “Okay, you put your hand on my shoulder, let’s go!” ”

Immediately, Li Feng and Kaier disappeared in place.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the entire battlefield was in a mess, and Gabe and the others finally determined that Frost, the sinister guy, was dead, and began to clean the battlefield!

“Gabe! Did you see the benefactor who just killed Frost? Lian Suo came over with the help of the soldier and looked around, but he never found Li Feng again.

Gabei shook his head again and again and said, “The benefactor disappeared after killing Frost!” ”

For Li Feng, now they are only in awe, but they can’t see Li Feng, and they originally wanted to invite Li Feng to the planet Shadara as a guest.

And they didn’t believe Li Feng’s words before, but they had been deceived by the hypocrite of Frost, and after exposing Frost’s conspiracy, they were very guilty of Li Feng. I want to thank him well and apologize, but now it’s good, people have disappeared directly, where to find people?

And at this moment, a Saiyan ran over to Lian Suo and said, “Report captain!” The Saiyans who were captured by the Saiyans before have been found, and they were also rescued by the benefactor just now! ”

“What?” Even Suo and Gabe were shocked, but they didn’t expect that this benefactor helped them repeatedly, but they didn’t leave a name, and the people disappeared, this is really one in heaven and one on earth compared to Frost’s hypocrite!

And at the moment, Boomer’s spaceship!

Boomer was bored, at that time before, because there was a battle, Li Feng did not let her follow, so, at this moment, her spaceship was stopping in the distance.

“I already knew that I followed Li Feng, I don’t know if that guy is on his way back now!” Boomer said to himself.

At this moment, only a “bang” was heard, and the figures of Li Feng and Kaier appeared in the spaceship!

“Huh? Li Feng, are you finally back? Hey? Who is this girl? Boomer saw the timid Kaier behind Li Feng and asked, with some faint dissatisfaction in his tone, as if he wanted Li Feng to explain it all.

“She, her name is Kaier, she is a Saiyan from the sixth universe, she wants to follow me to cultivate!” Li Feng touched his head and said a little unnaturally, for fear that Boomer would be jealous!

“Huh? Is this really the case? Boomer asked with some doubt, obviously not believing enough!

“Sister Boomer, hello, my name is Kaier, I insist on cultivating with my big brother, don’t blame him!” Kaier walked out from behind Li Feng and said timidly.

“I really don’t understand, you are such a little girl who is afraid of life actually wants to follow Li Feng to cultivate, but it’s okay, I don’t blame him!” Boomer said with a smile.

“I’m very optimistic about this little sister, you can just call me sister in the future!” Boomer took Kaier’s hand and said with a smile.

Hearing Boomer’s promise, Kaier was also happy, originally thought that she would object, but did not expect to agree, and was so good to her! In his heart, he secretly regarded Li Feng and Boomer as his brothers and sisters.

“Yes! Sister! Kel’s eyes were full of excitement.

After that, the three did not stop in the sixth universe, and soon began to return, after all, Li Feng and Boomer came out at about the same time, it was time to go back!

And the uneasiness from Li Feng’s hidden study continued recently, but he just couldn’t figure out which link was wrong, and Li Feng didn’t take it seriously, but his intuition told him that he had to improve his strength now!

As everyone knows, a huge catastrophe is threatening the earth.

Dear readers, please help order the collection and flowers, your support is the motivation for me to continue writing, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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