Kaier looked at Shalu, who was full of firepower, not only was not afraid, but showed a very excited expression.

The warlike nature of the Saiyans on her body made her feel her blood boiling, her eyes were full of fighting intent, and her hands were clenched into fists, hoping that Shalu’s strength would make her more excited!

Shalu’s eyes narrowed, his figure instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment, he appeared in front of Kaier and slammed a heavy punch towards her face.

Kaier’s pupils shrank, her reaction speed was very fast, and she was ready at the moment of Sharu’s punch.

With a “bang”, the two fists collided together, like Mars hitting the earth, and in an instant, the ground below them was cracked.

Under one punch of the two, they actually reached the point of not being up and down.

“It’s so powerful, can it be said that Shalu has not used his full strength before? It can actually be on par with Kaier! Klin said in shock, but in this way, it is very unscientific, can it be said that Kyle did not use his full strength?

And Li Feng has not shown a worried expression, he believes in Kaier very much, after all, he is the legendary Super Saiyan, you must know that when he fought with Broly before, it was difficult to compete with him with Super Saiyan Two.

Now Sharu and Kel are on par? It’s just that Kaier didn’t use his full strength!

The two were fast and quickly collided with hundreds of punches. The air around them was whistling, as if it would explode the next moment.

It’s just that at this time, Sharu is already gasping for air, his physical strength has been consumed a lot, but Kaier still looks understated, although the attacks of the two seem indiscriminate on the surface!


With a loud noise, the figures of the two instantly opened the distance.


Kaier roared, the momentum on her body was like a beast of the Flood Barrens, arrogant, the arrogance on her body was even more open and clawed, her eyes were full of bloodthirsty, and she did not put Sharu in her eyes.

“If your strength is only like this, then you can die!”

Kaier smiled coldly, her figure instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared in front of Sharu, and a heavy punch hit Shalu’s stomach.


Shalu’s face turned pale, and in an instant his body was hit into the sky, and immediately, Kaier gathered into a huge energy bomb and chased after him!

The energy bombs instantly flooded Shalu, and Kaier used the prince’s battle method, and dozens or even hundreds of energy bombs all burst out!



The place where the sky Sharu was located was instantly swept by smoke and dust, and it was no longer visible what was happening inside, and it was exactly what the five fingers said.

Is Shalu really dead? The smoke and dust dispersed, and there was nothing in the entire air, as if Sharu had evaporated.

Just when everyone thought that Sharu was dead.


A very uncomfortable aura swept from the air in an instant, and everyone looked at it, Shalu was not dead, only to see that his golden aura was even more arrogant at this time, and the lightning flashed around him from time to time.

“How is this possible? Shalu is not dead after being hit by such a big explosion of energy, is this guy a monster? Yamucha said tremblingly.

Vic was also shocked, but he didn’t expect that the talent of their Nami Nemesis for rebirth of severed limbs was vividly displayed on Sharu at the moment, as long as the core part was not damaged, then they would not die, and they could also be reborn and restored by severed limbs.

“Kakarot! Shalu’s state is very similar to the state of our Super Saiyan II, can it be said that he has broken through that level? Vegeta looked at Shalu’s state and said to Monkey King.

Sun Wukong also nodded, this state is accompanied by lightning, and this momentum is indeed very similar to their Super Saiyan second stage, and even stronger than the Super Saiyan II who broke through for the first time! Of course, for Monkey King and Vegeta, who have long reached Super Saiyan II, this strength is not worth mentioning at all, but it is just a surprise.

“Damn guys! Unexpectedly, I am not dead yet! On the contrary, my strength has improved even more, this is all thanks to you, so damn woman! You give me death! Shalu said very arrogantly, he now experienced what is called the feeling of coming back from the dead, and the sense of superiority brought by strong strength.

Of course, Kaier’s face did not show fear at all, she still looked at Sharu playfully, knowing that she had not fully used the power of the legendary Super Saiyan.

Kel was very fast, instantly reached the front of the killing, and punched away. Only heard a “bang”, the corner of the killing mouth cut an arc, actually blocked Kel’s punch, and then Shalu instantly kicked Kel’s body, and Kel was instantly knocked away.

Of course, Shalu would not miss this opportunity, and immediately followed hundreds of energy bombs, swept away, only to hear the sound of “boom, boom”, and Kaier’s body was directly drowned by the explosion.

Shalu said excitedly: “I didn’t expect it! Just let this guy you were still arrogant, and at this moment he finally died in my Shalu’s hands! ”

Shalu was very arrogant, he thought that Kaier would definitely die in his move, after all, the power he had just broken through, he himself was shocked!


Only the next moment, Sharu began to panic, the smoke and dust cleared, and Kaier seemed to be unscathed!

Kaier roared, and the overwhelming terrifying aura all erupted, this crushing breath seemed as if she was the most powerful person in heaven and earth, as if the entire earth was shaking, the wind swept in, and the golden aura rose up into the sky!

“Shalu, your end has come!” Kai said lightly, only to see her big hand, and countless air currents swept in, forming a cyan air sword. This was exactly the Wind Extinguishing Sword she learned from Li Feng!

Seeing this, Shalu felt countless killings and did not dare to relax his vigilance. Hands in a classic pose and shouted loudly

“Carme……… Carme! ”


This is exactly the hundredfold turtle faction qigong wave improved by Shalu, and one blow is enough to turn the entire earth into ashes, but Kaier not only was not afraid, but coldly raised the cyan qi sword and aimed at the huge turtle faction qigong wave.

The corners of the mouth rose slightly, as if the prey had nowhere to go!

The cyan air sword slashed fiercely, only to hear a “boom”, and the energy of the hundredfold turtle faction qigong wave was instantly slashed by the cyan air sword, like a wave, flowing to both sides.

At this time, the cyan air sword did not stop and swept towards Shalu.

Dear readers, help to collect and flowers, because these two days are busy rushing home, still on the way, so there will be less, please understand, when I get home, update well.

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