Sidu, Cliffs’ household.

A little girl who looks like Boomer is like a big sister, very spirited, I saw her purple hair, wearing pink clothes and pants, at a young age, she already has an indescribable heroic sass, she is Li Feng and Boomer’s daughter – Li Bura.

On the side, there was a little girl with golden hair slightly smaller than Bra, she opened her eyes and looked at Bra expectantly, her name was Li Buya, Li Feng and the daughter of No. 18.

The other is a little Shota, his sky-piercing hairstyle is very similar to Vegeta, he is the son of Vegeta and Tais – Yaron! Get is the name of the Saiyan! Although he is a little arrogant, he is obedient to the big sister of Bra.

Bra inherited Boomer’s temper and was a little witch, as if she had become the eldest sister of the three.

“Sister, what are we going to do today?” Buya said to Bra immaturely, and Yaron, the son of Vegeta next to him, also echoed.

“Hmm… Let’s go find Aunt Keier! Bra’s eyes lit up and said, she heard that Aunt Kaier was a legendary Super Saiyan or something, she had long wanted to see it!

In the large courtyard, Kaier, who was dressed in black, looked at the three little children in amazement and said, “So, you want to challenge me?” ”

Bra said confidently: “Of course, I heard that your sister-in-law is a legendary Super Saiyan, and the three of us want to see it!” ”

Yalong and Buja nodded along, both looking at Kaier expectantly.

“You three little ones, don’t joke, you know, I’m busy!” Kaier waved her hand helplessly and said, she wouldn’t think that the three little furry children who had not dried up would really challenge her!

“Sister-in-law, is this looking down on me?” Bra said with his hands folded, looking very confident, very smart at a young age.

“Huh? You little guy, you actually say such adult words! “Kaier is a little surprised, this Bra is really a big ghost!

“What about this?”

“Drink……… Yes! ”

A furious momentum instantly rose into the sky, and Bra had turned into a blonde super Saiyan state at this moment, with golden arrogance dancing claws, tigers and tigers!

“How… How can it be? “Kaier is shocked, you know, Bra is less than ten years old, he can actually become a Super Saiyan? Even if it were her, the legendary Super Saiyan couldn’t transform before she was ten years old!

At this moment, Vegeta, who was cultivating in the gravity cultivation room, suddenly felt this breath and instantly appeared next to everyone.

The scene in front of him stunned him, Bra had actually turned into a Super Saiyan!


Yaron was very happy to see Vegeta come out, you know, Vegeta was bent on cultivation, but he didn’t play with him much!

“Bra! You can actually become a Super Saiyan? ”

Vegeta was shocked, you know, how hard they worked to become a Super Saiyan in the first place, and Bra was just a child under ten years old, and he was able to reach this point!

“Uncle Vegeta, what’s so strange about this, Buya, Yaron, you two also give me a transformation!” One of the fans laughed, as if very proud!

“Drink……… Whoosh! Buya’s childish voice came, but a shocking scene appeared, and under the powerful momentum, she directly turned into a blonde super saiyan!

“Good! I’ll come too! Drink! ”

Yaron drank loudly and also turned into a blonde Super Saiyan!

“This… Are you really children? Kaier said in surprise, I am afraid that only these three little furry children can surprise the legendary Super Saiyan!

“Legendary warrior, when did Super Saiyan become so worthless?” Vegeta was full of shock, how much effort he had worked to transform into a Super Saiyan before, and now the three little furry children could easily complete the transformation of a Super Saiyan, so what would be the face of him, a Saiyan prince?

Even if Yaron is his son and can now become a Super Saiyan, he is still surprised, angry, and does not know where the anger comes from, he is like this!

“How? Sister-in-law, can you accept our challenge now? Bra said confidently.

Kaier grinned and said, “In that case, let’s play with you!” ”

Li Feng is not here now, he is still working in the Realm King God Realm, and Kaier is also bored in addition to classes, just playing with these new-generation Super Saiyans!

Kaier didn’t have to turn into the legendary Super Saiyan, and the three little fart children turned into Super Saiyans are not her opponents, after all, the normal combat power of the three of them is also there, and Kaier is a legendary warrior who meets once in a thousand years!

Vegeta also began to clasp his hands, he wanted to see what the combat power of these three little guys had reached, in addition, how has the strength of this Kel, the legendary Super Saiyan, become in the past five years?

“Good! Let’s go! ”

Bra shouted loudly, only to see her golden arrogance bloom and rush towards Kaier.

Buja and Yaron followed!




Kaier’s speed was also very fast, and she took the attack of the three, and she looked at ease!

It is worthy of being the legendary Super Saiyan, facing three Super Saiyan, he didn’t even use his transformation, and took it lightly.

Vegeta was also a little shocked, although the three are all little guys, but three have become super Saiyan, the combat power is at least about 100 million, Kyle can actually not change the situation, fight with three people at the same time, if he transforms, then he will have it!

The attacks of the three little guys are airtight and cooperate very tacitly, but they can’t break through Kaier’s defense!

“Break it for me!”

Kaier drank loudly, and a powerful energy centered on Kaier burst out, and almost at the same time, the three little guys were violently shaken apart.

“Abominable! Is it worthy of being a sister-in-law? It’s actually so strong! Bra said a little unwillingly, but the strength of the people was in front of her, so she couldn’t believe it.

In addition, she is just a child after all, although she loves to fight, but she is far from reaching the point of Sun Wukong and others, and she has dispersed in Super Saiyan form at the moment.


A round of applause came, followed by a familiar voice!

“Good! Not bad! I didn’t expect you three little guys to be so powerful now! ”

Bra and the others looked towards the source of the sound, wasn’t it Li Feng?


Bra and Buya instantly threw themselves into Li Feng’s arms!

Thank you for your help with the collection and free flowers!

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