The death of No. 19 did not have much impact on Dr. Gro, and in his eyes, his secret weapon was the artificial humans in the two dormant warehouses in front of him.

I saw that in front of him, there were two sleeping capsules, the whole was white, and on the top of the sleeping capsule, there was a round glass, through the round glass, you could see the situation.

On one side was a handsome black-haired boy, while the other was a beautiful girl with a cold look and lying there calmly. These two people are the 17th and 18th.

“Although your power is terrifying, even to the point that I can’t control it, fortunately, the emergency stop device has been made, and now it’s time for you to wake up!” Dr. Groh looked at the artificial human in the dormant in front of him and said to himself.

“Wh-” Dr. Groh pulled off the branch on the side, and in an instant, the two sleeping pods suddenly opened, emitting a thick white smoke, and the lid slowly opened, and at the same time, the teenager and girl lying in it also opened their eyes.

“Hey! Good morning, Doctor! The 17th woke up and saw Dr. Gro and said hello.

No. 18, on the other hand, stretched out, as if he had slept for a long time, rubbed his eyes and said, “Slept too long.” I haven’t been out for an event for a long time! ”

Dr. Gro looked at the two artificial humans who seemed to be a little uncontrollable, and said, “I didn’t let you two wake up to play, but to let you kill the Monkey King!” At the moment he is at the base! ”

“Oh? Doctor? Are you ordering us? No. 17 frowned, and said a little unhappy.

Cyborg 18 and Cyborg 17 are twin siblings, originally ordinary earthlings, but were captured by Dr. Gro, a scientist of the Red Ribbon Legion, and transformed into artificial humans, so their attitude towards Dr. Gro is no better.

“Of course, I am the doctor who turned you into artificial humans, it can be said that I gave you a second life, of course you have to listen to me!” Dr. Gro said with some hatred that iron is not steel, these two guys are not better than the previous No. 19, it is difficult to control!

“What if we don’t?” No. 18 said coldly, for her, the most annoying thing is the person who dictates to her!

“Hahaha! You can’t help it, do you see this device? As soon as I press this device, you two will stop working and fall back into a deep sleep! Dr. Groh held something similar to a remote control device, looked at No. 17 and No. 18, and smiled sinisterly.

How could he not be prepared for an artificial human that he could not control?

“Good! We listen to you! No. 17 gestured to No. 18 and said.

No. 18 also immediately noticed and nodded, you know, she doesn’t want to fall into a deep sleep anymore, or stabilize this guy first!

Dr. Gro was very satisfied with the performance of the two, and immediately said: “Go, kill the Monkey King!” ”


And at this moment, the door behind him was instantly kicked and shattered!

“Monkey King!”

Dr. Gro looked at the person who came, gritted his teeth and said, when the enemy really meets, his eyes are red!

“Number 17, kill him for me!” Dr. Gro pointed at Li Feng and said.

No. 17 nodded and said with a smile: “You are Sun Wukong? It seems that the strength is not very good! I’ll send you to hell! ”

“I’m not the Monkey King, but if you think so. I’m too lazy to explain either!! Li Feng waved his hand helplessly and said, this is also a matter of no way, who let him look exactly like Sun Wukong?

“If you have a hard mouth, I won’t recognize you?” Dr. Gro thought that Sun Wukong was afraid and did not dare to admit that he was Sun Wukong.


No. 17 instantly burst into momentum, looking at Li Feng, his eyes were full of killing intent! Although he doesn’t like to be called on, he has no choice compared to freedom!

No. 18, on the other hand, is playfully wrapped around his hands and watching.

The speed of No. 17 was very fast, and in an instant, a punch slammed into Li Feng’s face.


There was a sound of collision, and I saw that Li Feng actually lightly grabbed No. 17’s fist, as if this punch could not enter Li Feng’s eyes at all!

“How… How can it be? “No. 17 is very shocked, you know, the punch just now even he himself did not dare to be so understated, and Li Feng actually did it, what does this mean?

Immediately, Li Feng directly kicked No. 17, and No. 17’s body was instantly kicked and smashed on the surrounding instruments!


“Nope! How can it be? “Dr. Gro is also shocked, you know, this No. 17 and No. 18 are his most proud works, and their strength is also the strongest, and they were actually caught like this?

“On the 18th, you go together!” Dr. Gro shouted at the moment, he just wanted to let the “Monkey King” die! This hatred cannot be solved without death!

No. 18 nodded and immediately attacked towards Li Feng!


A punch blasted out, and it was also instantly grabbed by Li Feng’s fist!

Li Feng grinned and said, “What a beautiful No. 18!” ”

Looking at Li Feng’s smile, No. 18 couldn’t help but blush, and said with disgust: “You satyr, let me go!” ”

“Let go of my sister!”

At this time, No. 17 had already climbed up, and seeing that this guy actually dared to slight his sister, he couldn’t help but be angry!


Directly attacked towards Li Feng again!

And Li Feng faced the two artificial people, his face did not change color, and immediately grabbed No. 18’s hand and threw it to the side, and the other punch met No. 17!


The 17th was shot away again, but at this moment, Li Feng has become a Super Saiyan full power state, even if a few more artificial people come, he is not afraid at all!

“How… How is it possible, you know, my artificial human is the most perfect artificial person! Dr. Gero was shocked, he didn’t expect that the artificial humans he painstakingly made were not Li Feng’s opponents!

“What’s the noise, the verbosity is dead!” Li Feng couldn’t listen to Dr. Geluo’s words anymore, and he shouted nonsense at the moment.

“What? You…”

Before Dr. Groh finished speaking, his expression was already frozen.

I saw that like the 19th, a fist had already pierced his body!

“Sorry, I don’t talk to dead people very much!” Li Feng grinned, and the voice reached Dr. Gro’s ears like a demon, but I don’t know if Dr. Gro can hear it at this moment!

Dr. Groh is dead!

Everyone, help with the collection and flowers, thank you!

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